A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1264: Ancient ruins

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咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

I hope that the work is heavy and clumsy.

There are not many delicate and exquisite crafts, some are only the most primitive balance crafts in the material world, with absolute precious material materials as war confrontation, with the harshest environment and the most difficult conditions as the bottom line, emphasizing practicality and stability, not metal War art of the Destroyer Civilization.

The empty hall stood with two queen-level mechanical cymbals.

They all use humans as models to design them. However, at this time, it is obvious that they have exhausted their energy, and they have no ability to fight. The years have passed, and they have already been petrified, standing like a statue.

"Sure enough, it was the design of the ancient wizard."

Green muttered, bent a little, and concealed the magic array into the magic under his feet.

The sound of "嗡", the magic of the entire hall is bright, layer by layer of magic runes densely arranged, centered on the origin of Green's station, and time, forming a huge six-star magic circle.


In the magic array, gradually turned out a radish-shaped light and shadow elf, white and fat, with a pair of big eyes looking at Green, seems to confirm Green's identity.

"The certification is successful. Welcome to the city of Hope Castle Sky, the respected new owner, I am a demon, how do you want the demon to call you?"

The white radish opened its wings and was just a light and shadow, flying around Green.

"Master Green."

Green has been able to see through the three-color light, the essence of the three-color elf of this demon, is the city heart of this ancient sky city, it does not exist in itself, but here is the magical array everywhere. The light and shadow pattern that came out.

And just the magic array for their own scans, mostly focused on the scepter and the hope of the blood in their own body.

It seems that I guessed it right, this trait of the city of the sky. It should be the contract between the ancient wizard and the light of hope, and the equivalent of the sacrifice.

"Hey, Master Green, welcome you to be the new new owner of this Hope Castle. In the years before you. The castle has broken into 12 powerful invaders, 11 of which have left and returned from time. In the world of Hengguang Yin material, one in the sky of the sky, trying to control the city of the sky. But it was bound by the seals set by the ancient wizards, and was trapped in the time wheel."

The white radish smiled so happy that it seemed to say a trivial thing.

Green will hope that after the scepter's income gap, he will hear that there are three groups of ascending initiates who have opened up hope, and another person is trapped in the core of the Sky City, and can not help but reveal the color of surprise.

"Take me to the time wheel."

"Okay, Master Green please come with me."

The demon said, gently rubbing a thick metal wall, as the magical rune above the wall stretched out, like a sly. The next moment, the entire wall became a strip-shaped metal structure, interspersed as a Rubik's cube, followed by another, more open hall in front of Green's eyes.

"Dream gold."

Green whispered softly.

"Master Green, this is the reserve room of the squadron designed by the ancient wizards. However, because of the war of the ancients, all the war shackles in the reserve room have been consumed. Through this battle hall, it is the hub of the sky city."

The demon is carrying the road in front, and the empty hall can not see the end. On the ground is a metal close to white ceramics, which surprised Green, a high-level wizard with considerable knowledge of alchemy.

Although modern wizards have opened up some areas of wizarding knowledge, there have been many ancient wizards. This is the fall of the era exhibition, but in terms of the field of alchemy, it seems that the ancient wizards are stronger than the modern wizards.

Could it be said that after the Battle of the Ancients, many of the alchemy knowledge of the Sky City mechanical wizards was broken?

Also, after the War of the Ancients, the ancient wizards united all the remnants of the sky. With the emergence of the eternal sky city civilization, there are many sorcerers who are dying and the omnipotent soul will be completely dissipated.

Since then, the Wizarding World has never seen a new city of the sky. Obviously, some of the accomplishments of the City of the Sky have been completely lost after the Battle of the Ancients.

After walking for a while, the two came to the front of a thick metal wall again.

"Master Green, please provide the necessary energy for this, because the history of the magical array here is too long, lost energy supplement, can not play."

