A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1182: Balance lever

It's a rule that can't be affected!

Green's thoughts flashed, and at this time, I couldn't believe it. I really just fell into a simple illusory space, similar to the eyes of the destruction of Cangyan Giant Mountain. The net is worth your collection. . (The best experience of novel reading is in [])

The power of the wizard is derived from the use of magic knowledge to incite rules, change the rules of balance, and tend to favor one's own side. According to the knowledge point of the wizard, the place where the balance rule cannot be affected is to transcend the dimension of the endless world dimension.

The balance rule can't be visualized to the dimensional gap. Is it that the dimensional gap is not considered to be within this dimension?

And on your own, things that can't be affected...

Green suddenly smiled, and the face of truth was no longer as nervous as it was, and his feet fell on the wooden floor, making a "squeaky" sound and walking in a leisurely manner.

"If you are really a will to balance the rules, you are the balance, want to know this thing in me, what is the price you pay?"

Green seems to smile easily, but in fact, the heart has already set off a huge wave!

in case!

If this is true, not a ridiculous illusion of not knowing when to fall into it, then what you are doing at this time is most likely a historical event.

The composition of civilization is not the composition of the sacred objects, and it is divided into various, and there is no doubt that the face of truth that Green has been trying to accomplish, and the city of eternal sky, are the sacred objects that are accumulated through step by step efforts.

Although at this stage, even if the face of truth has joined the eyes of the world, and has completed the 11th phase of the project, the 12th phase of the project is already in preparation, but it is still far away from that step, lacking something that can be qualitatively changed.


The ancient sorcerer, Antonio, holding the fate lever and the book of Destiny, is not just relying on simple accumulation. Among them, the power of the super dimension dimension must have been involved, otherwise the book of Destiny. How to communicate fate and complete the transaction. Writing the page of fate?

What Green experienced at this time is probably the very few super-rule experiences that Antonio experienced in the ancient times when he explored the truth.

Such an opportunity...

Even if there is only one trace, Green must do everything in its power to win more!

Fortunately, the wizard's exploration of the unknown knowledge made Green not form any damage here, but lost to try to understand. Did not try to be balanced.

At this time, Green seems to be in a hurry. This is only based on the understanding of the balance rules here. If other groups of creatures, or smashing mistakes, may have been balanced like Simba.

However, Green did not think that the reason why the balance rule chose himself this time turned out to be it, and it finally began to show its meaning.

"What do you want to know about me?"

The old frog licked his eyelids. After taking the cigarette rod, continue to ask.

And as Green became more and more awake, he began to explore. This rod of tobacco is not the one that was hand-buried by the old Ham after his death?

There is nothing in the face of truth that is not perceived, and the image of the scene in front of it is coincident with some of its own experiences. It is not a normal coincidence and random experience of the endless world. If you are not in the hallucination at this time. Then, what is experienced will inevitably be a super-rule communication.

This kind of communication. It is like communication between books and ink makers, communication between bonsai plants and flower pot makers. It seems that the two have no connection, but they are connected together.

"I want to know. How to communicate with you forever!"

Green's voice is unwavering!

"Just like the balance of the endless world, for the higher latitude of it, you have to bind us to this dimension dimension, Simba eats your fish, leaves bones, you have to eat Simba, leave one Like Zhang Pi. So, if you know the secrets that I have studied to deal with it, and compensate me, it should be a chance for me to have more chances to get other secrets. If I can communicate with you from time to time, it will hurt me. , will be equally hurt, so that I can have more opportunities to make up for it!"


The frog was silent, and the sound of "咕咕" was also a lot low. After a while, the frog said: "The deal!"

Green laughed, and the smile was so splendid, because almost at the same time, the frog that Green saw was no longer a frog, but an extension of the will that runs through the rules of the endless world balance, as if to inherit a long root of the world continent. The end of Hao Gang must.

Green saw its essence. It didn't exist. At this time, it was in front of Green's eyes.

And Green, also took out one thing, this is a blank piece of paper, it seems to be torn from a book.

That's right, this is the last page of Green's Grimm's Fairy Tale, a blank page, and the last page without an ending, infinitely unknown.

Nowadays, Grimm's Fairy Tales is no longer known in the ordinary civilian cities of the Wizarding World. It is gradually being promoted like the Fairy Tales of Tooth Fairy. So, a rule is being promoted and gradually recognized by people. , gradually improved its high efficiency and binding.

However, according to Green, its rule is so sublime.

The ruler of the ruling, "The Fairy Tales of the Tooth Fairy", the rules of the sorcerer's sorcerer, donated a few epochs in the nightmare wizards, and many of the wizards have never heard of this famous wizard. After unremitting efforts, they finally realized the change of rules. .

The final pursuit of Green's Grimm's Fairy Tales is more like a thing that can never be done by Green. It is more ambitious and more exciting than Green's ancestor's ancestors' dedication plan. Desperate, and sometimes, sometimes, Green wants his guess to be wrong.

"This is it……"

The last will, suddenly, everything in front of Green disappeared.

After a fierce return to the gods, Green is standing on an empty, dry bone, but the streamrays back to the plain world of the illusory world, and in his own hands, there is a golden light that blooms softly, without quality, without attributes, no Spilled ripples.

But holding it, Green saw it, it is a balance, a balanced lever, standing at the end of the balance, waiting for the equivalent balance at the other end!

Only with your own will, you can use this balance lever to establish the so-called equivalence balance just described by the will of the endless world balance with anyone!

"Oh... it’s true!"

Not only the light of the balance lever in Green's hands, Green's side, Simba's complete lion skin quietly sinks, in the distance, the "呜呜呜" storm storm strikes, everything is so familiar.

It’s awkward!

The light is dark and staggered, and the arc is extinguished to eliminate a hole that is smooth and avoids the disaster. Green picks up the golden lion skin and jumps into it.

At this time, Green's eyes looked at the light of the balance lever in his hand. From this light spot, Green seemed to see a rule of the balance that runs through the endless world. It is so vast and innocent.

I am by the side of it, it is so small and insignificant, and the pursuit of the wizard, but actually tried to break it after completely controlling it?

"Streaming back, it is worthy of being one of the deepest illusory worlds. If it is only a phenomenon of communicating with other deep illusory worlds, it can still explain, but even the endless world rules will be able to communicate, it has been illusory to this bizarre degree, to the second esophagus. Name the edge of the dimension dimension, it is more suitable. So... what is the dimension gap?"

The shock of the unknown in the heart has already suppressed Green's excitement of the light of the balance rule.

This is the wizard, only the unknown knowledge is the chase!

As the mood subsided~www.novelmtl.com~ The top of the storm was raging, Green had already adapted. At this time, I looked at the light of the balance rule, and the face showed the wisdom of a learned wizard.

"Truth levers the magic wand and found it."

With Green's words, this light of balance is transformed into a body of invisible material like a destiny magic wand under the pressure of Green's will. If it is infinitely magnified, it is a light river, infinitely magnificent.


p: fourth! Yesterday, I subscribed to some of them. The Egret was studied for a while in the morning and was asked to subscribe. It was forgotten to subscribe, monthly, recommended, and rewarded.

Seek the starting point of the "Sorcerer's Journey", and receive a line of egrets on the light of the gods! Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket, and a reward!

The volume of the second esophagus, and the road to the next roll, are the two volumes that the Egret felt very interesting before the "Sorcerer's Journey" began. They were rolled out for the exploration of the fantasy world and the material world. The egrets will work hard. Completed! (To be continued.)


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