A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1186: Snow velvet

"The big guardian."

The Edelweiss priest carries a delicious and full of olive fruit plate, leading the nine most beautiful females, and the money goes to the front of the green, gently put the fruit plate in the hand, a plate on the vine hanging table.

The appearance of the snow velvet is similar to that of human beings, which is one of the reasons why Green chose to be the guardian of this group.

The white skin is like the first snow in winter. The tall figure can reach two meters. The long black hair is soft and scattered behind. It looks like a stream. The bright big eyes are sky blue, the purity is pure and clear, and a pair of white feathers behind it. wing.

After all the end of the fruit plate was sent, the Edelweiss acted as a family member to leave, and he took a light step. The money came to the side of the slayer of the savage wizard who came to St. Yadi two hundred years ago. Part of the shame was covered by snow velvet, and the body exudes a fragrance, repeating again in a low voice: "The big guardian?"


Green woke up from the test and looked at the fruit bowl before he nodded to the saint.

After the end of the life spoon experiment, Green took a small piece of the sage stone into a powder and swallowed it, and then began to savor these high-energy fruits to supplement the energy needed by the body during high-speed passive evolution.

The snow velvet saint stood beside the green, watching the taciturn, but with the infinite power of the sorcerer of the sorcerer, full of reverence and love.

In the history of the Eriocheon, there has never been such a wide and powerful guardian. The only requirement is that there is only a lot of olive fruit and a quiet environment.

His erudition, his mystery, his power, are deeply attracted to his desire to get close, even if he is just standing beside him, waiting for him to quietly taste the olive fruit.

If you can, if you have the opportunity, you are willing to give everything to yourself, this is a very proud and glory, dreamlike wonderful!

Cockroach, sputum, sputum...

Every day, he is alone in the quiet eating of these olives, without saying a word, as if there are endless things that need him to think.

Taking off the mask, he has the same eyes as the snow velvet, is a brown-green pair, beautiful like amber gems, its eyes, as if overlooking the whole world, looking at the entire guardian continent.

It is still like eating all the olives in the past, and the Virgin is keenly aware that the Guardian of the Wizards today seems to be somewhat different from usual. It is the sixth sense of thousands of nights and nights.

Suddenly, Green looked up and looked at the snow velvet saint who had taken care of himself for ten years.

"In a few days, your virgin career should end, welcome a new virgin? But, I think, I have to leave."

The hands of the Edelweiss in the fruit plate trembled a little, and the sky blue eyes looked at Green unbelievably.

"Walk? Where is the big guardian going? Is it something that the Xuerong people have to dissatisfied with the big guardian? Or what did Yu Er do wrong?"

Said, as if incomparably scared, the whole sky will fall down, the snowy virgin eyes are wet, the voice is a bit sobbing, kneeling on the ground, looking at Green in horror, looks very pitiful.

Green's voice is still as calm as it is, and he is ashamed: "No, it doesn't matter to you, it's my own business. I don't belong here. I want to go back to my home."

"The home of the great guardian?"

The Edelweiss is not willing to say: "We can follow the guardian, ask the master to continue to shelter my family, don't abandon us!"

Humble petition, the desire of lower creatures, but in Green's view, the wizard's higher reason, although somewhat emotional with this group, but after all, but the light of the fire that experienced in the long summer.

This point, every formal wizard has been deeply experienced.

Even today, Green and these snow velvets are not only the gap between life levels, but also the distance of life perception. Green knows that he is the existence outside this shelter box, but they are only the homeland inside this shelter box. biological.

As for the creator of this shelter box...

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

Suddenly, a mess of screams, from far and near, hovered over the city, the snow velvet sacred face changed, refused to cry, quickly ran to the window of the Green Cabin, looking to the sky.

"The big guardian is the flock of flocks, the number is at least 100,000!"

As he said, the saint suddenly thought of the words that Green had just said to leave, that is to say, now he is no longer the guardian of the snow velvet.

In an instant, a desperate mood rises and rises on the face of the snow velvet saint, and the flower is eclipsed.

"The big guardian..."

Listening to the sobbing voice of the virgin woman, she almost shouted, Green shook her head, and the body suddenly disappeared. The next moment, it appeared in the fog and the sky.

The snow velvets gather in the Xiangyang **** section of a giant mountain. A waterfall flows down from the mountain peaks, moisturizing the dense rain forest on the ridge, and the water vapor is lingering. Countless Xuerong people are looking up on the ground.

And his own experimental loft lodge, on the top of a giant olive tree trunk on the top of the mountain, enjoys the worship of the entire snow velvet family, for more than two hundred years, although for Green, it is only the twelfth face of truth. The experimental time of the project, but for these snowshoes, which are generally around 70 years old, it is too slow.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

The flocks are inhabited, and they are ferocious. The hunting habits are to kill the prey and the prey that can provide rich flesh and blood. After a period of time, they will devour the rotten flesh and blood.

Similar to the snow velvet, it is one of their hunting targets.

At this time, Green stood in the sky, looking at the dense and horrible hunter flocks in the eyes of the snow velvets. In the eyes of the civilization that experienced the battle of civilization ~www.novelmtl.com~ but a group of cannon fodders randomly touched on the battlefield Not worth mentioning.

I glanced at these worms, and in the hands of Green, the alienated shadows appeared.

Sneering, with the help of the Green Magic, the faint yin and yang martial arts wicks above, a group of unrecognizable flames ignited, and for a moment, Green's alienated magnetic field received an incredible resonance increase!

Nowadays, with the help of the abundant sages of the sages, Greene’s weapon power, which was born in the body of the ancient giant sorcerer, has been greatly enhanced with the most primitive period. It can't be the same.

The tri-color ray looks at the flocks of the black pelicans.

This group of crows, chaotic, and rushing to each other, seems to have no rules to follow, but at this time, under the face of Green Truth, each crow’s "sailing watermark" is moving and moving between each other. The dynamic law of "Starting and Watermarking" was completely integrated and summarized by Green, and it was easy to find the King of the Ravens surrounded by the "Starting Watermark" Central Committee in the Crow Group.


In fact, this has no use.

With the invisible light wave of Green's alienated light, the original sky was full of screams and screams, and the abrupt silence began, and each of the hunting crows began to burst, and the alienated cockroaches touched each other, as if entangled. Raindrops scattered.

It is the snow velvet family who sees this scene, and can't help but panic spread. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @冰山berg123]

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