In the same way, after Green entered his own magic into this wall, a large number of magic runes were illuminated by Green's majestic magic.

The demon once again opened this dreamy gold wall, an equally empty hall, but there was only a huge door frame of 100 meters high.

"Oh? Is this the portal of the ancient wizard?"

After Greenfly flew, the three-color gaze gaze, and after a few moments of surprise observation, he shook his head with a sigh: "It is only the most primitive time and space folding application, the energy loss should be more than ten times that of the modern wizard relying on the fate lever rule. And there is a limit to the maximum distance."

"Master Green, through here, we can easily reach any place in this city of the sky, in addition to the area, the 92nd district, the 93rd district, the city of the sky is destroyed by the magical array of energy, the independent emergency guard soldiers After the consumption is completed, the invaders will be destroyed in a large area, and the light of hope inside will be left behind and stolen."


Slightly regrettable, the inheritance of the light of hope does not seem to be just the blood of self-consolidation.

After entering the magic power, Green stepped into the portal, and as the violent space squeezed and stretched, a squat in front of him came out from a thick wall.

"Well? This life is wrecked, think about it is the matrix creator? The inner magical array of the Sky City is exhausted, and it has the most direct relationship with it. However, after all, it still died in the seal of the ancient wizards, it is still too Look at the wisdom of the ancient wizards."

A dry, green worm with folds of skin with two metalized antennae on the top of the head, no longer know how many years have been trapped here.

However, the magical array designed by the ancient wizards for the invaders is still because of the energy absorbed by the city of the sky in the secondary esophagus, waving its rough, ugly, but absolutely practical basic function.

This big green worm should be a soft creature before life. As an absolute six-level peak, the designer of the matrix and matrix hub, its wisdom and strength, may be enough to match the Green at this time, even more!

At this time, even if it is already dead, it still floats in midair without any weight.

Underneath its corpse, the dreamy Jinjing floor, which is several meters thick, was eroded by a circle in the seal array. Through the hole, the internal mechanical operation space of the city of the sky was vaguely seen.

A light arm of at least several hundred thousand meters rotates at a frequency of one round per minute. This frequency is completely similar to the time scale of the eternal mechanical clock of the Wizarding World.

"It came here for the purpose of trying to master the city of the sky through the core of energy?"

Green looked at the demon, and asked strangely.

The demon thought about it.

“Here is the peak art of the ancient wizards calculating the flow of time. The whole city of Hope Castle Sky is covered by dream gold. It is used for the break between the reality and the illusion. It has a wonderful connection with the timeless mechanical clock. Maybe... ..."

The whole sky city reality and the vain shuttle!

Green was unbelievable, stunned and almost exclaimed.

It has long been recognized by Green that the knowledge of modern wizards has accumulated, and the ancient wizards who have inevitably become more comprehensive can actually be such a place!

In comparison, what is the figure of the sacred statue of the plane monitor is not worth mentioning!

Also, Antonio, and so on, but there is a gap in the dimension!

It seems that although the modern wizards have been more comprehensive in the direction of the popular knowledge popularization exhibition ~www.novelmtl.com~, the ancient wizards are not as much as Green once thought, and are inferior to the modern wizards.

Because many ancient wizards have passed on their knowledge, they have been completely lost after the defeat of the War of the Ancients...

Through the hidden relics of the dark tower of the Black Sota, through this city of the sky, Green has been able to blur the feelings, and the ancient wizarding world that can be worshipped by the ancient wizards in the Wizarding World has inevitably had its glory days, that is A dark and prosperous period that emphasizes practicality and accumulation of resources to create miracles.

"It wants to find the call coordinates of the eternal mechanical clock of the Wizarding World from here, but unfortunately, I hope that the scepter is not in the eternal mechanical clock of the wizarding world, it failed."

This guy, is it that after trying to return to his own civilization through time, the invasion of the ancient wizarding world is not possible! ?

Geniuses often die on their own madness.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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