A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1188: Gujac

Two years have passed.

Green has traveled to various coordinate points in the world, and occasionally meets one or two mavericks of the world, or the owner of the world of the guardian of the race, like the former Green.

As for the sinking dog, after half a month with Green, he was put back by Green, returned to the mountains, and continued to be the king of the sinking dog.

Today, with more than a hundred coordinate points, Green has explored most of the time, and doubts and concerns are still plaguing Green.

Is it wrong?

On this day, Green, who is getting more and more dignified, came to a bamboo forest. According to the calculated coordinates of more than 100 points, the next coordinate should be here.

This is a kind of weird bamboo like a tall tower. It is different from the bamboo that grows in the temperate climate of the world. Although the bamboo here is also knot-shaped, the interior is not hollow, but it is occupied by a soft mud monster as a nest. Peculiar, but no matter whether it is bamboo or mud, there is nothing worth studying, so Green is not concerned as a holy mark wizard.


Occasionally stepping on a bamboo shoot at the foot, the larvae inside the larvae will scream, and after Green has passed, these smashed mud monsters will regroup and climb to other places.

After a few turns in this large bamboo forest, Green felt very surprised, and could not find the coordinate point that he calculated!

Just like drawing a circle, Green gets the coordinates in a circle, but Green has been wandering around the circle to find it, so no matter how you look for it, you must not find this exact coordinate.

It is also like hanging a leaf in front of the car, no matter how chasing the car's scorpion, but never catching up with the food in front of you.

"The wonderful rules, it seems... the secret should be here!"

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light explored all directions, confirming that there was no valuable information, and suddenly took the face of truth. Exposed to the vicissitudes of life, the two-coloured light is filled with knowledge and wisdom, full of insight and calm, it is a view from the top of knowledge and rules.

"In this case……"

Sitting on the ground, Green gradually emptied all distractions and entered a state of meditation.

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After about half an hour of hourglass, Green on the ground suddenly opened his eyes. First, "哗哗啦啦" opened the "Book of Truth", forgotten the runes and the neon light to form a colorful rune. Under the special arrangement of Green, the sixth sense of the body and the sense of touch were self-sealed.

Green's "alienation" snorted, seeing the blue-eyed eyelids that represent the elements of water, and the red-eyed eyes that represent the elements of fire, actually squirming under the eyes of Green.


"啵", Green's two eyes turned out to grow hands and feet, vying out from the eyes, leaving two black holes in the eye socket, braving the source of darkness. It looks terrible.

"Hey, the next time I want to be the left eye, you have to be there!"

"I don't want to, Green always sleeps with the right half of the body in the lower position. I don't want to be below."

The two eyes squabble and fell into the palm of Green's outstretched palm.


Then, Green slammed his tongue out of his mouth. This squirming tongue seemed like a muddy, swimming and following two eyes, falling into the palm of Green's palm.

"Hey. Green, next time you can wake up in the morning to clean your nostrils, don't use your little finger directly, it's disgusting!"

Green's nose yelled, but he saw an ear that was climbing to the palm of Green's palm. "Haha" smiled: "He can't hear, you don't believe him with an idiot."

Said, Green's two ears fell into the palm of Green's palm.

"Hey he stupid? He doesn't mean he is jealous of myself, you stupid."


Losing all perceptions, even the distracting thoughts are removed. As a living body, Green has a perceptual barrier with the endless world, which is equivalent to the isolation of its own energy. This kind of life is impossible to balance the rules in the endless world. Survival.

"According to the coordinates, if you use the current coordinate control, you should step back 725 steps."

one two three four five six seven eight……



When Green completed the calculation in his heart, he opened his palm and returned to the body with the eyes, nose, tongue, and ears. At the same time, the colorful runes that were displayed on the body surface were also returned to the Book of Truth. The first time, Green I heard the strange and frightened cry in all directions.

Did not feel any danger, Green did not even open his eyes, he is currently wearing the face of truth, and then, the three-color light slowly opened!

There are horrible mud monsters everywhere, almost quite intelligent. It is a social group. This is a depression. There are several volcanoes around it, but the gushing is not magma, but the smooth mud, like a waterfall. Flowing down.

The sky is like a huge funnel that is twisted in time and space, and collapses in all directions.

These mud monsters are not fixed, and they have escaped to the distance, but not far from Green, a large mud monster, holding a bamboo pole fishing rod, a one-eyed trembling gazing at the pond Center of Green.

Below the Green, it is the center of a Qingtan.

In the middle of the Qingtan Lake, the endless white bones, the gray sky, that is not the secondary esophagus flowing back to the world! ?

"Please, please don't kill us, we are willing to contribute everything to you!"

Holding the muddy scorpion, I tried to communicate with the will in horror.

At the first level of life, Green floated over the pond, overlooking the other side indifferently, and said: "What are you doing here?"

"I... We are inherited by our ancestors, responsible for saving the lost creatures at the bottom of the well, pulling them into the world and getting out of the bitter wells."


Green stared at the mud in the hands of the mud, and the incredible look of the day, is this the black ball pulled by this kind of thing! ?

Originally ~www.novelmtl.com~ I even made plans for it. If the other party is a master, or can not be strong, it will be connected with the other side with a balance lever, threatened with life equivalent.

At this time, the light of the balance lever has only one ability, that is, no matter how powerful or weak the enemy is, as long as it is under the influence of the endless world balance rule, there is no separation from the balance rule. Once the two sides form an equivalence balance, then any Injury will be equivalent to both sides in the nature of life, and will not be offset by any special abilities and rules.

For example, if the living body that is equal to Green's equivalent death, then Green will die completely, and will not trigger the rebirth again because of the nightmare body. This is the equivalence balance.

However at this time...

Green is unbelievable. The black ball that once feared in the second esophagus has even been prepared here for more than five hundred years. In order to deal with the controller behind the scenes, this is actually mud!

Save the lost creatures?

I am afraid that these muds are strange and have not understood their situation. They have only created a shelter in the illusory world of despair.

Suddenly, Green suddenly thought of the secondary esophagus. The black ball suddenly appeared from the endless mire. It seemed to be similar to the environment here. Green frowned and asked, "What is your ancestor called?"


The answer from the muddy blame made Green unbelievably open his eyes. This turned out to be the light of the ancient civilization, the Mickey Mouse is highly respected for the ancient civilization world! (To be continued.)

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