A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1243: digestion

Light and dark, followed by the hope of the body to guide the scepter, Green came to this piece of the bones that look no different. ?????????猎文?????????

"Still still sleeping?"

Although there have been a few scattered figures on the cheekbones, there are no upgraders who are familiar with Green. It is obviously just a challenger who came to wait for the challenge rally to start early. There are a total of seven people. The number is not too much. It looks like time. Still early.

The arrival of Greene caught a few people's attention, and the undisguised power fluctuations were too arrogant.

"Well... then wait."

Muttering to himself, Green actually sat down in this place, and fell into a deep sleep in a state close to meditation.

In the long time, Green has done all the experiments that can be done in his knowledge reserve, except for the opening of the seventh layer of wild instinct ancestors of the spoon of life, and the experiment that some minor esophagus can not provide the necessary resources. Everything else has reached the limits of Green's personal.

The study of the key to life, Green's progress requires some time to screen and cultivate specimens, and it is not a short-term diligence to complete.

His own state of sleeplessness like a passive evolutionary creature was once unimaginable in Green.

Facts have also proved that this is the process of being digested by the endless world. It is irreversible and cannot be evaded. Even if it is gained more, if it is impossible to leave here, it will eventually be the ancient treasure in the eyes of future generations. It is meaningless.


The hope is that the gathering place is not big.

Because it is not like the door that runs through, there are hundreds and thousands of exiles gathering for a long time. Here, only once every thousand years, the conventions have become a gathering, and the four ascending people have been stationed for a long time, waiting for the emergence of stronger people to replace the rise. The weak among the prostitutes opens the door to hope.

On this day, the gathering time once every thousand years is coming again.

"Well... another thousand years have passed. I hope there will be some surprises this time."

The fire scorpion woke up from the slumber, and felt the overwhelming boring, tired, desperate in the first time. It was a dark future that could not escape the digestive fate of the secondary esophagus. Sometimes I really want to sleep forever. . Never have to face this cruel reality anymore.

However, this idea has only passed by.

How can the real strongman be weak!

The sound of "噗", the energy of the poisonous scorpion element turned into a dark red smog from the deep underground, and floated along the gap between the sacral bones, gradually gathering into a multi-footed image of more than ten meters. The dark red element is a pair of dark green flame scorpions that appear as the last ascendant.

"Hey, the number of challengers seems to be a lot less than in previous years. I hope that I won’t wake up again."

The fire scorpion looked around a little, only less than two hundred different poses of challengers, and then suddenly appeared, the paper people around him did not respond to themselves, this is really strange, compared to the magic doll and impermanence. Paper people should be the mildest of the four ascending initiates.

Looking down in the past, the one-meter-high paper man who is surrounded by chromatic paper shards is staring in the other direction, staring at the magic doll, impermanence, and so on!

"Well? That is..."

The fire scorpion looked in that direction, even though there were more than 20 different forms of exiles, many of which were over a few hundred meters in size, and the eclipse in the digestive tract was too bloated, but still blocked. Can not live the mysterious figure of the light and dark gathering.

Even if its energy state is in the most stable and gradual sleep state, it is still like a volcano that can be sprayed at any time. Fire poisoning has no doubt that this horrible guy will explode the energy of destroying the world in the next moment!

"He is finally back..."

The paper man muttered to himself, letting the fire poisonous sigh of breath and stunned: "Who is he? The energy response is so strong. These exiles are by his side, like the candlelight under the scorching sun, no wonder this time gathered. The exiles who were less than half in the past were afraid that the existence of this guy’s power would have been scared away."

"I am not an opponent."

The impermanence of seldom talking, after the words of fire poison. Suddenly said.

It is as white as milk, showing a jelly-like unstable form, soft-skinned, more than a dozen blush tentacles sticking out from the milky white body, floating in the air, not knowing what the impermanence of the impermanence is.

"A few eras ago, when the two ascending men around me and the magic doll were two other people, they should be the ascending descendants of your upper generation. They are the Guzi and the four-armed blade warriors. And this self-proclaimed annihilation The mysterious existence of the sorcerer escaped from the gap of the dimension when igniting the chaos of the dimension gap. At that time, his breath was not strong, and he did not challenge the intention of the ascender. He left the gathering place and did not expect it. ......"

After a pause, the paper man was shocked and excited. "For more than 40,000 years, I didn't expect him to really come back, and he has such a powerful force! I finally insisted on this moment, there is him and the magic doll. This time we have the hope of ascending!"

The soul of the paper man has begun to show a state of wilting, and at most he persisted for a thousand or two years.

Dimension gap!

Hope for the promotion!

Hearing that the annihilation of the sorcerer appeared from the gap of the dimension, the poisonous scorpion and the impermanence of the impermanence suddenly stunned. As the gathering place of the hope of priming the gap phenomenon every thousand years, the two are naturally familiar with the absurdity. Bizarre, not inferior, a real illusory land that is more terrible than the secondary esophagus.

Knowing what can escape from there means nothing more than ordinary life can imagine.

As for the hope of the promotion...

When the year-round expectation of the situation really occurs, the fire poison, the impermanence, and even the paper people are silent. Since the annihilation wizard appears, he will participate in the ascending challenge, which represents a rise. The latter will be replaced.

And this person must be one of the three!

"Time is almost up."

The magic doll that was destroyed by half body ~www.novelmtl.com~ said in a low voice, there was a hint of excitement in the tone?

Compared to the first time Green saw the magic doll, the half body of the demon doll was obviously diffused, leaving less than half of the face, and the other half barely fluttering a few black ash, it looks It’s a horror, and when you see it, you can’t help but feel guilty.

"Let's get started!"

After the paper man took the words, he murmured.

Immediately after the four people glanced at them, they dispersed and disappeared into the ground, opening the matrix designed specifically for the hope.


Green, who has been sleeping for more than a hundred years, has abruptly opened three colors of light, and keenly perceives the bones underground, a huge emotional gathering device.

"Would you like to start?"

Everyone has some sense, looking up to the gray misty sky. (To be continued.)

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