A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1194: Black charcoal slave and beautiful big goose

Still not finished?

This is the sorrow of humble people!

Destiny, in the hands of others, so the powerful civilizations of the endless world are trying to break away from the endless world, control the power of higher latitudes, and end their humble sorrow.

Green was once again taken up by the wolf's claws. At this time, the wooden broken wooden house was full of winds, accompanied by a devil-like "squeaky" shouting, from far and near, like the most horrible devil, wolf grandmother and flowers The mushrooms all looked out of the window.

"Hey, Grandma, the devil, must be the devil from other worlds!"

The flower mushroom turned into the wolf's grandmother's arms, and he was so scared that he was crying. The wolf grandmother was full of fear, but could not help but comfort the flower mushroom. He had forgotten the Green in his hand.

"Little eight, this guy is finally here."

Even if this "嘎嘎嘎嘎" laughter is rendered horror 10,000 times, Green can feel the guy who made this laugh, complacent and self-sufficient.


The sound of the earth shattered, and then a huge eye peeped in front of the window, the eyes were bigger than the whole wooden house, looking at the wolf grandmother and the flower mushroom that were cuddling into each other in the dilapidated wooden house.

"what are you waiting for?"

Green was so weak that he shouted a slap in the face of Xiao Ba, and Xiao Ba stayed for a moment. The slamming of the roof of the wooden house was like a huge figure of the mountain, and stared at Green.

"Wow, young master, how did you get so small, still... wow, it turned into a little girl!?"

The starry sky as the background of the mountain giants sound, Green stayed for a moment, the bottom of my heart was like a river, and then was bombarded by a million wizarding army.

Role swap! ?

Now Green, in the gap between the dimensions became the little eight of the wizarding world. There is no force, and the small eight becomes a symbol of strength?

"What to do, save me first!"

Green was speechless. Struggling in the hands of the wolf's grandmother, yelling.

"Understand. Don't worry, don't worry, hey, it's so fun. It turns out that this is the old bastard. Can I change the wizarding world? Wow, it turned out to be like this! It's so interesting, I want to bring you to force the belt. You fly!"

A soft force lifted Greento and placed it in the feathers of the small eight-headed, and Green was as small as a flea. These feathers are like a giant tree for Green!

When Green finally realized that he was using the elements of his own body, Xiao Ba was hiding in the flame of the dark source of the soul of the 10,000 soul birds.

On the other hand, after the Eighth rescued Green, he overlooked the wolf grandmother and the flower mushroom in the broken wooden house, which was smaller than the ant. He said: "Do you know the name of the Eight Lords, is it Bahong Niwei?"

The wolf grandmother and the flower mushroom glanced at each other, and nodded in fear.

"Hey! You know too much..."

After that, the small eight wings smashed one, and the wolf grandmother, the flower mushroom together with the wooden house, and even all the big trees around. All were all fanned out without a trace.

"Can't you be smaller?"

Green stood in the feather forest and shouted, now Green, in the gap between the dimensions. It was weak to the extreme.

"Wow, I am not afraid that you will be eaten by the monsters here, so I will be so rushed."

Xiao Ba was screaming at the side, and the body gradually narrowed down and gradually shrank into a few tens of meters of giants in the eyes of Green, and stopped.

"Oh, can't be small anymore, this is my limit. But then, Mommy. How did you become so young? Is it because your memory is too small? Also, you don't seem to have enough An era."

Dimension gap. It is the memory that stimulates the imagination, and it is the gathering place for the creatures in the low latitude world.

"Call. It's too dangerous, Xiao Ba, how much time have you been here?"

Green asked, intending to refer to the dimension gap and his time in the digestive tract, although this does not make any sense at all.

"It seems like three years. What are you doing? Now we don't have real-world coordinates. God knows whether the wizards are extinct after they go out."

Xiao Ba’s words silenced Green and did not speak.

"Hey, lie to you, I am the great steel emblem of the wizarding world. I am not the low-latitude dirty guy here. I have the media connection of the wizard's world coordinates. Besides, my family leaves are waiting for me to go back. Then cut..."


Green ignited hope and looked at Xiao Ba in surprise.

So, is the Wizarding World only three years old?

"Take it, fast and fast, let the Eight Lords take you to this place. Right, there is the page of fate, but you need to take it yourself, and then return to the real world, you can cast a curse of fate. Surgery, under the dominance of one."

Xiaoba spread his wings and soared in the sky. He had just starred in the sky, but it was already dark, and nothing was in the West.

“What is the gap in the dimension?”

Green asked the little eight.

"Don't you say that, break through the gathering place of low-latitude creatures, the imaginary bio-aggregation point of our endless world, you don't understand this simple truth, you are stupid."

Xiao Ba is screaming.

"Look, isn't Venus, the **** of love, not supernatural? Then the rules in "The Goddess of Venus" can't describe the super god, it becomes the imagination of our readers, that is, the gap between our present dimensions. chant."

As I said, the little eight "Yah" sounded, the air reversed, and the sky once again appeared starry sky.

"Oh, it’s over."

Bang, boom, boom...

The seven giants are surrounded by bonfires ~www.novelmtl.com~ are eating fragrant barbecue, on the other side, a black girl is caring for a handsome white horse, but the white horse has been "well 哼哼" comfortable shouting I don't bother with the way I communicate with the little girl.

"Don't ignore the few guys, it was the seven giants who robbed the black charcoal slave from the kind and beautiful queen and served the white horse."

Said, Xiao Ba took Green to the lake. At this time, a group of ugly ducks chased a white feathered swan, but the swan kept feeding the fish in the lake, a arrogance and disdain. Demeanor...

"Hey, big goose, I brought my Green Beast, come see!"

Xiao Ba yelled at the scorpion.

After the white feathered swan saw the little eight, the happy wings flew over.

"Hey, eight rainbows Nevi, this is the green beast that you always hang on your lips and raised in the wizarding world. It is so beautiful!" (To be continued.)

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