A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1197: Light of wisdom

Green is hard to find information, Antonio's so-called dimensional gap is the deepest, it is actually the small eight body in the gap between the dimensions.

And to get the page of destiny, only Green as a soul partner, go to the small eight body in the gap of the dimension to get it!

In the gap of the dimension, the small eight after the opening of the real body covers the sky. In contrast, Green is just a negligible flea, which is very small.

Green, you have to enter the body of Xiao Ba, get the page of fate!

I don't know what the little eight is.

According to Green's guess, Xiao Ba is a handkerchief made by Anthony in accordance with the image of the ancient steel emblem of the wizarding world. The pattern on it is Xiao Ba.

However, with the increase of the level of Green Wizards, more and more knowledge of contact has been made, and the answer that I once thought is unconsciously and self-denied.

If this is the case, Xiao Ba is really just a handkerchief made by Antonio using the knowledge of dimensional gaps. Then why is Xiao Ba in the gap of the dimension, almost rolling out the existence of other imaginary creatures, not equal creatures, as if completely un All kinds of chaos in the dimensional gaps distort the influence of the imagination rules.

Perhaps, the reason why Antonio left this page of destiny in the small eight body in the gap of the dimension has a deeper reason!

"Oh, what did you eat, your mouth was stinky?"

Green ran on the tongue of Xiao Ba, and the soft, moist earth under his feet made Green feel very uncomfortable. The air was full of odors.

"The scallions made by the big goose."

Green continued to run wild without words. After a few hourglass hours, Green’s “snoring and snoring” came to the throat of Xiao Ba, and below it was its body.

"The great Antonio Spiritual Wizard. Where is the page of truth placed? Your body is so big, is it necessary for me to find a few hundred years?"


In the face of Green's question, the little gossip for a while. I will say in my will: "How do I know that the old **** said that I am the one who wants to change the world of the wizard. I can only find the talents who signed the soul partnership contract with the Eight Lords."

Being able to sign a soul partnership contract with Xiao Ba is bound to be a dimension gap talent.

Green stood on the side of the small eight throat, as if the entrance to the abyss, swallowed everything, and seemed to be the door of the world, waiting for the intrusion of the brave, or the bottomless tunnel...


Green is a low sigh, seems to be cheering himself. A small step forward, this step seems to have come to a new world, a world full of unknowns.

Around the slippery tunnel, Green as a weak and humble presence without any ability, kept sliding down.

This feeling, like the wizard apprenticeship, took the process of leveraging the fate, sliding from one end to the other, into the heart of the world. It seems to be in the arms of the mother, warm and tolerant.

"Small eight, should I not enter your stomach?"

Green communicated to the little eight will. Relieve the fear of sliding into the infinite endless unknown darkness, not knowing where you are going, what the result will be.

Unknown, the source of the wizard's fear.

However, at this time, Green seems to have lost contact with Xiao Ba and did not receive any answer.

"Little eight? Little eight!"

Trying to scream again twice, but still did not get a response, Green can no longer feel the existence of Xiao Ba, the slippery side is gradually disappearing. No gravity, no reference. No fall feeling, very dark. It is like the fear of hiding in the dark room in the winter snowy night in childhood, the loneliness and the silence of nothing.

Somehow, Green suddenly thought of his first entry into the secondary esophagus, the light and the light in the curtain, the words of Mickey Mouse.

What are we...?

In the body of Xiao Ba, what is the deepest level of depth gap?

Is it the other dimension gap organism, the same deepest dimension gap?

In a series of questions, there have been some changes in Green. A soft light has gradually emerged from all directions. At the same time, with some noises, wonderful tones, as if every temperament, through the endless world rules, yet It’s so messy that it’s impossible to understand.

In the midst of Green's fear, he looked forward with infinity, staring in all directions, and looking for clues from these lights.

These radiances do not have the meaning of color. If it is a metaphor, it is the moment when the wizard occasionally shines, and the light of wisdom emerges!

Its existence, can not be stated, can not be made, can not be owned for a long time, or even can not be sure whether it will appear again, but as long as the wizard once appeared once, it will be infinitely certain, this light, it does exist.

It is not a mysterious force, not a rule mystery, not a material energy foundation, not a random item, nor an inevitable event. It is not one of any energy that a wizard can imagine, nor is it a supernormal natural phenomenon.

If it is a metaphor, it can only be said that it is "the fate of truth", and that is the gift of "God".

However, it is ironic that the word "God", this idealist value, will never appear in the wizard's system. The wizards are more inclined to call it a high-dimensional latitude creature, outside a box, overlooking the shackles. Understand the existence.

Gradually, these light of wisdom began to gradually become more and more visible. It seems to be around Green, figuratively shaping a small scene of a certain world.

Green is looking forward to it.

There is no effect on the face of truth. Green can only look forward to the witch's most instinctive wisdom, to wait and see, to feel.

Gradually, Green found that these voices seemed to be a group of adolescents screaming, happy, carefree children's pronunciation, Green slightly frowned, seems completely different from the wizarding world environment.

At least, even the Ming Wushu Academy will never appear to be like the sound of the children who are happy in the streets of Bisser City.

As the sound gradually became clear, the scenes created by these light of wisdom began to take shape, with some vague illusions.

Judging from the general picture, this turned out to be a group of humanoid creatures that are very similar to the human beings in the wizarding world. However, the appearance is relatively simple. Because the light of wisdom is not very clear, Green can only faintly judge that it is a group. The black-haired humanoid is sitting in a room full of seats and books.

The top of the head is a simple lamp, and there are several rough ceiling fans, each with a dark wall and a black and white handwriting.

"World rules!"

Green has discovered that the writings on these black windows, like the huge scrolls protected by the world under the face of truth, are all incomprehensible and unreasonable, as if they were the most basic rules of the endless world. The composition ~www.novelmtl.com~ includes the balance lever rule.

Gradually, as the light of wisdom has made everything concrete, in this simple, backward, and unknown world scene in Green's eyes, everything seems to be covered with a layer of gauze.

It can be felt, but it can't be concrete. It seems to be a far-reaching memory.

In this environment, only a white skin boy with a pen and a pen writing something is gradually clearing in Green's eyes.


Ps: sixth!

Today's Egret birthday, just came back to see the data, almost a little worse than yesterday, very happy, and subscribe to reward the monthly ticket!

Borrowing the favorite author of the egret, z big skill, today the egret is going to flood the wild, eight more!

Ask everyone to complete the "Sorcerer's Journey" at the starting point of the Chinese network, and receive a line of egrets on the light of the gods of the sky, and ask for your support and let the "Witches Journey" continue to stay on the hot list tomorrow! (To be continued.)

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