A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1196: Dimensional gap seal! 5 more

"How is this going? I haven't brought you to force you to fly!"

Xiao Ba heard that Green had to return to the Dimensional Esophagus, and could not help but scream.

However, as the bottom of the food chain, the appearance of this little girl, coupled with the inexplicable illusory life of these creatures in the dimension gap, has almost collapsed Green's rationality to explore the truth.

"Eight Rainbow Nevis, let him go, beautiful things need freedom, so that they can be more beautiful."

The big goose sighed, and the last time it was still playing the role of the mirror, this moment turned into an infinitely sighing poet, swearing: "Chasing beauty is the nature of everyone, did not see it, even these ugly ducklings even giants I don’t want to roast and eat. When I see you, I don’t mean to end my humble and ugly life, but chase, because... I am beautiful.”

When Xiao Ba heard the big goose, he nodded slowly.

"You are right. It was like this in the world of wizards. Those stupid guys know that even if they work hard, they are not as good as my millionth, but they are still working hard, like the lord. Such talented people, sometimes envious of them, can live so full. Unlike me, hey... just need to play, eat the nut cake with the leaves, drink some afternoon tea, it has always been them all the way. Looking up at the height, they never give up."

Two disgusting guys came across each other and groaned each other. At this moment, Green simply collapsed.

Dimensional gaps are by no means the place where normal wizards should come!

"What should I do now, how can I go back?"

Green asked Xiao Ba, the voice is beyond doubt.

"Go back, come back, go back. Really, now you are successfully opening the door of your dimensional gap seal, but the application of dimensional gap seals requires your memory to be the basis. With your memory of up to one era, Don't use it frequently, otherwise the consequences are not laughter, be careful about dementia."

Xiao Ba is impatient.

Quaring to go back to Green, I heard Xiao Ba said about the gap between the gap seals, surprised, another series of thoughts a lot.

First of all, dimensional gap seals, power can not be said, it must be enough to seal the existence of any endless world of the supreme seal. Far more powerful than forgetting seals!


On the one hand, compared to the accumulation of forgotten seals, and the forgotten branding of the extreme abyss magic wand, Green has been able to cope with ease.

On the other hand, the dimensional gap seal has a memory limitation, which indicates that the memory is stimulating the imagination space. It not only has the preparation time limit of all the seals, but also the memory consumption.

Even at this stage of Green, there is no attempt to seal the endless dominance.

Rational analysis. It seems that the third-level wizard has got the Green Abyss magic wand, and it is not a treasure, but it is not used at all. Green's extreme abyss wand weight, the general element wizard can not even get it, is designed for the elements of the radical sorcerer, and only the sorcerer's Green can really play it out.

The future truth lever magic wand must inevitably imitate the forgotten branding ability of the extreme abyss magic wand, plus the dimension gap rune imprint!

In the heart of this calculation, Green suddenly thought that the forgotten brand is to communicate the forgotten world through the Book of Truth, forget the world... What is forgotten?



Green sucked a cold voice. Let the little gossip, why Green will suddenly stunned. Then again.

"what happened?"

Green said: "Since the consumption of memory is the price of opening the dimensional gap, then the "Book of Truth" is not the endless memory energy that opens the gap of the dimension. The Book of Truth is not the basis of the dimensional gap seal! ”

Xiaoba stayed!

After a long time, Xiao Ba whispered: "Mom, Green Beast, it seems that you have surpassed the old bastard." Use the "Book of Truth" to open the forgotten seal as a memory energy, and then turn on the dimensional gap seal. This... Isn't this the double lever of the true spirit wizard that the old **** has been pursuing?!"

Xiaoba said: "Although one ring is a double lever to open up the power of a stronger element, but you are the power to open the seal!"

Green was silent, and it was shocking to see the amazing light of his own aura.

Holding the Book of Truth for so long, Green never thought of this!

The Book of Truth, which has the ability to open the gap of dimensions, is now deserved. As Green’s memory grows and the gap between the seals increases, the value of The Book of Truth to Green will inevitably become Green’s. Another "face of truth."

"The Book of Truth", the face of truth, the truth lever magic wand, Green seems to have seen himself standing on the day of the wizard!

If there is really that day...

In the heart of Green, I imagined the rules of the wizard's world rules, the constraints and helplessness, the rules of the low-level wizards, the relationship between the sea, the black wizard, the abyss, the city of the sky, the mechanical wizard, the wizarding continent...

Even the execution of the Wizarding Alliance, the pace of the Demon Expedition, and the plan to save the Wizarding World...

Everything seems to be close at hand. It is only the time and the spiritual dedication that blocks Green’s realization of these dream goals, and... can you live alive from the Dimensional Esophagus, instead of being digested by the endless world, becoming a million One of the bones of thousands of people.

"Wow, I am really a genius, I am a genius, everyone, tremble, squat at the feet of the great Eight, Wow!"

Xiao Ba laughed loudly, excited and tears flowed out.

Seeing the deputy virtue of Xiao Ba, Greenton knew that this guy started to have no brains + kinky.

Yes, in the eyes of Xiao Ba, Green became the person standing at the top of the wizard, then is this the master of Green, is not the real peak?

"Beautiful big goose, wow, I will say, I really admire those ordinary people, obviously how to work hard can only look at my back, but still have to work hard, hey, I really envy them to live. So enriched. Don't say, let's go eat scallions today, let us continue to live happily, watch those ordinary guys try to catch up."

"I want to go back to the second esophagus!"

Green can no longer stand the minute of the gap in the dimension gap, especially when the small eight and this big goose are together!

"Hey... Go back, Mom, I’ll send you back! Oh? Right~www.novelmtl.com~ The page of fate!"


Green only remembered this. According to Xiao Ba, the deepest dimension gap, hiding the page of a destiny of Antonio's existence, suddenly a hot heart.



Small eight open mouth.

"In my body."


Ps: Go to his birthday, the fifth big explosion!

Hey, is it a surprise?

Well, the Egret’s birthday today, on the hot list, I am very happy, I look forward to continuing tomorrow, even if only one more day, this deposit is used! Ok, don't say it, go to the birthday, come back to see the results at night, hope to reward and subscribe to the sky, if there are still yesterday's results can be on the hot list, the big star explosion at night! (To be continued.)

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