A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1138: Obscurity

Losing Simba, Green has to move on.

According to Simba, in the absence of high-speed travel, hundreds of years have not been able to reach the end of the skeleton, and they have to find the light of hope to dominate the body, and do not know how long it will take.

Under such circumstances, after Green made a choice, he chose to give up his self-sealing power.

The colorful rune forgetting seal combined with the neon light is completely included in the Book of Truth. The Green body is gradually transparent, and the hidden light is used to guide the light of the Shroud of Hope.

I don't know, what do you want to hide in the other direction that the scepter points?

But I hope that the scepter, as the key to a powerful master, must be hidden in some extreme and precious things, and even hidden in this deep illusion...


Three years later.

In the constant stop and stop, frequent avoidance of the constant invasion of the storm, since the meeting with the so-called truth will, Green can not help but have deeper taboos on the secondary esophagus.

This is no longer a material world that is adapted to the habits of the habits.

In this retrospective, or the secondary esophagus, in addition to the powerful and powerful world lords from the endless world, there are some deep illusory disasters that have been sealed. The biggest danger comes from the moments that may appear, I don’t know There are other unrealistic crack channels in the same level, and some strange and illusory phenomena that cannot be understood.

After all, in the absence of the Dimensional War, the endless world gathered here is hard to digest the impurities, and it is necessary to balance the rest of the world with other imaginary worlds that are more dangerous. Therefore, some of the world’s owners who are exiled here are aware. After the cruelty and horror here, there is very little arbitrarily like Green.

They are all like Simba, even if they starve to death in that metal forest, they are not willing to face infinite endlessness and do not know when to come back.

Booming rumbling...

The intense energy shock ripples, constantly from far and near, the hidden green under the robe of appearance. Under the face of truth, the three colors of light have changed in tandem, and the two sides of the battle are looking forward to the ruins of the mountains and ruins.

The killing here is far more cruel than the material world.

Lack of material resources plus many real powerhouses. As Green stays in this illusory world for a longer period of time, the cruelty here will have a deeper understanding.

However, this time killing both sides is different from what Green had seen before.

The violent energy fluctuations and the breath of life, both of which indicate the strong position of the six-level creatures on both sides. What makes Green more notice is that the two sides are arguing for a silver wine glass.

Fighting and killing both sides, one is a purple gourd blame, surrounded by golden stones, constantly changing various forms, on the defensive.

On the other hand, it is a cactus. If it is not open, it will be over 100 meters in size. It is covered with golden thorns, and the surrounding body is surrounded by this group of accompanying insects. On the offensive, he constantly tried to **** the silver glass that was sandwiched by the energy ripples of both sides.

What Green noticed was that not only were the two masters of the world of plants competing with each other, but with the insight of truth, Green easily found a cockroach hiding under the cloak of invisible cloak, the whole body of black gas, only one pale The one-eyed eyes that came out of the eyes, followed closely behind the two, waiting for an opportunity to fight for the look.

"What is this?"

In the concealment, Green couldn't help but be curious. Speculating on this silver wine glass.

Surrounded by the mysterious power of the unknown, two snake-like creatures form the handrails of the wine glasses, and the two snake-like creatures have horns and four claws. Passing through the green scales, the two beards are scattered and a bit of a mighty look.

"This feeling of breath is similar to the ghosts around the sister-in-law! But it seems that there is less self-awareness, only one empty shell, can you say... Has the fairy world ever conducted a war of the Yuan? Or. The strong from there, fallen here?"

As a result, Green couldn't help but have a strong interest in this silver wine glass.

After thinking about it, Green decided to secretly follow the one-eyed monster under the invisibility cloak.

If you **** it from two six-level creatures, it is a bit too risky, but if you follow this five-level creature that is good at hiding, it will be much easier.

The two six-level biological battles are themselves natural disasters that are violently broken. So brave, the real horror in the Yuan Esophagus does not know how many, but still does not stop, can only explain this silver cup, very important!

Close to the invisibility cloak creature, Green saw a crocodile-like tail, slightly agitated and restless.

Obviously, because there is no good mobile phone, it will take longer and longer, and the more likely it is to be noticed by other strong people. If you accidentally caused some eclipse in the second eclipse, it will be completely digested by the endless world. The old monster, if found, no one wants to leave alive!

"Hey, are you bringing food?"

In the distance, a colorful hundreds of meters of octopus monsters, actually rushed to the ground and chased the gourd and cactus.

With its huge momentum, it is indeed much more powerful than the people present. The sound of the earth's vibrations along the way is hard to imagine. Before being smothered by the eclipse, it would be a marine life.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light, in the moment of looking at this huge octopus, **** a breath!

"The real body... is so huge!?"

With tens of thousands of meters of real body, it is easy for Green to associate with a relatively strong medium-sized world. Every once in a while, the horrible monsters in the depths of the ocean will ravage the whole world~www.novelmtl.com~ The rise of a civilized ethnic group set up a powerful seal, sealed the ocean monster into the secondary esophagus and chose permanent exile, let it be digested by the endless world rules.

The gourd and cactus in the stifling were shocked, and they paused each other and fled to the distance.

The one-eyed eccentric under the invisibility cloak hesitated a little, but eventually chose to secretly follow it. The big octopus apparently did not find its trace, and naturally did not find the trace of Green under the robes of the appearance.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

An endless quagmire, bubbling under the quagmire.

After seven consecutive days of escape, several of them were caught in the invisible time due to the speed, and stumbled, and the gourd and the cactus fled to the mud area.

Needless to say, in the long history of history, there must be an elemental creature to carry out a sub-dimensional battle, and contribute its own body to the secondary esophagus, becoming this endless quagmire.

Suddenly, a small black ball emerged from the mud bath, as if a piece of dark coal, only a few centimeters, appeared in the low sky, blocking the front of the prickly pear and the gourd!


Ps: Exhaustion, fifth! The second esophagus volume will be very interesting, ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket, and a reward!

In addition, the Egret will be in the list in June, complete the transformation of the new author to the old author, when everyone will support!




[To be continued]. 】

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