A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1204: Light of hope

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The second esophagus was not in the darkness of the sacral continent, and Green flickered and rushed to the front of the shroud.

Time is not enough. Green must go all out, dare not have any delays, and do his best to expand the scope of the search. Otherwise, if you want to summarize and summarize the safe route of this half-time, you don't know how many years later.

Since three hundred years ago, Green has discovered that even if he keeps taking the Stone of the Sage, his physical growth is extremely slow. Compared with Green's overall strength, it is already insignificant and close to nothing.

Green knows that this is the limit of reaching his own biology.

Upward, it is endless dominance, seven levels of biological level, at this time Green still wants to try to break through the shackles like the third-level wizard, above the peak limit, and then enter a layer to break through to the power, almost impossible .

Mental power: 550, magic: 5468~5999.

Constitution: 75333, physical strength: 458000~790000, strength: 245000~795800, cell activity: 556700~810000.

In this way, the upper limit of the Green Power attack is 800,000 degrees, coupled with the double pivot of the elemental force, and the increase of the extreme abyss magic wand, the upper limit attack has broken through a million degrees!

In the sixth-grade creatures, such basic strength is already an absolutely rare strong.

However, this is also the case, personal experience, dominating the imprisonment under the rules, let Green know that this is almost impossible to accomplish!

If there is no such opportunity, it is to rely on the knowledge system of life, to open the seventh layer of wild instinct in advance, to complete the transformation of the ancestors, to be able to open a layer of 桎梏, plus this hope of light to dominate the blood of witchcraft It’s also a layer, and that’s it.

First of all, the opening of the seventh layer of wild instinct ancestors has become the highest pursuit of the sorcerer. And Green's attempt to open with the wisdom of elemental wizards, rather than life and death, requires a lot of knowledge clues.

And this is precisely Green in the second esophagus. Extremely lacking!

The knowledge of the wizard originates from the wisdom of the social group of the wizards. It originates from the information research guidance of the real existence, and it is not a wizard who can imagine with his own wisdom.

Otherwise, even Green is such a sacred sorcerer with a very rich knowledge reserve. In the case of leaving the wizarding group and the learning environment, there are also their own limits, that is, the great spiritual wizard, and can not be separated from the wisdom of other wizards.

All wizards, in fact, are in a hidden subconscious data collection, learning from each other.

Open the seventh layer of the ancestors, the most ideal place to learn is of course the black domain, the black witch king who controls the human body, plus the knowledge of the synthetic beast system of the birth and death of the righteousness, almost the wizarding world. The most accomplished creature in refining!

Followed by the abyss of the earth. Five successful precedents for the real wizard who turned the ancestors into the body will provide quite a clue to Green.

If you don't want to go to the eternal mechanical clock of the city of the sky, as a place to store the heart of the people, you may get some information.

If it is like Green, with the blood of some people in the body, I want to use the knowledge of the key to life to study and open the seventh layer of wild instinct. It is not that there is no chance at all, but the hope is too embarrassing...

Physical evolution seems to have come to an end, then Green can only concentrate all his energy on the energy increase of the elemental wizard.

As long as you are promoted to the sixth-level holy mark wizard. Gaining the increase in annihilation, in line with the annihilation, according to the Green budget, even if the level of the magic doll can not be reached. But reaching the level of paper people is also a sure thing.

In this way, as long as the spirit of the mind to think of the 650 limit, and self-sealing accumulation, the moment has the strength to suppress the bones and four-armed swords, at least the strength they show.

Green is not sure. They still have no special power.

However, Green wants to come, even if there is really any card power, as long as you unlock the double strength of the self-sealing outbreak, you can also grasp the moment to crush the two without any help!

Thinking like this, Green couldn't help but look forward to the ignorance of the light of hope, and his eyes were bright and dazzling.

As long as you get the light of hope to dominate the body and complete the first **** witchcraft in the true sense of Green, then Green is almost a step into the sky, completing the most fundamental pursuit of this dangerous sub-element ecstasy world, even if it loses other Everything is not important.

Ten days passed, and there was only darkness in front, nothing was found.

Twenty days have passed, and Green even does not hesitate to use the magical powers to keep on the road with elemental teleportation, hoping to explore further in safe time.

Thirty days later.

The face is a little desperate. Is there a miracle in the next two days?

Or do you want to continue to explore, even if it is beyond the safe time range of your own calculations?

one day later.

"That, that is..."

In the faint, green eyes, in the far dark background, a soft light seems to ignite the torch in the night, illuminating the direction and guiding hope.

This luster, if it is almost inconspicuous in the colorful colors, even most people will ignore its existence, but in this anxiety, eagerness, dark unknown, it is so dazzling.

At this time, Green seems to have seen the ancient wizarding world, countless wizards went forward and screamed and roared, facing the colder and deeper will of the darker than the wizarding world. This wonderful light ignited hope and led the wizarding army to perform unyielding. Disturbance resistance, dragged to the moment when fate leveraged to save the wizarding world!

"The light of hope dominates the body, and finally... found it."

Urgent, eager, excited, eager!

Green is getting faster and faster. Although it seems to be close at hand, it takes a little half of the hourglass time to finally come to this soft light.

It looks like a torch, it doesn't look any special, only the size of Green's palm, so floating in the dark, like an eternal fire, not weakened by the loss of time, not lonely because of the endless silence, not because of the long darkness Gradually dim.

It is the dawn and hope!

"I hope that the real thing is illusory..."

Green already has the ability to hate the true body~www.novelmtl.com~The wizards who have the illusory real body in the wizarding world, almost all rely on the negative emotional power of the enemy to achieve the illusion of real body, and when Green sees this After the light of hope, I saw another new model of illusory realism that absorbed positive emotional power from the friendly army.

In this case, even if the enemy is similar to the metal robot army, there is no emotional existence, and Green can also display the illusory real body suitable for large-scale war!

"Finally got it!"

Green's palm, gently holding the light of hope to dominate the body, the most central part, is the liquid light of the most quintessential light of hope, is the most essential inheritance part of the hope that the light dominates the body to dissipate.

It is this essence that is intimate with the **** blood spots on the shroud of hope.

"Hey, here is the fusion of blood and witchcraft, which fits the phenomenon of annihilation, and is promoted to the sixth-level holy sorcerer and returns to the material world!"

With a bang, Green flew back at full speed in the direction of the cheekbones. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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