A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1205: Blood witchcraft

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On the way back, there was no accident, and it seemed to be sheltered by the light of hope in his hands.

Slightly flew a little deep into the depths of the sacral continent. The ground is full of large-scale biological bones. It seems to be the ancient morphological creatures of the mountain rhinoceros trying to challenge the fate of the ancient history. The remains left in this piece The esophagus is the most marginal zone of the continent.

Gray-white bones, easily over 100 meters in size, with some light green patterns, retaining the last trace of faint vital energy.

However, these biological debris specimens have not caused Green's attention at this time.

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted in all directions, and in a turbulent high-frequency oscillation, the arc flashes away. After the ground bones are wiped out by a smooth cave, Green holds the light of hope, and the three colors are incomparable. The gaze of expectation, glimpses into the cave.

At the bottom of the cave, Green excavated a temporary laboratory.

Bone chairs, bone tables, experimental instruments, experimental notes, shadowless magic lights, air fresheners, and soul-scented incense, no hurry, Green is one by one to plan, must be perfect.

With the closure of the laboratory, all the sounds of the outside world could not be transmitted. Green is like standing on its eyes, hiding in the ground, self-enhancing the seal with unknown methods, escaping the horror creatures of the truth and destiny, hiding themselves in the eyes. Underground, wholeheartedly preparing for this **** witchcraft transplant.

To this end, Green even meditated after an hourglass time, which began to flip his own experimental notes, which recorded the blood witchcraft research prepared by Green.

For this hope of the blood of the witchcraft, can achieve the light and dark annihilation, Green has long been secretly innumerable, and the experimental steps and possible accidents, dedication to the experimental notes on several proposals .

On the smooth test bench bone table, among the crystal glassware, the light of hope still quietly blooms with its light. No changes will occur due to Green's acquisition.

As the light of hope dominates the Almighty Spirit, it dissipates like many other masters, leaving a lot of wreckage and even rule remnants. The light of hope is to leave its inheritance to future generations. Take the initiative to dissipate the excess bloated part of the body, and then make up the endless world's original rules of digestive system, leaving only the light of this liquid essence, quietly waiting for the inheritor in the darkness of the second esophagus.

Unexpectedly. Not only has the hope changed, but even the inheritor has been replaced by Green!

Even by the means of domination, in the endless world of destiny, it becomes as ridiculous as a child's play. In the eyes of the wizard who pursues knowledge and wisdom, Green seems to be ruthlessly mocked by fate.

"So, let's get started!"

Green is not a descendant of the light of hope, the true inheritor, has the origin of inheritance. Therefore, if you want to have the power of this master, you can only pass the blood witchcraft.

Such a high blood, requires Green to carry out a considerable preparation process.

First of all, Green took out a short red candle from the experimental bench. This is the blood wax of the ancient giant scorpion, which is the essence of the growth and growth of weapons in the body.

Under the face of truth, Green could not help but reveal a smile.

In order to successfully complete the hope of the blood of the witchcraft, Green uses the wisdom of this blood wax, which is a major improvement in blood and witchcraft, but the resources and special needs. It is not something that ordinary wizards can achieve.

At this time, Green opened the crystal glassware with the light of hope, and carefully placed the light of hope on the blood wax.


The light of hope is like a liquid flame without properties, after the blood wax is ignited. With a fragrant smoke, Green greedily took a sip and said in a low way: "It seems to work well."

Said, Green closed the wax of hope with another closed cover, waiting quietly for the complete integration of the two.

Seven months passed!

It took seven months to fully melt the light of hope and the melting blood wax. Changed into a pale blond blood, after thinking about it, Green carefully squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped it in.


The reaction was strong, as if a drop of water was dripping on the hot pot, Green's blood was rejected by this new neutralizing liquid.

Obviously, it is not as soft as the light of hope, and can be integrated with Green's blood wax.

Green seems to have expected this, no surprise, and then came up with the quaint wall clock with the influence of time, put this neutralized liquid into it, added a little sand to the bottom of the wall clock, close The wall clock cover.

"Well, let's use the power of time to kill it."

This muttered, Green took out the weeds, the hundred silver powder, the crystal, the wings of the butterfly, the nails of the petrified ghost, the seventy milliliters of measuring keel water, their own hair...

A series of processes that motivate mystery, these are not the knowledge of Green, but the "secret side" that Xiao Ba told.

Occult, very strange, occult and magical knowledge, relatively speaking, is Green's weakest two, but Xiao Ba is very proficient in occultism.

A few days later.

Green puts a few hairs that he has prepared into the heating furnace. In the furnace, he whips and bubbles, and the viscous liquid instantly engulfs Green's hair, contrary to the desired light neutralizing liquid. The smell is weird.

"Hey, this is what Xiao Ba said about the water? The strange name, the strange refining method, the mystery is really incredible."

Green muttered, opened the lid of the wall clock, and took the neutralizing liquid inside.

At this time, the sand at the bottom of the ancient clock has lost its effectiveness, and the neutralizing liquid seems to be relatively soft and restrained. Without any hesitation, Green quickly combines the two and mixes quickly.

Zha, Zha, Zha...

Listening to the violent sound of a lot of jumping sugar in the mouth, Green took a deep breath and said: "Different surgery."

Under the robe of the image, the body tissue of the Green Chest slowly splits and opens a gap, revealing the vital organs inside. www.novelmtl.com~ The heart that is "强力" and "咕咚" is beating, and "Yeah." The cry of the sound, which floated out of the body of Green, revealed an ugly and awkward mouth, which was manipulated by Green and opened with all strength.

In such a scene, it is like a mother who gives a child a soup.

"You... what are you doing?"

The alienation heart is screaming.

"Oh... forbearance, it’s gone!"

Green took a deep breath and bit his teeth. It seemed that he was doing some painful preparations. It was like a child who was drinking spirits for the first time. He picked up the **** witchcraft liquid that had been integrated into the test bench. His heart is willing to do not, and he will fall in.

"Ontology me..."

The heart slammed back into the body of Green to restore the original state, and then Green only felt that his body seemed to be hit by a mountain scorpion, and the ear screamed, the three colors were violent, and the limbs were in the air. The source of darkness is in opposition to the light of hope! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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