A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1266: Scarecrow

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"Little eight!"

Green's call to talent for the time and space of Xiao Ba was blocked by a layer of the big world, and the little one screamed, as if he had been hit into a dizzy look.

"Mom, Green Beast, how do you run to a higher material seal space?"

Xiao Ba eats a painful sigh. Obviously, this iron-and-blood cage trial field is a very high seal for Green at this time. Even the talents of time and space between Xiao Ba and Green are also separated.

Green wants to ask something about Xiao Ba, but he can't answer at all. Obviously, at this time, he can only make some simple communication in the small eight aspects, and this guy did not answer the answer that Green is most eager to know.

That is the real material world, how much time has passed!

The three Suihua division scarecrows were actually insensitive to Green's move, and the other straw man with a string of keys on his neck had a hoarse laugh.

“Hey, here is the trial field built by the Jagged River civilization for the captives. The adult elite iron warriors will conduct the adult ceremony every ten years, and your deep illusory communication will be blocked by the iron and blood canopy here. After all, This is the Tiehe River civilization, with the most proud iron and blood technology, specially created the world of trials."

Said, this husky and laughter of the scarecrow quickly gloomy, the two souls of the two souls, staring at Green.

"Why can't you sense the biological atmosphere, you can drift from the deep illusory time and space to the shallow space and time, and there is no damage, you can't be as weak as this."

The Scarecrow's expression was fickle, and it was difficult for Green to adapt to it.

"Iron Blood Cage Trial Field? The Battle of the Three-Party World Community Civilization!"

Green's face changed, originally thought that he was summoned to the Suihua Division world community by the Suihua Division, but did not think that the exhibition was far from Green's expectation, and it was actually summoned by the three scorpio teachers to the cage of the Jagged River civilization.

These three bastards!

Green couldn't help but scream. Things are a bit overwhelming.

According to Green, in the battle of the wizarding civilization, through the sputum division that was smashed into the radiant world by the space-based scorpion guns, the Suihua division was civilized, but it was in the midst of a war with the Jagged River and the Brood!

The intensity of the war between the three parties. Even the civilized war between the Green Wizards Alliance and the Metal Destroyer!

Sinking, Green did not show panic, and quickly judged his situation.

At this moment, the general situation of himself is converted according to the Wizarding League, and it should be in the Abyss Corner. Become a special slave who has not yet been identified. If it is done indiscriminately, I am afraid that it will cause some very serious consequences immediately.

Although it is impossible to carry out an accurate assessment of the strength of the three sputum divisions, at the level of life, in any case, it has not reached the level of the world.

It seems that this iron-and-mortem cage trial site is indeed likely to be said to the three suihua divisions, the place where the Jagged River civilization carried out the adult warrior ceremony.

Find the way back to the wizarding world!

Then, your first step plan is to try to understand the characteristics and relationships between the three parties from this trial field.

Take your own strength at this time. Forcing violence to break the **** of this world is nothing, but if it really provokes the hostility of the entire civilization, it is almost a deadly life.

Therefore, it is necessary to use skillful means to secretly confirm which of the Jagged River civilization, the Broodel Civilization, and the Suihua Division civilization are more suitable as a breakthrough and cooperate.

There is no doubt that the three sinisters in front of him are the first to try to understand.

However, as a breakthrough, it is now within the community of the Jagged River Civilization World. Green is naturally more inclined to the Iron Star River civilization, if successful, will be less trouble.

"The war here..."


Suddenly, the scarecrow with a scarlet scarf looked up. Mumbled.

The three colors of the green light looked over and saw the iron curtains on the sky. A huge metal cage was slid by a parachute, which was difficult to count and slowly floated down.

The three-color diaphragm keeps moving, and the eagle eye narrows the field of view. The world instantly turns into a black and white dotted line structure, and the line of sight keeps moving through the metal cages one after another to collect data information.

After all, it is a world where one side can't see the end. At this moment, Green collects the metal cage of data and information. It is about a thousand, and it is nothing in the whole world.

Among the many cages, about one-third of the metal cages are trapped in the scarecrow scorpion, and a coma is waiting to be awakened.

Another third is full of all kinds of pattern beetles, but in the detection of Green's truth, these beetles will be connected, which is actually the will of life, similar to the king of snowworms. presence.

In the remaining one-third of the cage, there are various biological forms, elemental life, flesh and blood, and no rules.

"What do you call, what ability, just follow us when you want to live."

The Scarecrow, who has never spoken, seems to be the head of the three Scarecrows. Unlike the other two Scarecrows, the straw that keeps creeping is a bit sallow. It seems that this represents some special nature of the Suihua division civilization.

"Destroy the wizard, good at insight and hidden sneak attack, strong physical."

Green's answer seems to be in the expectation of the three sluts. The four of them will try their best to reduce their breath to the limit, while walking in this damp and lush rainforest, rushing to a metal cage closest to several people. .

The sinister who wore a scarlet scarf introduced Xiaosha in the process of going forward: "The name is just the title here, I am a **** hand, he is a virtual door, and he is now you."

The Scarecrow, who was wearing a chain of keys on his neck, said, then pointed to the Scarecrow with straw and yellow.

"Our boss is foggy. She has gone through seven trials of iron and blood cages and successfully killed two iron-and-blood trials. I want to follow him when I want to live."

The three scarecrows will soon surround the metal cage with a length of more than ten meters. www.novelmtl.com~ The tip of the finger ignites a gray flame, depicting a mysterious rune in the air around the cage, with the wizard rune Very different.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light swayed and snarled: "There are a group of black beetles that are waking up, constantly waking up, and beginning to gather together."

The three straw smashers smashed, and then they were able to draw mysterious runes with a faster degree. After each of these green bonfire runes was successfully drawn, it disappeared in midair.

"You go."

The three men also closed their hands. It seems that after the trap layout has been completed, the blood hand turned and said to Green.

Without speaking, Green "Oh," a metal cage was opened, and tens of thousands of worms gathered together. Green was prepared and lightly retired.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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