A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1245: Impermanence (the blade master!)

Green is not eager to pick up the ascender to challenge, quietly waiting in the distance. ?Hunting?

Looking at the three ascending descendants besides the magic doll, they never stop in the challenge again and again, constantly bursting out the amazing will and potential of fighting, as well as the hidden horrible explosion, and the three colors are beating.

Although there are only four ascending people in the gathering place of hope, the degree of strength is already the absolute top biological level of the secondary esophagus!

"If you can stay for another one or two eras, increase the force of the elements of more than 500,000 degrees, and then complete the transformation of the human body in the genetic field of life, and break through the passive evolutionary constraints of the body. Take this as an enemy. so what?"

With one enemy three, defeating the other three ascending initiates, in the hope that the scepter will summon the hope, this is Green's last retreat.

However, there is still a glimmer of hope in Green's heart. If it is possible to open the hope of the four people and avoid the possible conflict, it is also a better choice.


Because of the long-term stay in the gates of the door, Green did not accept too many sacrifices, and he was able to stand up to the life of the illusion of illusion, and Green could still wait.

Different from other living things.

Green's fit annihilation increases, and the power of annihilation creates an increase in strength. The weak is almost negligible. In the future, the infinite increase is limited to the length of life. Thus, the bigger the extension of Green's stay in the sacred sorcerer, the longer it will fit. The more Green is able to get a higher increase.

Otherwise, once promoted to the true spirit wizard, the spirit will be permanently solidified to 1o24, the natural phenomenon will end, and the rule will sublimate the soul of the Almighty. Green will also end the way of annihilation and the end of the power of annihilation.

In this way, Green's forward-thinking wisdom, in order not to regret the impulse at this time in the future, must be the best to succumb to the limit!

In this case, the sacrifice of the sacrifice in the secondary esophagus. It also became the source of strength in Green's eyes.

It is precisely because of this that Green has left the door of the door without the name of hope. If this extremely strong growth potential can be refined, maybe there is a possibility of more people. Become a king of the purgatory giant Aba Dang ranks.

Through the eyes of the 13th phase of the truth, Green clearly judges the years that the nameless experience, but it is only two and a half years, compared to the real old monsters in the secondary esophagus, even even Green. It is also far from good.

A first-line opportunity.

Green, the magic doll, the namelessness that can grow up, plus a strong man who is at least the peak of the paper people, should have a chance!

Of course, this is just Green's departure from reality.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer challengers.

Even those exiled who are eager to find out that they are willing to fight back and fight for the last time are all real strong, but they are also the strongmen who are on the verge of soul collapse, trying to break away from the illusory world and return to the material world. Get the first line of life that is promoted to endless dominance.

Booming rumbling...

The aftermath is also easily more than a million degrees, the magic doll first solved the battle, and the body shape flashed across from Green.

"You are finally back, annihilating the wizard."

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light, all-round collection of magic doll data, the most obvious data is that its destruction part of the diffusion area is larger, followed by its years and rings, so that Green can not fully evaluate, and even Green Ability to evaluate the annual rings of the Gemini Star for more than a dozen years!

Could it be said that this magic doll has gone far beyond a dozen years?

This guy. What is the monster!

"I can escape from the gap of the dimension and come here. I naturally have to escape this Yuanji Era and return to the Wizarding World."

The magic doll looked up and looked at the sky. After feeling the advancing of the dimension gap rule, it is already possible to feel the hope of the hope that these gray and foggy rules are disturbed.

After a short moment, the magic doll turned his head and looked back. He said: "There is almost over there. Paper people, fire poisonous, impermanence, which one are you going to replace?"

The three-coloured light of the green color flashed and said the name that made the magic doll incomprehensible.

"The impermanence is strange."


Looking at the fire scorpion still fighting, and the paper people who are coming, the impermanence blame, the devil doll is low: "Whether it is paper people or fire poison, it is a better choice."

The magic doll added: "The paper people will soon be digested here. According to my estimation, our strength is far from enough to upgrade, and the lack of fire is the most pure violence. In comparison, the impermanence is hidden. The deepest, it has a stronger force in the body."

