A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1195: Poor mirror

"Hey? Hey, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding."

Xiao Ba looked at the face of Green's collapsed, feeling the "squeaky" sneer in Grimm's soul, and quickly ran to the big goose and grabbed its mouth.

"It's so cute, like a beautiful princess, if I can be as beautiful as her."

The black charcoal slave carries a bucket of water. This is the water that has just been given to the white horse that loves to dislike the black charcoal slave, and comes to the lake to change the water.

At this time, the black charcoal slaves crouched down the lake, and the posture was carefully admired because of the distorted rules of the dimensional gap, becoming the little girl's Green, envious of the swearing.

Xiao Ba "嘎嘎嘎嘎" smiled and looked proud.

"Hey, lazy!?"

Among the seven giants, a giant saw the little girl sitting and resting on the lakeside, and suddenly the angry roar came, and then grabbed a fine sand from the side and threw it at the black charcoal slave.


The little girl screamed and hurriedly lifted the barrel and ran to the lake to pour the white horse's bath water into a bucket of clear new water.

"Bastard, didn't you see that Yeh is here too? What to throw!"

The giants of the Eighth Dynasty screamed, and the small eight and the big goose were about the same size.

On the other hand, the giant "haha" smiled and said: "Hey, but come to eat a roast nose, yesterday, the newly caught deceitful cloth, we forced him to keep telling the truth, its nose will keep changing. Long, we have endless roasting nose to eat, hahaha..."

"Don't eat or eat, I don't see the Lord, I am..."

Halfway through, Xiao Ba suddenly thought of something, and the hair suddenly exploded.

"Yeah! Mom! My Green Beast!"

The beautiful big goose on the side was also shocked. He quickly found the green in the broken sand together with Xiao Ba. These gravel seeds are just some rice grains for Xiao Ba and Mei Da Goose. For Green in the dimension gap at this time, it is almost a fire and rain meteor!

"Oh, wow, wow, my Green Beast. You must not die. Wow, I have to go back and look for Ye Ye. You must not scare the Lord, I am timid, I can’t help but scare, oh wow wow. ......"

Snoring! Snoring! Snoring...

On the other side, Green in the grass, breathing heavily.

At this time, Green could have no power. This sudden meteorite disaster, even though Green experienced various battles in the material world and the illusory world. At this time, under such humble power, the heart can not help but violently beat, and can only be resigned.

Densely, one piece of stone that is taller than Green is descending from the sky, and Green can only stare at it. The face of truth cannot be judged by its Green Magic.

However, the miracle has appeared!

At this point, Green stood still in the same place, but left thousands of stones to fall. How to tremble, even a few meters around the green, was stoned in a row, leaving a hole. But it left Green's good place here!

"Wow, find it, the Green Beast!"

The small eighty-one soft force lifted Grento and rose in midair, and Green looked down and completely stunned.

The dense pits are densely scattered on the grass. According to the random probability of the material world, they will be affected in any case.

However at this time!

All the places were smashed by pebbles. However, it was the place where Green stood, leaving a small piece of land that had not been affected. It’s that awkward, so incredible.

The big goose is concerned: "What does the Green Beast eat? Is it meat or vegetarian, or is it a stone?"

Said, the beautiful big goose enjoys the gaze of beautiful gems, gathered on Green, sighed: "I always thought that I am the most beautiful person in the world, now it seems... Mirror, who is the mirror, who Is the most beautiful person in the world?"

The big goose even took out a mirror monster and asked seriously.

The mirror monster gradually grew his hands and feet, revealing a pair of thieves and eyebrows. Of course, he smiled and said: "Of course, you, the noblest blood of the Jiawen, 17,746, the world's big goose, you are The most expensive and beautiful person in the world."

The big goose changed his face and said in a gloomy way: "Isn't this beautiful Princess of the Green Beast?"

Green, floating in the air, his forehead is black, and in the eyes of these guys, he has always been a little girl who is distorted by the rules of the dimension gap!

"Oh, yes... or not?"

