A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1206: Agreement and annihilation (on)

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I don't know how the other St. Mark Wizards will experience when they advance.

At this time, however, Green was caught in an inexplicable annihilation, which was completely different from what Green had thought.

According to Green, he once guessed that with the light of hope and the source of darkness, and after the annihilation, Green will use this as an opportunity to promote the sixth-level sacred wizard and gain at least 800,000 degrees of annihilation. In a short period of time, after meditation on the mental power to 650 points, the earth will break out of the ground, and Green will have the power to destroy the land and return to the gathering place of hope.


After the heart of Green's heart swallowed the blood of the blood, in addition to a moment of pain and unwillingness to live, followed by an unspeakable sense of refreshing spread throughout the body, like a period of promotion to the wizard apprentice, Green into the heart of the wizarding world, the warm feeling of being embraced by the mother.

At this moment, Green seems to have lost all his perception of the outside world, revealing a sweet smile, like a baby, innocent.

Living an ancient life of nearly a thousand years of vicissitudes of life, can be so rejuvenated and truly different!

Frost and flame, the most primitive fear of nature for all nature, countless books and imaginations, the end of the world is nothing more than the world of ice, the end of the sea of ​​fire, the world will be destroyed for this, that is the instinct of all living creatures from the deepest part of the soul fear.

Just as the wizard opens the wild instinct, the cell has a messy memory of the barbarians. It is because in the process of inheriting and reproducing the cells, although the evolutionary direction is restricted by the ancestors, the original instinct memory belonging to it remains.

The most primitive fear of ice and fire in the life of all things is not without roots.

The annihilation represents the end. Even the weakest and weakest force of annihilation, because of its special nature, will never be defeated by any energy. It can only be offset.

The birth of the power of annihilation represents the ultimate destruction, and it is like the most intensive digestive system of the endless world. According to the most rational wisdom, this will be the end of development and the beginning of a new life.

As the first annihilation phenomenon that Green has mastered, this is also the most reasonable order. Green seems to have seen the material and energy that have been wiped out by the annihilation of the arc, destroying the overall balance of the endless world.

At this time, the source of annihilation was born.

The endless emptiness worm as the most basic void rule, constantly secreting the power of the void, so that the evolution of the void storm even surpasses the world volume horror creature!

The void world is like the shadow of the material world. If there is no endless void, the endless world will inevitably be united in a very short time, and the endless world will lose its colorfulness.

The material world is the process of the virtual creatures that grow to their limits, and the qualitative change causes the qualitative change, and then instantly becomes the opposite nature, making up for the world that continues to reduce the collapse after the collapse of the world heart, and maintain the world of endless world. The overall quantity is balanced and colorful.

This is a kind of evolution that is endless.

Material energy collides with the power of the void to create a creative force that annihilates the source.

In fact. The magic power consumed by Green's annihilation source is far lower than the actual value created by the magical consumption. The extra power of the rule lever is the creation!

The source of creative annihilation is completely opposite to the power of annihilation. It has the source of annihilation that simulates the reproduction of the strength of the flesh and blood. It cannot be copied by the strengthening of Green's physique. The extra power is the creative quality of the source of annihilation.

One is to completely eliminate, one is created out of thin air. In this way, the endless world is balanced. Although the two are created and destroyed in rules, they cannot stop the colorfulness of the endless world. Infinitely unknown in the balance.


However at the moment!

With the birth of the annihilation of Green Light and Dark Hedge, it represents the unique and random nature of time and space, representing the beauty and diversity of the endless world, representing the colorful and wonderful.

This is the passage of time, the evolution of the endless world, and the process of the endless world!

It is not the creation of the source of annihilation. It is not the elimination of the power of annihilation. It does not have any combat applicability. It is just the rule of the evil spirits paradise. It opens a door to time and space communication randomly, and feels the endless world of colorful and colorful, nothing more.

Because of the existence of darkness, the dark side of the endless world, and thus the bright beauty, let life distinguish between yearning and avoiding, and then produce good and bad, good and bad, all kinds of thoughts and feelings, build social groups, rely on In different world rules, the glass is created for the endless world.

"It turned out to be the case. The original annihilation that I had pursued before, the source and the goal are all wrong... The first layer is annihilated!"

"Call", under the face of truth, Green doubled open.

The left and right eyes, one eye is ice, one eye is fire, two light screams brilliantly glaring fire, black annihilation force arc "噼里啪啦" around the surface of the explosion, tearing the underground cave laboratory, the poor light in the magic lamp Lights, distortions and convergence to the Green body surface.

At this moment, Green and the annihilation phenomenon began to fit.

With the beginning of the convergence of Green and the annihilation phenomenon, the physique of a little change in the past few years, when Green has reached its own limit, it still began to grow wildly.

Break through the layer of eternal dominance and balance suppression!

It is not a level with the Lord of the World. Green broke through the head of the world and shared four trips to break through. However, at this time, in the sense of Green, I was afraid that I would like to promote the endless **** in this way. At least ten times or more.

This... this is simply impossible.

Mental power: 550, magic: 5468~5999.

Constitution: 75333, physical strength: 458000~790000, strength: 245000~795800, cell activity: 556700~810000.

At this time, in Green's induction, his own physique is constantly completing self-breakthrough, 75696, 76121, 76868, 77452, 77963, 78223, 78224, 78225...

Until 78300, it was once again suppressed by the higher level of balance ~www.novelmtl.com~ and once the physical breakthrough, other attributes only need time to adapt and exercise, naturally will be improved accordingly, when Green's power attribute attack The upper limit will reach 850,000 degrees!

From then on, Green is one of the incarnations of the endless world annihilation phenomenon in the eyes of lower creatures. It is annihilated, undefeated, and looking forward to the six-level holy sorcerer!

"The second layer is annihilated!"

"咕咚", the deepest part of Green's heart, a fierce beating, the force of the void and the magic energy collide, the source of annihilation is filled with the Green body.

This is the power of creation, the majestic power of the majestic spread, and the cave laboratory is fluctuating at a high frequency.

Hi, anger, sorrow, joy, sadness, injury, worry, embarrassment.

As the body surface of the Green continued to squirm, six avatars, which were randomly combined with different emotions, split from the Green body and had different expressions. As they slowly stood up on the ground, they looked forward to seeing the ontology. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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