A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1267: Landing (澜兮大盟)

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"It is a black inkworm mother."

For a moment, the **** hand sighed, and the straw wowed "wow", and even spit out a white smoke to cover it. The unknown mysterious power shrouded the insect monster.

"Destroy the wizard, it seems that your perception is good, hehe."

In the series of keys in front of the virtual door neck, one of the handles floated, and summoned the virtual shadow of a giant black crow's head. Then the entire black crow's skull was completely blurred, but only a **** eye gave off a scarlet light. Shining behind the virtual door, it is not known.

The last fog, a wave of sickle in the hand, the three smashers inscribed in the short time before the imaginary thousands of sacred runes, at this moment to show up, "call", the insects ignited dark green flame.

Soon, this so-called insect mother was solved by three Suihua division scarecrows.

Green stared at the will of the will to build the body of the insect, about the same as the three-level life, can not help but think of some past events.

During the apprenticeship of the wizard, Green used the Venus fragrance to obtain a magical scorpion.

This is the first willingness of Green to contact.

During the trial of the newcomer, Green relied on the body of a large number of wizard apprentices who were hunted by the ghosts, and cultivated the magical scorpion. Under the will of a large number of worms, the original magical scorpion, which had a negligible power, immediately possessed the wizard apprentice. The level of power, although still easily killed by the Son of the Sun, also blocked a lot of flame burning power for Green.

The snow worm king, which is sealed in the world of the soul, is also the will of the large number of snow worms.

The so-called will life is often made up of hard to count weak and small living bodies. After relying on the power of assembly to kill more powerful living bodies, they will receive supplements from each other's nourishment and nourish all weak and small living bodies. Constantly evolving.

After no threat, the will buildup will be redistributed. Survive as a life of many individuals.

This is a kind of evolutionary way of sharing benefits. The evolution of some wizards is also based on this. It is very magical, such as free dandelion and nemesis.

It seems that this mother-in-law civilization should be a civilized world that combines this will to the limit of life evolution!

First of all, after understanding the Suihua division civilization and the mother nest civilization, the basic picture is understood. Green couldn't help but start looking forward to the emergence of the Jagged River civilization.

If this intelligent civilization has the potential for cooperation, since Green is now in the community of the Iron Star River, it is bound to first try to communicate with this civilization.

As the sacred sorcerer, the vast majority of the coordinates that Green had contacted were the internal coordinates of the community of the Wizarding Alliance. Tangmen's drug tyrants domineering baby in the world: slamming my mommy

The long empty sky is vast and innocent.

A world community is far away from a world community, with incredible scales of empty storms and incredible empty lifes that are larger than several large worlds. This space jumps across the world community, looking for a return to the wizarding world. The road can only be followed by those world communities that dominate the guides around the vast territory. Then through various clues, try to find the community of the world where the Wizards Alliance is located.

"Yes, annihilate the wizard. It seems that your insight can really help us a lot."

It’s awkward!

The lightning in the sky was passing by, and it flashed away, illuminating the iron curtain, and the four men stepped on the muddy land of the forest.

Oh la la...

The sound of the waterfall, the people looked at a metal cage hanging on the cliff, the huge sliding parachute did not know what the material was made, it was constantly dissolved, and the metal cage was already wide open, the creature inside was gone. trace.

"It jumped. It should be a flying creature with a toe and a weight of about 750 kilograms."

Said. Green came to the edge of the cliff and stretched out his fingers to wipe a little of the remaining liquid. After sniffing and sniffing, he said: "It’s a female creature... well? It seems to be in the gestation period."

From the tip of Green's finger, a little residual liquid was wiped, and the virtual door "咻咻" sinful evil smile.

"You and these flesh-and-blood creatures are both troublesome and weak, and you don't know how many mothers died during this period."

Saying, the blood hand put his fingers in his mouth, and then the straw man's chest squirmed, and a straw weaving creature appeared in its hands.


This kind of curse is similar to some cursed witchcraft in the wizarding world. Green used to perform such cursed witchcraft during the trial of the wizard apprentice.

"Oh," the straw bird swelled in blue smoke. After a while, it seemed to have lost its effectiveness. It was reintegrated into a large straw and incorporated into the arm of the Scarecrow.

"Let's go, it was cursed by my falling head, although the warriors won't kill the pregnant females, but the mothers who are eager to build nests will not let such fresh ingredients."

Green wondered: "Is there any benefit to doing this?"

"You will know tomorrow morning."

The blood hand painted several stylized runes on the ground with a green flame, which was incorporated into the mud and sand, and should be some kind of mark.

On the contrary, it was the most silent fog, and suddenly explained to Green. For you to pour the love of the world

"The elders of the Jagged River civilization, on the other hand, monitor the number of living bodies in the cage, and use us to promote those adult iron warriors to swordsmen and iron warriors. If the number of prey in the iron cage is enough, those adult irons that are put in The warriors will be endless, so if you don't want to face the endless giant rites of the iron warriors, try to solve some of the prey yourself."


At this moment, a volcano in the distance suddenly erupted, and the four looked at the past. Even if they were far apart, they still felt the earth-shattering flame element fluctuations.

"There is a flame-killing demon. The adult iron-blooded warrior who can kill it will be awarded the title of Iron-Blood Hunter. It will pass the stage of scars and blood, and every time before the trial, the enchanted cockroaches will eat as far as possible. ”

Big Green was shocked to hear the explanation of the fog.

Looking through the three-color light, Green can clearly perceive that there is a world-class fire elemental creature, but it has become an adult trial object of a group of three-level iron warriors?

Moreover, from the perspective of the remote sensing, in this vast world, far more than this Lord of the evil world, there should be a considerable number of powerful creatures.

But then again, when you are an adult, you have three levels of biological strength. This age of iron and blood and civilization is equal to the prehistoric barbarian giant of the wizarding world.


There was a mountain slip across the cliff, a lot of mud and vegetation, and I could hear the humming sound of the storm. In the dark, I don’t know how many kills occurred. The creatures thrown down in the metal cage are dying out each other. .

"Hide it up, it will be dawn soon, the trial is about to begin, I hope we will be lucky enough this time."

The fog looked at the sky with a slight whiteness~www.novelmtl.com~

"How long has your war been going?"

Green finally asked the most important question.

"Oh, it should be more than a century. Anyway, it has been a long time."

The virtual door sighed.

When I heard this, Greene breathed a sigh of relief, only a multi-century.

During the Battle of the Wizarding Alliance and the Metal Destroyer Civilization, when the Suihua Division communicated with Green, the battle between the Suihua Division, the Jagged River, and the Broodel Civilization had been going on for a long time.

It’s only now that there is more than one era. It seems that in the five eras of the Digestive Esophagus, it is likely that it will be only a very short period of time in the real world.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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