A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1181: Balance the will! ?

Absurd, strange, but as if taken for granted.

This feeling, Green has been there several times, although Green as a wizard of rational thinking, the subconscious has already used this as a deep illusory world, whether it is streamlined backtrack, or the so-called secondary esophagus, can not be based on the endless world material rules Judging, but the absurd rules here are too different from the world of the esophagus.

The significance of the deep rules of the secondary esophagus is to digest any creatures that attempt to break away from the endless world and maintain the inherent stability of the endless world.

The secondary esophagus is in a simple and rude manner, whether it is internal killing, or has been transformed into other imaginary worlds of the same level, as if a stomach that is constantly creeping, frosted with hard and indigestible food, and some other illusory worlds.

In terms of the secondary esophagus itself, the real crisis, or the big digest, is only a short moment of the second-order battle!

Green does not know the gap between the dimensions, but no matter how you look at it, if the second-generation esophagus ushers in the moment of the second-order war, even if the endless world is endless, the secondary esophagus must be the most dangerous place.

It is far more dangerous than the war of civilizations in the Wizarding World!


At this time, the absurd and strange feelings in Green's rationality, the unique sense of reality violations deceived by the illusory rules, and the truthful perception of the truth on the face of truth...


The lion's skin is screaming at Green, and Green has an all-round insight into the perception of truth, no matter how absurd, how horrible, how bizarre, removing the essence of these representations, removing the illusion of illusion, this is just a lion skin. However, a leather with only a long and wide two-dimensional dimension is like Green's first crystal ball talent test in Bisser City. The little man who ran out of the book.

Green's soles floated a little bit, which is a trivial creature, but a trivial instinct. Not even a power system, but at this time. This horrible lion skin carpet was snarled on the wooden floor because of the loss of the goal on the floor of Green, angry, frightened, stupid.

“Is it a feeling of high-latitude life overlooking low-latitude life?”

Green bent over and stretched out a finger to gently touch the lion skin carpet. The lion skin carpet was obviously all touched, and the anger and fear were more obvious. I tried my best to roar on the wooden floor in the room. But there is no way to find Green floating in the air.

Even if it is only above the length and width, the height of the area of ​​more than ten centimeters is a qualitative change for this low-level dimension phenomenon!

On the wooden floor, the smirk face of the old butler of the Viscount House was also a dozen centimeters high in the area where Green flew off the ground, and feared that a pair of triangle eyes kept turning.


Slowly, the lion skin carpet and the old butler's face disappeared from the stalls, and thousands of small frogs jumped back and forth on the rocking chair. The wooden structures of "嘎吱" and "嘎吱" were heard from each other.

“Is this your way of communication?”

Green smiled coldly and looked at the old frog on the rocking chair.

"Oh, no. This is not the way I communicate. This is the way in which the rules of the esophagus are communicated. It is the way of communication at the edge of this dimension."

The old frog licked his eyelids and spit out a ring of smoke in his mouth. His voice was empty, as if he were being manipulated by a puppet.

"What about it?"

Green pointed to the lion's skin on the ground.

"It? It just did what it was supposed to do. It ate the fish here and left the fish bones, and it was eaten here. It is not fair to leave its skin?"

The breath suddenly increased. Keeping fighting at all times, the three colors of the face of Green Truth are staring at the frog. It seems that the most violent attack will occur at any time!

"You are... are you the will of this illusory world?"


The frog's "squeaky" sound is like laughing.

"No, I am just a will under this dimension of dimensional balance, that is, you and your ethnic group, what you always want to break."

Green was shocked. Now, in the end, is it the first illusion, the ecstasy of the Cangyan Mountain, the nightmare world, or the real existence?

The sorcerer shakes the rules of balance and changes the most basic ability of the world. The ultimate pursuit is to break the balance and transform the ideal reality. It is also the ultimate pursuit of the ancestors, rather than the passive pursuit of power, and eventually becomes the existence of only knowing the destruction.

Being able to be taught by a frog, Green can't believe that he really just fell into a simple and illusory.

"So, what is the purpose of your appearance here?"

Green police asked with a sigh.

"Oh, it seems that my understanding of you and your ethnic group is still very simple. For so long, you have not tried to break me, but try to understand me?"

The frog spit out a cigarette circle, but it is only a deceptive appearance of the endless world of material creatures. Maybe other people come here and see a completely different scene, all based on their own cognition.

Only the face of truth is not deceiving. There is nothing in this room, and no life exists.

"Break you? I am afraid, break you, because of the balance rules, you will be like it, break me in the first place!"

Green suddenly realized what he was, pointing to Simba's lion skin carpet, muttering low.

"Oh, it’s really interesting. You know that these are the most basic and simple reasons. Then, how do you realize the so-called dreams you pursue?"

The frog took the cigarette rod off his mouth and bounced the ash. After being caught by the mouth fish on the floor, he sneaked back into the floor and disappeared.

"You always want to break through here and break through the beautiful things it creates for you~www.novelmtl.com~ kill it and replace it. Although it can't come in, it can entrust me to kill you when you break through the real world. When you come to the illusory world, you have already broken the balance, and the dangerous balance is leaning toward you."

"The gap in the dimension..."

Green's question, once again provoked the frog to sneer.

"How perfect balance rule design, I am proud of my existence. Dimensions gap? Where is there no extension of me, is there really an endless world? Maybe... there is already their world, maybe you are Communicate with them? Maybe..."

"Why would you choose me?"

Green suddenly asked!

The old frog was completely surprised, and the large eyelids slowly opened and looked at Green.

"Because you have something that I can't influence, and it's growing and growing, I want to know what it is." (To be continued.)


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