A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1265: Iron cage

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A few days later.

After turning the ancient city of the sky a little, Green urged the demon, and couldn't wait to come to the famous time of the core, the most precious legacy of the light of hope, and the root of the hope of the second-generation esophagus.

Time flies, you can only play in one creature for a lifetime.

When Green saw this time, he was shocked by the mysterious power and unique shape of the above, and he couldn't help but recall the distant period. He was still a time when the Wizarding School was ignorant of the lush years.


At that time, Green entered the Black Sota Sorcerer Academy for the first two years, because he went all out to study the knowledge of "Hunting and Scent Map", and delayed the opportunity to learn low-level witchcraft, facing the cruel newcomer trial. The danger of being eliminated.

That night, the Bloodsail Alliance party, everyone is comforting Green.

Lafite pursuer Amiida, once in the sea, did not know which corner looked up at Green. At that time, he even thought of Green as a winner, criticizing others for constant comfort. Green must keep on The image of the loser, smiling and trying to keep a smile, seems to sincerely thank everyone for their sympathy.

That night, everything deeply hurt Green's heart.

On the night of Binghamson, he spoke a comforting message that made Green unforgettable. Green, who was bored by Green, was touched by Green.

At this time, this huge time in front of him is actually the infinite magnified body of the moon clock that Binghamson's wife Robin can summon.

"Master Green, please don't forget that only when you want the origin of the scepter coordinate to be in the eternal mechanical clock, you can summon the hope that the castle will come to the world with enough sand!"

White fat radish demon said.


Such a vast amount of sand of time is by no means Green can make up in the short term.

"Secondary esophagus. Goodbye..."

Green said, looking forward to the whirlpool of time and space in the height of nearly a thousand meters, resolutely stepping into it!

With a sense of squeezing from all directions, an unspeakable squeezing force. The surrounding light guides are fading, as if the lift is climbing.

Unspeakable twist!

If it is said that going from reality to illusion is to actively jump into the quicksand trap, then attempting to escape from the illusion is to climb up from the quicksand trap, it is difficult to climb the sky.

"Damn. Hey..."

The low boring 呻+吟 is not only a disorder of time, but also extremely chaotic in space.

However, as the surrounding twisted streamer traces back to the time of the spotlight, gradually began to send the small eight "嘎嘎嘎嘎" smirk will, so that the sense of confusion in time and space turned out to be being flattened by a time node.

That is the time node of the wizarding world.


"Here, fast, I have reached a living body in the shallow time, just pull it up. See if there is any special ability, hehe."

Like a boat sailing in the waves of horror, Green was locked in an excited moment by the light of the shallow light, and the willpower was not strong, but Green had a very familiar feeling.

Yep! ?

this is……

Then, in the turbulent time and space where Green had nowhere to struggle, more than a dozen green rice ears stretched out from a space that was distorted in time and space, pulling Green.

Suihua division!

Green has completely affirmed his own judgment.

The endless world is too vast and innocent. Even though there are more than a dozen civilizations that Green has now touched and heard, God knows how many unknown world communities there will be, and how many communities have not been born out of the world. Or is being exhibited in its own unique way.

If one is returning to the real world in the world of Suihua Division, a six-level sputum teacher once appeared in the world of chaotic worlds, the world’s peaks, and the six peaks of power. Find ways to go home by all means!

Thinking like this, Green also extinguished the attempt to resist the soul of the Almighty. Let the mysterious power of these green straws lead themselves and drift toward the weak points of time and space.

Suihua division, to summon the powerful civilization that manipulates mysterious power?


"Oh, come, I’m coming out soon."

"It's a flesh-and-blood creature. Although it doesn't feel its strength, it must be a lost body from a deeper illusion. Maybe it can help us."

"This time we are really lucky."

Three dark green scarecrows stood around a translucent tree, and the translucent trunks were interlaced with light and shadow, which turned out to be a picture of Green being caught by a few straws.

It’s a shame to say that it’s a straw.

Suddenly, the entire translucent tree was submerged by the green flame, burning and forming a green flame vortex. The three scarecrows were more excited, and the fire of the emerald soul looked forward to gaze.

"It is!"

Along with the voice of a scarecrow, the green flame vortex is being swayed by the violent space energy and the energy of many unknown illusory worlds.


As the energy elements of the material world are neutralized with these illusory phenomena, within a range of more than a thousand meters, it seems to have been swept away by a layer of devastating energy, which has turned into fly ash, and the three scarecrows have been prepared for this.

"Sui Huashi, have I come to the Suihua Division world community?"

Aside from the three-color glare, Green looked straight at the three scarecrows who stared at themselves, but in general, the sinisters who appeared in the war with the wizarding civilization, because these sinisters used the power of communication mystery as a means of warfare, it is difficult to judge them. The biological level, the strength attack degree evaluation does not make any sense to them.

Green's sudden will communication made the three scarecrows horrified and unbelievable.

This creature that has been picked up from the illusion of the hidden layer ~www.novelmtl.com~ actually knows the civilization of Suihua division?

Sitting upright from the ashes, I felt the incredible oppressive power in all directions, as if the whole world was oppressing myself. This is an extremely powerful medium-sized world that can create an absolutely oppressive world for one's own strength.

"No, you are not in the world of the Suihua Division."

After the three scarecrows glanced at each other, one of the scorpions with scarlet and blood-stained scarves on their necks replied to Green, hoarsely: "This is the World of the Iron and Blood River, the Iron and Blood Cage Trial."


The low and **** voice in the communication of the will, this sinister teacher is saying, suddenly, in the overcast sky, after a flash of lightning, the iron curtains that look at the margins are reflected!

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

Ps: Card to burst!

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