A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1244: Cinderella (The Bladekeeper!)

Absurd and unreasonable. Hunting????????

That is the boundary between the endless world sub-dimension dimension and the higher latitude dimension. It is like the last layer of dimension dimension. Unless it has the soul of dominance, any low-level creature will be completely affected by its unreasonable rules, and become higher. Subordinates in illusion.

The more it is the endless world system, there is no balance.

Above the gray clouds, a majestic white-bearded old man appeared, and a gorgeous young man.

The white-bearded old man glared at the gemstone scepter, with a golden crown, a pair of sapphire lights overlooking the vast white bones of the secondary esophagus. The exiles among the many fears, after nodding their heads, said to the young people around them: Then children, who do you want to marry, as your wife?"

The young people are very excited!

"Father, I want to be like you, great, fraternal, not loved, with my intellectual mind and courage to build a more powerful empire, to achieve supreme glory! So in addition to those Cinderella, all other women, I will come back as my wife, let them give my empire more children, create a new nation, and fight for my glory!"

The young prince is full of ambition and longing, and the king is very satisfied.

"Hahaha, okay, then how do you tell who among these girls is Cinderella, who is not Cinderella?"

The prince showed his cold eyes and looked at the many exiles on the ground, sneer.

"These golden high-heeled shoes are the evidence that the Peace Pigeon gave me a distinction to Cinderella. Anyone who can't wear her must be a good Cinderella! They sleep on the ashes every day, eat the rest, and wear sly clothes. In order to temper one's own life, it is the best girl! Once I marry them as wives, they will continue to induce me to fall in love with them with their own beauty and wisdom. Thus let me walk towards compassion, compassion and tolerance. Fall, I will never agree, I want to defeat the enemy, I must defeat myself first!"

Green looked up at the sky.

Although I know this matrix arrangement at the foot. The resulting dimensional gap phenomenon will automatically filter out a large number of weak people by a large number of exiles due to the rules of the esophagus, leaving only a small number of rules-recognized strong, and Green may not be a member of the weak anyway. .

But this kind of dimensional gap that is not affected by its own power system is really terrible.

The most hateful thing is. Green and all the exiles around him have all appeared again in the phenomenon of the dimensional gap between the beautiful girls, and deprived of the system of all powers in the system of balance rules of the endless world dimension dimension.

Absurd and strange, the wizard's reason is almost to let Green collapse here, so that Green, who tries to think hard about these dimensional clues, is extremely chaotic and a mess.

The king laughed and said three times "good" and seemed to be very satisfied with his prince.

"Come. Come and catch these girls, Cinderella, who can't wear golden high heels, is kept here. If you can wear them, bring them all back and give your prince a wife."

Said Wan, the king and the prince did not return from the gray mist.

At the same time, hundreds of soldiers wearing metal armor rushed out of the gray mist, and all the exiles here were affected by the dimensional gap, all of them became the little girl with no force. To escape. But they were caught by the soldiers and forced everyone to wear the pair of golden high heels.


Green, who was also treated like this, took off his shoes that were regularized by the dimensional gap in a ferocious soldier's forcing.

It was not just Green. Even the soldiers who caught the gap in Green’s dimensions were stunned.

"So big!?"

Green's foot is regularized by the dimension gap, almost one meter in length, just like a monster. However, this dimension gap soldier is just amazed, no other anomalies.

This time, Green does not have to try the pair of high heels. The gap between the soldiers and the soldiers looked at Green, disgusting.

"The disgusting Cinderella, sleeping on the ashes, eating the rest of the food, wearing the sloppy clothes, honing himself, and thinking about marrying the prince, you don't want to be delusional again! The great Prince has only war in his heart. And glory, will never be confused by your full and beautiful Cinderella, especially you, using others ten times, hundreds of times hard to temper their Cinderella, I will never allow you to step closer to the prince!"

Saying, the soldiers in this dimension gaped Green.

Green's head is exploding. This time gap phenomenon, whether it is rational judgment or behavior, is really grotesque. What a rule world!

What happened to Antonio in the gap between the dimensions? In the deepest gap between the dimensions of the little eight belly, Antonio left his own letter of wisdom that pinned the page of fate. What do you want to tell yourself?

After a while, a large number of "girls" screamed and were taken away by the soldiers of these dimensions, and the ones left behind were undoubtedly selected by the dimension gap rules, and the strongest of the esophageal exiles. It is the Cinderella who is eager to hone her own feet.

The gray sky is calm and the gap between the dimensions disappears.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Gradually, everyone recovered from the image of each girl and gasped. Obviously, they were scared by the absurd and incomprehensible phenomenon of the dimensional gap. Those exiles who gathered together did not have any resistance. The phenomenon was taken away.


After Greene breathed out his chest, he calmed his mood and, together with many exiles, began to look for the trail of the four ascending descendants.

Due to the relationship between the soldiers in the previous dimension gap, everyone has already made a mess and is not in the same place.

However, in general, the ascendant often does not need to say much, and the look and feel of the examiner has been able to tell all the exiles, their own ascendant identity ~www.novelmtl.com~ bang! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Sure enough, immediately after the hope that the gathering place began to explode a violent wave of energy, with such clear guidance, no need to say more, only the remaining 20 or 30 exiles gathered in the past four energy bursts. .

"Oh... really powerful!"

At this time, Green, relying on the face of truth, has been able to more clearly and intuitively feel the horror and power of the magic doll, which is what is the terrible life of the rule world!

As for the other three promoters.

The power of the paper man has declined, apparently because its soul has begun to languish, but the power still makes Green extremely jealous.

A fire and poisonous element is more than a scorpion creature, and it is quite restrained for some passive evolutionary flesh and blood.

Another creature that combines flesh and blood is wrapped in a group of white jelly. The face of the early Green truth is like a fog of fog, which is not clear. (To be continued.)

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