A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1184: Worrable black ball

This little black ball is unknown to life. It seems that because someone broke into its territory, silently staying in the air, the strange and awkward oppressive feelings, let Green, stealth one-eyed, gourd, and fairy ball strange, while the creeps, the body is extremely stiff .

Green's tri-color pupils are instantly reduced to the size of the tip, incredulously gazing at the small point of the size of their own palm, every cell of the body is shaking.


This is the ancient atmosphere of the strange things, even more than a lot of bones here.

I don’t know how many old monsters have been silenced here, or when they are sealed to the deepest illusion, they are already such horrible creatures.

This black and white monster, in the eyes of Green, is like a black hole.

Perhaps, this is not a living body at all. This is an unknown crack that links another illusory world. It even evolves into a regular life. It is inherently a powerful space-time seal!


Green could faintly hear the sound of the wrinkling water in front of him. In this strangely quiet sky, the four people seemed to be frozen in an instant, and no one dared to move.

The big octopus that is chased behind is not fast, and it needs to avoid the faults from time to time. At this time, you can only hear the sound of “squeaky” entering the edge of the quagmire.

"This idiot."

Green is secretly stunned by this colorful octopus monster, which has always been pursued. It seems to be a living body that has recently been exiled here. It has not yet understood the true horror of the secondary esophagus.

Suddenly, the original quiet sky, among the four people, the relatively large size of the immortal ball blame, a scream, gave up the competition for the silver wine glass, the body's companion insects and golden thorns turned into a full-scale attack, flocked to the black ball, However, the soul of the dead is rushing to the opposite direction.

As a higher life with the will to explore talent, the prickly pear first noticed the change of this unknown living body, took the lead in the disaster, and actively fled.


Like the sound of sucking noodles, all the attacks of the fairy ball, along with the time and space of the direction of escape, are simultaneously distorted.

Then, an amazing scene appeared.

All the attacks of the celestial genius were attracted to the body by the little black ball, and the celestial genius escaped from the distance in the space, but at this time its space in all directions seemed to be folded and concentrated, just like a boat sailing in the water, obviously in the boat Paddle, but still can not retreat, and the body is getting smaller and smaller, and finally to the black hole, there is only a little light, like a floating, by the palm-sized black ball swallowed into the body.

At this moment, Green can feel his own tremors, that is the instinctive reaction of horror and fear, the back has long been filled with a layer of cold sweat.

After the first attack of this little black ball, it was obvious that there was no intention to stop. Immediately, the target was locked on the gourd monster. A layer of black sandstone was continuously ejected from the body of the gourd, but it was black. Constantly swallowed, as if its body is an endless space.

In the first time, Greene has been secretly following the singularly rebellious escape, is flying towards the Green side, the speed is extremely fast.

When Green saw the gourd blame getting smaller and smaller, he continued to approach the black cricket ball, and the reaction was extremely fast. The wave was a violent volatility, and then the smashing of the arc was fleeting.

The one-eyed man who was horrified and fled, did not even think that there was a terrible guy behind him. He was followed by a repulsion, and then evaded the arc in the panic, but was still hit by the annihilation arc. The worn-out stealth cloak was A hole is eliminated, and after a suffocating blood flow, the invisibility cloak loses its effect.

Despair, anger, fear!

One-eyed grotesque still did not find Green's trace, but at this time the gourd blame has been completely swallowed by the black ball, and then, a binding force squeezed by time and space, came.

"Do not……"

The shouts couldn't be transmitted because of the time and space around them. They were forced to struggle, but they were so silent and could not be dragged over.

The eccentric light of hatred looks to the empty, gray sky, who is it!

On the other side, Green's breath under the robes of the appearance, escaping at full speed, intertwined with the colorful octopus monsters roaming in the mire.

Although this octopus is strong, but at most it is the level of the finisher of the finest enamel, perhaps a little worse, compared to the strange black ball in the Green sense, the difference is too much.

Oh la la!

The octopus blame seems to have not noticed the horror in front, and is still chaotically chasing. These colorful tattoos look very beautiful. In the process of biological evolution, they represent a silent warning. The more colorful creatures, the more It is dangerous.

At this time, Green, I can't wait for this octopus to be extremely dangerous. It is best to fight with the black ball and fight for it.

However, Green's idea is obviously just a luxury.

Only barely escaped tens of thousands of meters, even if Green did not evade the possible faults, turn around and see ~www.novelmtl.com~ still silent, hundreds of hundreds of octopus monsters The colorful tentacles struggled with all their strength. After the opening of the real body, the expansion speed was not as long as the black ball was distorted. The speed of absorption was fast, and it was dragged by the black ball.

Suddenly, the cold hair of the hair was blown up, as if it was touched by countless cold hands, Green's body was shocked!

It was discovered by him!

The robe of appearance does not play any role at all. It has already discovered itself. The large-scale space-time distortion and squeezing around it tells Green that at this time, he is being swallowed up like several other monsters!

Everything is as natural as it is. In Green's eyes, as the approaching, the black ball is getting bigger and bigger. From the very beginning, only the size of the palm briquettes has become a giant, and it is still expanding.

Green knows that this is constantly shrinking.

In the faint, Green seems to see that on the surface of the black ball, countless small things are squirming, as if they are two-dimensional living bodies, swimming around the surface of the black ball, but they will never escape because they lose a sense of height. Out of this black ball.

Do not……

Can't go on like this, can't be bound by him on his body, become a part of it!

"The wild instinct is transformed into the sixth layer, the ancient giant scorpion magic body, open!"

The ever-expanding muscles, a bone-bone spurt out, the giants of the kilometer gradually formed, followed by a black flame on the surface of the green, burning and burning, and three hundred black soul birds screamed . 〖Unfinished to be continued〗 []

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