A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1193: Wolf grandmother without braces

"Okay, I know, a flash of sparkling crystals, full of little stars..."

The flower mushroom groaned with a weird song, stretched out a tentacles, grabbed a little girl, and raised the outside of the basket, and then "sounded", it seemed to be a splash of water, followed by the little girl. Struggling with screams of screams in the open water.

However, the flowers did not care, just as Green did not know how many times the mushroom soup was cooked, and never cared about the feeling of mushrooms. This is the evolutionary rule of the endless world.

"Hanging in the sky, bright, oh..."

Still screaming, the mushroom once again put the tentacles in. This time everyone was scared, desperately avoiding, screaming, crying.


After a lifetime of scorn, the mushroom tentacles were **** by Green and looked at them. Green blinked and blinked, without any will to communicate and struggle, and looked at the flowers and mushrooms.

After a while, the flower mushroom shouted to the other side: "Grandma, is this little girl dead?"

Green looked at the eyes of the flower mushroom. It turned out to be a skinny giant wolf wearing hundreds of meters tall wearing old clothes. He was wearing black-rimmed glasses, two wolf claws holding metal long braces and knitting sweaters.

After hearing the flowers and mushrooms, the wolf and grandmother looked away from the sweater in their hands and looked at the green on the mushroom tentacles.

"Well? Take me to see."

The flower mushroom jumped and handed Green to the wolf grandmother. Green was pinched by the furry wolf claws. Except for the non-stop talking with the wolf grandmother, there was no other action, and it was weird.

The wolf grandmother kept tumbling, and on the other side, the mushroom blossomed and jumped back to the basket before, only to hear the sounds of “噗通”, “噗通”, and “噗通” continuously falling into the water. Since then, the screams of desperation have come, crying, and the flowers have not seen the basket again. Pour all these little girls into the soup pot!

Green could feel his heart screaming and screaming, even if he tried to restrain himself. I didn't think about it, but I couldn't stop shaking when I heard the desperate struggles of the little girls in the boiling pot.

"It is really strange, why don't you cry and struggle, but it is still alive, you see his eyelids keep squatting, um... but still don't cook a soup. I don't know if it will affect the taste. ""

I heard that the wolf grandmother said that Greene couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and was very happy.


No matter what, I have lived longer than other girls now, **** little eight, why haven't arrived yet!

At the same time, Green is looking forward to staring at the wolf's grandmother's mouth, just waiting for it to say "throw it," or "put it first", and stare at its mouth. Green never felt when time passed so slowly.

"Forget it, or..."

Green looked at the mouth shape of the wolf grandmother. I almost roared in my heart, and said that I threw it, and said that I would let it go first, let me say! Say it!

"Still eat it directly!"

A huge blow, Green's stiff body was dumbfounded. In the incredible fear, in the disgusting bad breath, every cell of Green's body was screaming and fearing, struggling. However, it is hindered by the rules of dimensional gaps, even in the field of genetics of life. At this time, Green was struggling, and the wild instinct made a slight breakthrough. Closer to the legendary seventh-level Terran, how about it! ?

In this gap, it is still only a little girl. Before the master of the omnipotent soul, all the abilities are just the power system inside the endless world box.

In the gap between dimensions, the gap between dimensional dimensions, there is no effect!

Damp heat, bad breath, and the mouth of the wolf's grandmother's throat, "ah", the mouth is full of green body.

Are you going to die?

No hope?

At the last moment, the little eight is coming?

However, Green was disappointed, and the little eight did not appear. Looking at the mouth that was fast closing, and the squirming tongue was entangled in himself. Green imagined the mushroom soup he had ever drunk, in the city of Bistur The beautiful man, the silent silence, waiting for death.

Is this the end of your own wizarding road?

Sure enough, like the predecessors, they pursued the treasures in deep illusions, but they also buried their treasures here, becoming the treasures of future generations.

It’s a pity that there are too many things that I have not had time to do. There is still too much knowledge to explore. I have not seen the victory of the Third Civilization War of the Wizarding World. I have not yet completed my own plan of the wizarding ancestors. Did not save the Wizarding World to complete the Demon Hunt, and have not tried to challenge the fate outside the box...

Big mouth closed, Green felt the squirming of his tongue, imagining that he was a delicious mushroom in his mouth. As the balance rule said, he could swallow mushrooms and mushrooms could swallow himself. This is fair.

At this moment, I have to be chewed into mud, then swallowed into the stomach, and finally become the resolution to be pulled out...


After being chewed twice, although some were uncomfortable, Green was not chewed into mud, and then the mouth was wide open, and a wolf claw took Green out of his mouth.

"Little Red Riding Hood, my braces?"

The wolf's grandmother slid on the tip of the nail and was covered with saliva. Green was so disgusting that Green was looking at the wolf grandmother who was opening to Zhang.

Braces! ?

This old wolf has lost his teeth and his mouth is bare!

The mushroom ran and jumped over and said: "Grandma, you haven't used braces for many years. I have been cooking these little girls for a long time. I don't remember where your braces are, or if I give them. Are you looking for it?"

Green's heart quickly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, waiting quietly for the answer of the wolf's grandmother.

"Oh, this way, forget it, don't look for it... give it to you!"

Said ~www.novelmtl.com~ Wolf grandma actually threw Green to the flower mushroom.

Green had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he didn't have to look for it. However, as the wolf and grandmother threw himself to the flower mushroom, Green couldn't help but be surprised.

This kind of sometimes fear, sometimes soothing stimulation, this feeling of powerlessness is really a torture!

"I don't want to eat a little girl with a grandmother's saliva."

Said, Green was thrown in the trash can by the fire.


Even in the trash, Green felt extremely satisfied and was temporarily safe.

"Your child, a waste of nature's food gifts, will be punished by the mother of the forest. These little girls may have to grow for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. We must cherish the hard-won food and make her good. Wash it for a while and let it dry into mushrooms."

Said, the wolf's grandmother came step by step, looking at the green that had just been relieved in the trash. (To be continued.)

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