A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1246: Abyss

Above the tentacles, a trace of insignificant magic is scattered. ??????猎文???????????????


The three-color ray confirms the moment of this abyss, and Green seems to be provoked by the angry blast of the body, although it is far from the first time to see the magic feather phoenix after the promotion of the holy mark wizard, but that Deep into the bone marrow, unforgettable, and into the deepest hatred of the soul, but still the first time to let Green completely fall into the cold and cold.

The enemy of the wizard!

The ancient wizards' hatred of the incomparable ancient demon is integrated into the deepest part of each soul cell of the descendants of the sorcerer. Once they encounter the inferior demon of the inferior ancient demon, they will be listed as the enemy of the wizard. There is no reason, no reason, no strength. Going to eradicate.

So, Green moved.

In the hands of the extreme abyss magic wand suddenly waved, earth-shattering roaring roar, impermanence strange feeling the sky overwhelming pressure, it is difficult to confront the defense, with its amazing degree escape.


The small-scale clustering property is extremely deep and cold, and the surface of the sacral bone is frozen in an instant. The ice spreads to the bottom of the earth. The blue chill is like a steam rising, and in the air, the cockroaches and the cockroaches are constantly exploding. Ice flower.

The impermanence of escaping Green's blow is obviously shocked by the level of ice cream!

In the recent induction, the power of frost is only a sequel to the real power attack. Under this complete control of the sorcerer's own power, the power ripple is not even vented, and it is taken back by it. Terrible.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Seeing the impermanence blame from the milky white jelly sticking out three tentacles, the air is flashing and slashing a triangle of black cracks, from which there are tens of thousands of fist-sized global objects.

Then, these unknown little **** were activated by the impermanence of the impermanence. In an instant, they rushed toward the high-altitude Green like a cannonball. The sound of the air broke out and spread out.

These **** are like a single egg. The non-stop “咕” and “咕” are squirming, and the interior seems to be in an extremely unstable state, and there are so many numbers of energy reactions that have been slightly reddish in the green tri-color diaphragm. Even for Green at this time, there is a certain threat.

If it is for other six creatures, such a powerful attack, I am afraid that it is already a life and death card, but for this time Green sees these. But I don't care.

Hundreds of thousands of meters of light and dark intertwined and distort the center of Hongwei, Green's empty left hand opened, suddenly pressed down.

"Repulsive force."

Time is changing, the situation is changing!

Under the undulating repulsion of this majestic repulsion, the eggs that rushed toward the center of the light and dark twists in the midair, as if they were in the quagmire, became slower and slower.

Even if you try your best to squirm, it is difficult to get in.

With the final silence of Green, the light in all directions was dark, and the outstretched left hand "嘭", "嘭", "嘭" appeared a lot of scales. Suddenly, these eggs have been subjected to a stronger repulsion recoil, and they have fallen to the ground faster.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The endless explosions were actually transmitted from the bottom of the earth's bones. The bones flew in the sky, and the deep and dense ashes floated in the air. In an instant, the vast expanse of the earth was flooded by dust within hundreds of thousands of meters.

However, these line-of-sight interferences are not worth mentioning for many ascending initiates.

A tens of thousands of meters of five-finger palm prints, clearly branded in the sky under the dark mysterious black hole, above the cheekbones.

The eggs are pressed into the ground by a strong repulsion. These sacral dusts are nothing but an explosion outside the palm print. The tens of meters of palm prints in the center of the green repulsion of the eggs, have been misfiring. Become a dead egg.

Between the hands raised, it is so powerful, destroying the earth.


In the distance, I finally managed to beat the last powerful opponent to defeat the poisonous scorpion. I just came to the magic doll and the paper people, and I saw this scene. Can not help but instinctively sucking a cold breath, the body's dark red flame also shrunk for a moment.

“It’s completely one-sided crushing, no wonder this guy will be sealed into the gap!”

The fire scorpion turned out that Green was "sealed" into the gap of the original, all thanks to Green's power to destroy the earth.

"The impermanence of the impermanence is really ridiculous under this overwhelming power, and there is no chance of winning."

The paper man also muttered to himself, and at the same time he constantly estimated that if he confronted the annihilation wizard at this time, he could have some chance of winning. However, the answer was full of blanks. It seems that the soul will actively reject and Destroy the stupid thoughts of the wizard's confrontation.

Because this is undoubtedly in the dead!

"However, if the impermanence can release the hidden power in the body, it may be more appropriate."

The same as the ascending person, who has been in contact for more than 10,000 years, the other three people can clearly perceive a stronger power fluctuation in the impermanence of the impermanence. Although it is still less than a positive confrontation than the annihilation of the wizard at the moment, at least it is no longer like this. As usual, there is almost no room for resistance.

The magic doll did not speak, watching the air in silence, and the source of the darkness of the vast sky.


Tens of thousands of meters in the center of the palm of the hand, an octopus that seems to be stuffed in a glass bottle, because the protective layer of milky white jelly is crushed by this horrible blow, this whole body of reddish soft creatures is expanding, getting bigger and bigger, and a few breathing rooms It was restored into a hundred-meter octopus giant full of suckers.

Although, this is already its full control of its bloated volume.

"Destroy the wizard, I admit defeat."

The giant octopus blame, the magical lingering, and the former magic feather phoenix does not have any difference, the most intuitive and clear understanding of the huge gap between the two, even took the initiative to admit defeat.

After all, for these abyssal predecessors, although they are already strong, they are still too weak compared to the millions of years of mutant monsters born in a strange world of some world communities.

The true top abyss of the demon, how can those ancestors be willing to send to the secondary esophagus, a dangerous place full of uncertain factors?

"Put in the loss? It seems that you are still lacking in the cognition of the magic feather phoenix. Isn't the history of the wizards circulated in the abyss world? But... every day, every moment, every wizard, the wizard world, I want to break into your abyss world and hang your bones and shackles at the summit of the Witch Tower, as the glory of eternal life!"

Green was roaring low, his voice filled with indescribable temper, and some cold.

"Reassured, I will leave your complete body made of specimens, just like the magic feather phoenix ~www.novelmtl.com~ magic feather phoenix? Wizard world?

There are too many abyss in the abyss world to send to the second esophagus, but most of them have been divided into different time because of the time difference, and they have been digested by the secondary esophagus in the long years, so it has not heard. Pass the body of the magic feather phoenix.

As for the wizarding world?

Sadly, the Wizarding World regards the Abyssal World as the eternal enemy because the Wizarding World as a loser always has more memorable memories.

Relatively speaking, no matter how fierce the war of the ancients, most of the abyss of the victors will not go to the archaeologists who have lost to the abyss world, because the world of the abyss defeats the assimilated world. There are too many.

Like most modern wizards, it is difficult to tell the alienated nightmare civilization that the ancient wizarding world faced.

Although, that is also a terrible victory, victory is a victory.

Only those who fail will hate and desire. (To be continued.)

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