"Because this is a stronger force that makes me unable to see through! I want to see... is he the abyss of the abyss!"

Green's voice is cold, let the magic doll glimpse, I don't know Green.

call out! call out!

Paper people, impermanence blame flying over, and even can not help but a little relieved, in accordance with normal judgment, Green is such a powerful challenge to ascend, will inevitably choose to replace the weakest.

Fortunately, the fire poison is fighting against an elemental life, which limits its strength and continues to fight.

"The impermanence, the annihilation of the wizard chooses to confront you, you can choose to give up."

However, the magic doll suddenly said this to the paper man who had just arrived, and the impermanence blame, so that the two could not help but be unbelievable.

In the body of the milky jelly state, occasionally protruding scarlet tentacles, these milky white semi-solid, semi-liquid things, like a protective layer, protect the internal flesh and blood, but also isolate the perception of Green's truth.

Such a thing, so that Green has a kind of eight-level creatures that escape punishment, the feeling of self-sealing protective film is also true, Green suspects that this creature is likely to contain a magical tire, is a deep magic The family's so-called deceitful fat body is the advance army of the Abyss of the Abyss World sent to the Dimensional Esophagus!

"Let's get started."

The light is dark and staggered, and the green sky rises, and the violent and high-frequency shocks are unscrupulously released. Under this magnificent and powerful, the paper people and the magic dolls around the impermanence are fleeting, leaving the impermanence By the side, Green may burst the scope of terrorist attacks at any time.

call out!

The impermanence blame has no stage of power storage. A blush tentacle ignores the space barrier and suddenly appears in front of Green. The target points directly to the head under the face of Green Truth.

Among the many challenges that were previously blameless, half of them were like this, a hit!


With the help of the **** of Green, the tentacles were pinched by the truth, and the limit was allowed. In the three-color glory of Green's truth, nothing worked.

Then, Green's two fingers, "噼里啪啦" annihilation of the arc flashed, under the fine manipulation of Green as if the sharpest blade, the tentacles easily cut off, leaving a lively tentacle tentacles.


Ps: fifth more!

Warmly celebrate the coming of the "League of the Wizards", and become the eighth ally, warm applause, look up!

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the ninth degree slows down the ally, and the younger brother of the book idiot joins, commonly known as Meng Meng ......

Keke, joking.

Thank you for your support. The "Sorcerer's Journey" has been the top 30 of the monthly ticket list this month. One is not a boutique, and it is rare. The Egret is full of embarrassment on the one hand, but it is not easy to say. +Sense.

Oh, it’s not the psychological distortion of the egrets, because the egrets feel the power of the **** fan readers, and the two thousand subscriptions can be top ten!

So, the egret wants to make bad, oh, oh...

Egret decided to go to the top ten in the monthly ticket list in May~www.novelmtl.com~ Now we must organize everyone in advance to support the Egret's friends. This month, we will prepare the monthly guarantee ticket, and after 12 o'clock on the evening of April 30, that is In the early morning of May 1st, then everyone will vote for the monthly vote, I will burst in the early morning, scare my Qingmang editor, give him a surprise.

If I get good grades, I will send him a text message the next morning, even if it is only a second, it is also happy. Hahaha, I also gave a little cheer to the starting point of the fantasy column. I always said that the fantasy is falling and no one is watching. As a fantasy, I have to spread a little light and heat, and struggle!

There are friends who support the egrets, and they are willing to make bad friends together. You can add the "Sorcerer's Journey" book group: 367, 4o6, 598, the egret is the administrator of the eight lords, that is, the little eight, when you organize everyone to make a bad , hehe.

The lords try to be the starting point for the Id, so that the Egret can see it. If there is no lord, try to change it into a favorite character or a self-made character. The group hierarchy is also very interesting. There is also a group of old drivers who cough and cough.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone to subscribe to support, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, rewards and support, after receiving a full set of egrets on the light of the blue sky!

Continue to the code word. (To be continued.)

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