A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1187: Equivalent balance

After more than three hundred years of travel, Green has found two large world nodes and thirteen small world nodes on this vast and innocent continent.

This is enough.

He has many times of dark wizard hunting expedition experience, and personally made a spy shadow wizard task, looking for the world node, positioning coordinates, Green has considerable knowledge of world coordinate calculation.

At this time, through these world node coordinates, with Green's current life level and spatial knowledge, it has been able to blur the perception, the will that exists in that meditation.

Green couldn't be sure what it was.

Is this black ball the heart of the world?

Is it similar to the awakening will of the devil?

Or is it the master of this world?

All the speculations are telling Green that this black ball is not simple. It has its own independent will, but it is by no means an ordinary living body, not even the illusory world crack that Green had guessed before.

However, no matter what he is, as long as he finds its ontological will, Green can leverage the balance of rules to establish a bridge of negotiation.

Although the light of this balance rule is only the most basic material, it is too far away from the truth lever magic wand, but it has its own basic function, the equivalent balance!

The so-called equivalence balance, as long as it is within the scope of the endless world balance rule, does not destroy the balance by the fate, the heavenly way, the origin, etc., it is to ignore the level of life, the wizard is all guardian, only the life of both sides The most basic equivalent bridge, the damage appears on both sides in the most primitive proportion, life and death are exchanged according to the most equal!

That is to say, even if Green is only a level one wizard, the other party is an eight-level master. After Green has established an equivalence balance with this balanced light, then both sides are living together!

On the other hand, if Green is the master, but stupidly chooses the first-class life as the equivalent balance, then it is also the same life.

Therefore. The ability to balance equivalence will only appear on those who are stronger than the surgeon.

Although the truth lever magic wand has not yet obtained the head of the stick, but with the light of this balance rule, it has already possessed the most basic power of the civilization. Easy to use, use can cause war reversal!

And on this basis, the truth lever magic wand made...

In the end, I looked at the eye-straps here, but I didn’t know the snow-wool people who cheered for a short victory. Green no longer hesitated, walking in the real time, after several elements teleported, disappeared in the eyes of everyone.


In the two hundred years of the snow velvet family, in addition to completing the twelfth phase of the truth, Green is the calculation of the core control point of the world.

However, due to the lack of three-dimensional height, the previous space calculation formula lacks a vector function, so hundreds of azimuth coordinates are obtained, which requires Green to verify one by one.


After a few hourglass hours, Green stopped in midair. Came to the nearest calculation coordinates from the Xuerong.

However, there is nothing in midair. The nearby is only a low-lying rainforest shrub. Below is the mud, there is no valuable coordinate reference, and there are no strange rules and high biological energy reactions.

Shaking his head, Green's figure disappeared and continued to move toward the next nearest coordinate.

Two days later, Green came to a rocky place, with gravel of more than ten meters in diameter, and Green frowned. Calculate the coordinates against the comparison.

According to the coordinates, if the will is here, it should be five hundred meters below the rocky land.

Although the possibility is not big, Green is reluctant to give up a chance. Extending the palm of your hand and urging the combination of the two forces, the block of more than ten meters of boulder was lifted up, and the sound of "booming rumbling" was thrown into the distance and began to be discovered.

Hundreds of miles away.

A pair of eyes in a sudden sleep suddenly opened.

"Bang". "Bang", a few blocks of more than ten meters of stone descended from the sky, there are two pieces of a beautiful parabola drawn, squatting around this creature, the ground is deafening and shattering, the sky is broken, the dust rises.

"Wang Wang Wang! I dare to disturb the king of the great Shen Yu dog, very good, just use you as my first lunch after I wake up, Wang Wangwang!"

After the sinking dog stood up, the body was as round as a giant bear.

Or, is it a big ball giant, but thinks that he is a sinking dog?

After the giant bear made a weird dog bark, he licked his own bear claws, and while the eyes were mad, the body gradually expanded, and then it seemed like a cow, desperately rushing to the other side of the mountain.

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

It seems that there is something huge and rushing from far away, and after the Green, who is exploring the potholes, stops, the tri-color light looks like a raging giant bear, more than 30 meters of body, a third-level peak creature, good meat quality. Look like that.

Constantly chewing the stone of the sage to accelerate the passive evolution, Green's hunger speed is much faster than before, at this time driven by the cell instinct, the mouth can not help but secrete a lot of saliva, the tongue licked his lips.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The rushing bear, who smashed the front boulder and smashed on the ridge, stood tall on the ridge, and the tall and fat body stood up violently, and was about to make a "barking" snarling dog wild roar, but when it was full of bloodshot The maddening eyes saw the mountain, the life of the center of the two hundred-meter crater, suddenly, the open mouth roaring, but how can not come out of the sound.

At this moment, the small living body in the eyes of the giant bear, as if the source of the mountain collapse earthquake, formed a natural phenomenon.

Almost in a flash, the violent bear thought a lot.

Why is there a tribal patron saint here?

Will you eat me?

Since my mother died, she has inherited the position of its great leader of the sinking dog family. In this mountain range, although she has only one sinking dog, she has not found a mating person yet, but she is also the king of the family!

If you die here, is the great sinking dog family extinct?

If you turn around and escape, it is impossible to escape the palm of the tribal patron saint. Instead, it may arouse its evil taste. Start with your fat and delicious fart + stocks and let yourself turn around. Frightened to see it eaten by little by little.

And if you don't run, look so dull, the next moment it comes over, put your own ears like a rabbit, let the whole mouth swallow after opening your mouth, just a moment of pain.

If you continue to take the initiative to go, how to explain your purpose?

Hello, I am your great admirer, to pay tribute to your glory and pray for your shelter?

Too disgusting, this is simply the dignity of the king who sold the great sinking dog!

Besides, there is no large-scale ethnic group. If there is no way to complete enough sacrifices, such a powerful guardian will be able to eat himself if the resources are insufficient.

What to do, what to do, my mother once said that the great Shenting dog is a brainstorming group, to give full play to their wisdom and instinct...

"Wang Wang Wang!"

In the deep pit, Green is trying to use the gravitational witchcraft to catch the food that was sent to the door, but see this giant bear. In the sound of "Wang Wangwang", the short tail behind him is desperately stirring. With his tongue out, he ran over with joy and joy, and there was still a half-baked savage appearance.


Green has already stretched out his hand and stiffened in midair.

"A dog that looks like a bear?"

I saw this giant bear that had just been brutally attacked~www.novelmtl.com~ At this moment, I couldn’t help but roll, and ran down from the hillside, spit my tongue, and came to the side of Green, the huge head kept on. Looking at the legs of the green trousers, the look looks like you are silently telling yourself as a dog's surrender.

Green stood in the same place and stayed for a while and did not respond.

This giant bear's head is buried low, and I just want to bury it in the soil, licking the big **** + stocks that are not talking, the short and thick fat tail keeps moving.

"Oh, is it really a dog?"

Green will try to touch the hair on the head of the giant bear in the hand in midair. This guy has a comfortable expression, and his eyes are harmless. The pair enjoys the appearance and makes Green can’t bear to bake it. Hard work.

"Well, yes, yes, it seems to be a special special hound for the head."

Green showed a funny smile.

"Go and catch me only the prey, I am hungry."

After Green told the giant bear the will, he ignored the strange guy and continued to explore the gravel under his feet. The giant bear ran away without a trace.

After half an hour of hourglass, the giant bear ran with a giraffe and ran back, and Wang Wang screamed, slamming his body behind his fat short tail and vomiting his tongue, and he looked like a bungee, and he couldn’t help himself.




[To be continued]. 】

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