The mirror of the mirror collapsed and frightened and looked at the big goose.


The beautiful geese from the depths of the throat made the mirror colder, and the mirror was even more fearful. After hesitating for a while, the mirror suddenly had a happy heart. This must be the test of the big goose!

"Of course not, you are the most beautiful in the world..."


Suddenly, the big goose fell to the ground with a mirror, and said with anger: "You lie! The most beautiful person in the world, obviously a green beast, you dare to say to me that it is me, this is dare not to me. The price of loyal lies!"

Said, the big goose "vomited" and spit out a gold box, the box continued to grow bigger, and was opened by the big goose.

I saw thousands of magic mirrors inside watching the big goose in horror.

The big goose took out a magic mirror at random and said: "Who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

"Of course, you are leaving you."


In the broken sound of the mirror, the big goose took out the next mirror, and there was no feeling low: "Who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

"Oh... it’s the eight rainbows around you, the Eight Lords."


The mirror shattered, and the big goose was once again taking out a magic mirror and didn't look at it.

"Say, who is the most beautiful person in the world."

The mirror was terrified and shivered: "It is the Tris Mountain Giant."

In the distance, the giant who is eating a rotten roast nose, when he hears the mirror, mentions his name, smiles toward the "hahaha" here, but has not had time to say anything, "啪", the mirror is broken .

"It’s the Monwich Giant."


"It is a black charcoal princess."


"It's the rice in your hand."

"It is a white horse."

"It's the mermaid in the lake."


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped……

A series of do not know how many face mirrors fell, the ground is simply covered with magic crystal fragments, the big goose still keeps holding the magic mirror from the treasure chest, without any expression, just wait for an answer, it is a "啪" .

This mirror is so scared and anxious, and all of them are crying out. All the answers are finished by the front mirror. What else is there in the world? Is it grass, so ridiculous answer is the beauty of the mirror, how can it be said? Export.

Is it not the people of this world?

Suddenly, the mirror saw the top of the small eight heads, a little bit of a boring little figure, and after taking a breath, the mirror screamed: "It is him!"

The magical mirror is extremely excited, it must be it, it must be him!

"Hey, you know too much."


After the big goose broke the mirror, the treasure chest in front of it became smaller and was swallowed into the body.

Green is simply driven by the boring life in the gap between the dimensions. This is totally inconsistent with any rational logic. What makes Green crazy is that he is actually a beautiful little girl!

No, I would rather die in the Dimensional Esophagus, and I would not wait another second in this absurd and illusory ghost place!


Ps: fourth! Ask everyone to complete the "Witch Tour", ask everyone to get a line of egrets on the Chinese website, and get a recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward!

Today, the Egret is too excited, thank you for giving the Egret a birthday present, the seventh in the total sales list yesterday, thank you, the egret is too excited to describe!

Today is the birthday of the egret, April 14th, the egret has not gone out for a month~www.novelmtl.com~ Mom told me to go to her birthday, so I can't make a big explosion.

The egret has been a month. I have never seen a real living person. I have a face-to-face meeting with my heart. I have to communicate with my heart, so I have to go out. For the birthday gift that everyone sends the egret today, the egret is very happy!

Haha, some descriptions of the dimension gap here, hope not to arouse everyone's resentment, not to engage in evil fairy tales, not just that, in addition to exerting imagination, in fact, there is a deeper meaning, the dimensional gap is not limited to this However, it may be necessary to reach the end to uncover the secret of meaning, and to connect with the purpose of writing "The Wizard of the Wizards".

Thank you for your support, the Egret is so happy, full of positive energy.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone to complete this "Sorcerer's Journey", which has been written for two years. It is the work of the Egret, the first love of the Egret, the work of the Egret + female work, and the collection of an egret on the heavenly god. Light, ask everyone's monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward support, in the starting point of the home page hot list exposure, for the next month's top of the monthly vote list! The egret is full of energy!

The 4.0 revision of the previous section has already reached the forty-two chapter. The egrets tried to correct them step by step, until the end of the public version. (To be continued.)

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