A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1171: explore

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Foot on the bones of the earth, Green's solitary figure follows the robes of the appearance, the light of the hope of the shroud guides, slowly moving forward in the stream, and through the foot "咔嚓", "咔嚓" echo, confirm the surrounding invisible faults crisis.

However, even so, the crescent crisis still exists, and some small calista faults will not produce an echo.

But correspondingly, it does not threaten Green with super-regeneration ability.


After Green’s suspicion, he fiddled with the hopeful scepter floating in the other direction before opening the body, raising his hand, and after a gravitational fluctuation, a piece of humerus that was completely different from the previous step was received.

Rather than saying that this is what the bones are, it is better to say that this is a kind of large insect gram residue, black, red, green and three colors, in this pale and pale gold mixed with the endless bones of the earth, so striking.

It’s a pity that I don’t know how many years have passed here, it has been weathered to this extent.

“Is it the wreck of another biological group?”

Green thought so, starting with the wreckage of the large beetle's body split as the origin center, looking for traces of other black, red and green three-color gram in all directions.

After a few hours of hourglass, it is a pity that Green could not find it.

At this moment, Green couldn't help but think of a terrible possibility. This is the same as himself, breaking into or being sealed into the life of the world.

Pick up a piece of gram, and the three colors of the truth flash in the face of the truth. The age of the shell is so long that the essence of the shell is lost and becomes fragile, but all the faces of truth are meticulously observed through the appearance. Traces of residual clues, across the long river of time, and with the wisdom of the wizard, Green gradually inferred the calculation to restore the general outline of this shell-shelled creature.

"It's indeed a six-level creature, and even in a six-level creature. It's not a weak one. This defensive carapace is enough to bring it to the terrible defense of any attack below 100,000 degrees."

Throw away the carapace in your hand. Under the face of Green Truth, the three-colored light looks out into the distance, and deep inside is more cautious about this illusory world.


Unconsciously, two months passed.

It seems that Green’s previous fears were superfluous, these two months. The cheekbones at the foot have changed from the once pale gold sacrum to the endless gray, apparently different bio-ethnic groups left. For the time being, Green has not encountered any living things.

Is this illusory world too vast?

Or... The life here is so relative that the events encountered by the two lives become small probability accidents?

One layer of elemental ripples is absorbed by Green, and as one of the benefits of the elemental wizard, it is the power of nature after the achievement of the official wizard. You can eat with elements and don't have to worry about starvation under extreme conditions.

"Well, is there a new biological wreck?"

Green noticed that the metatarsal bones had changed again, becoming a kind of semi-transparent spar structure of biological debris, strips of blocks, particles, and picked up a piece, and found that the weight is very amazing.

With a bang, the semi-transparent spar pieces in the hand fell on the ground, causing a metal-like friction.

The wizard is sensitive to energy. Let Green perceive a faint energy fluctuation in the ground, cautiously curious, Green quickly explored, after a short moment. A crystal ball-like spar appears in Green's hands, dazzling and beautiful.

"Amazing density and hardness! Unfortunately, the energy contained in it has been lost, otherwise the energy is healthy. Its value must be above the extreme cold crystal of the extreme abyss magic wand."

Slightly regrettable, such precious resources of artifacts, in the long history of history, have lost their value in this way, and it is embarrassing.


Unconsciously, it is another month.

The shin bones and wreckage at the foot have been replaced twice. Green is also injured by dozens of small-scale faults that cannot be detected. For today's Green, these small and light faults that cannot be detected hurt the storms that may be raging from time to time. It has become a part of everyday life and it is not worth making a fuss.

In a firm footstep, Green's purpose in coming to this world is to dominate the body of the light of hope. As for the mysterious thing that the scepter wants to guide, Green is the second goal.

At the same time, Green's palm, a bracelet made of dozens of strange teeth, with some light power, but unfortunately only with the quaint wall clock, are only shallow, but used to purify the crystal terminal The Stone of the Sage is enough.

Treasures that can be preserved in this illusory world are more or less capable of resisting the erosion of time.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Green is one of the two minds, while walking slowly, moving in the direction of the Shroud of Hope Light, while quietly studying the genetic field of life, and dispelling the "exile" time that will not last for many years.

In this deep illusory world, time has no meaning for the real world. Here is the end of the endless world, and the balance rules are hard to affect.

It is precisely because of such uncertainty that Green will perform the task of radiating the world, preparing the time and the light shroud of hope and escaping, and confessing to his three disciples in the Wizarding World before leaving. behavior.

The reason why space-time seals are so powerful is here.

Perhaps in the deep illusory time and space, I have spent dozens of epochs. It is only a flaw in the real world. It may also be spent in the deep illusory time and space. For the real world, it is thousands of years and several epochs have passed. Things are human beings and civilizations are destroyed.

Even if the creatures of time and space seals escaped from the illusory world, when they appeared in the endless world, they may have been outside the hundreds of world communities, even for the endless lords.

In this way, the time-space seal is so powerful for the sealer, unless the operator actively releases it, but if this is the case, then there is only one possibility, that is, the preparation is ready, the operator takes the initiative to leave the deep layer. The illusory world has reached the real material world ~www.novelmtl.com~ is also a dead end.


All the way down, collecting the green of the positioning echo, suddenly stunned by the clutter, looking up, full of glory


It turned out to be a huge metal armor wreckage of Chengshan into the sea. Some even maintained the original design form. Although the time allowed them to decay, they did not become smashed to those creatures. They have become fragments. It is conceivable that these mechs used to be Combat ability!

The tall ones are several kilometers, the small ones are only one or two meters, and the shapes are different, but the most basic design principles are not the war art of the metal destroyer civilization, but some are similar to the wizarding world. Designed for the collision of the most primitive iron and fire wars.

"Oh... food..."

An astonishingly fast fluctuation in life, roaring from the metal forest, and not seeing the true life of Green for months, was shocked. (To be continued.)


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