A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1170: High latitude play

"Oh, I am here, I finally saw it, the great King of Saiyan, Vegeta!"

The little mouse held the light of the light, screaming with excitement, unable to self, shouting wildly.

"Look, this is the invincible Saiyan army. Their power and horror, only those bodies that are squatting under their feet can understand! They conquered countless big and small worlds, they are born fighting people, great The life group has created a splendid Saiyan culture, such a terrible legion, and what kind of enemy can't be defeated?"

The little mouse stood on a black hair, short and strong, with a mechanically intelligent eye on his right eye, and a gloomy and cruel humanoid on his shoulder, screaming wildly.

"And I, Mickey, will be a witness to great history, together with the great King of Saiyan, breaking the edge of the box, no matter who is blocking the enemy in front of them, they will suffer the most cruel destruction! We will be a higher life out of the box!"

On the one hand, the little mouse praised the blessings sincerely, and on the other hand, apparently pleaded with the cruel and sneer of the Saiyan king. His face was a bit sly, evil, and tyrannical.

Green noticed that the earrings worn by the King of Saiyan, even if they were only seen from the images reflected in the light of the light, are not everything. Although I don’t know what the earth-shattering ability is, but it is certain that it must be with Titan. The ring of loss, metal fire, such a civilization, the same level of supreme sacred objects!

Behind him, a raging tail is swaying, and tens of thousands of figures are fleeting. In the light of the light, this episode of a group of humanoid organisms that assists in the evolution of mechanical technology and personal battles, is the king of the Saiyan. Concentration, the number of gatherings is increasing, more and more.

Every gathering person is not only powerful and terrible, but also surrounded by terrible waves and energy ripples around the body. There must be a hierarchy of the world's sovereigns.

The King of Saiyan does not seem to be the most powerful one among them, and there are some guys who exude the more terrifying atmosphere of the king of the game!


Seeing this, Green took a breath. It is also a powerful and heinous civilization.

Immediately afterwards, in the picture recorded by the light and blue light, the whole blue sky and the blue sky are in great shape, and it seems that the whole world energy is gathered, by starting this kind of special machine device. Gathering in the sky, the Thunder arc entangled, the clear sky began to faint, the whole world was swaying, and the disturbing repression, but these Saiyan legions were even more excited.

Green knows that they are opening the door to an illusory world, and from the perspective of illusion, the level of this illusory world is very deep. It is very likely that at this time Green's streamer is back in the illusory world.

In the meantime, a huge time and space door appeared at this time, revealing a ridiculous atmosphere, as if countless monsters are struggling to cry out, trying to rush out from inside.

These Saiyan legions slammed into the seal, and tens of thousands of Saiyan people rushed in, and some even started the real body, becoming a giant gorilla monster. The power is multiplied, and the sorrowful sneer rushes into the door of time and space.

Looking at the endless white bones, when the new light of the light and blue light appeared again, it has switched to the illusory world of the battle.

"No. No, all this must be the guys outside the box. It must be like this! They punish the powerful civilization that dares to challenge themselves. The most obvious way is to make all the people do it by acting coincidence. Enemy. The deeper means is to distort time and space. It is still a coincidence that another powerful and terrible civilization from different time and space can never even meet, so that the two sides meet on the edge of this Yuan and kill each other. Finally, His unknown mysterious attack made all the attackers have higher powers that disappeared for no reason!"

The little mouse screamed insanely.

It is no wonder that it will be like this. At this moment, the group of tens of thousands of Saiyan corps have encountered a surprisingly large number of pure green skin, but there is no fixed form of biological group, the attack is a mysterious green energy.

The two sides launched a fierce competition, one after another Saiyan and green skin creatures fell from the double sky, turned into a member of the thick cheekbones, lost life.

The king of the tyrannical Saiyan people changed into a whole body, and even through that mysterious earrings, merged with another Saiyan with mysterious earrings, reached a level of incredible and powerful life.

The strength, even if it’s just a glimpse of the light in the light, makes Green’s heart tremble.

I am afraid that the strength of this synthetic life body, in the history of the wizard world, only the most brilliant peak of Antonio, can be compared with it!

This is simply a world tree that will move!


Streamlining back to the illusory world.

The sudden storm of the storm suddenly disappeared, and everything was as there was no sign.

Oh la la...

On the ground, the endless ruins of the sacral bones, Green slowly drilled out, the sky was gray, and the echoes of the vibrations of the cheekbones came from all directions, and the endless whiteness of the bones, everything did not make any difference before, as if the scene had come suddenly It’s just a sudden storm, just a dream.

There was no direction, no reference, and after thinking about it, Green suddenly burst into the sky and flew toward the faint sky.

Flying cautiously, but the sky is not in danger of Green's imagination, but as it continues to fly upwards, it seems to never end, the surrounding is full of gray, only the gravitational effect of the foot tells Green about the sense of position.

Nothing at all, as for the gray mist, but the elemental energy of a large amount of bone powder, has long been analyzed by the face of Green Truth.

After flying dozens of hourglasses.

Green gave up and continued to explore, and fell to the ground in the direction of the gravitational force of the foot. Otherwise, if the previous scale of the storm occurred again, it would be too dangerous to hide.


Unbelievable things happened. Flying to the sky, Green spent dozens of hourglass time. However, the process of decline was only one tenth of an hourglass time. He reached the bones of the cheekbones and stepped on the solid cheekbones. It is really different.

"Oh...not a deep illusory world, such a strange rule has violated the basic understanding of the three-dimensional space of the endless world of material organisms. www.novelmtl.com~ The magic is stirring, Green's body squirming, and four sources of annihilation are separated. .

"It’s troublesome, this time it’s a bit tricky."

Green said to the four sources of annihilation that these sources of annihilation responded with different personalities and went to all directions.


A scream, a source of annihilation that flew a few hundred meters, suddenly fell in a pool of blood, the other three sources of annihilation and the body of Green were shocked, the first time gathered together, the grass and the soldiers were alert.

The face of truth continuously switches between different perceptual abilities, hoping to find hidden dangers, and finally finds an invisible time fault in front of the switch when it switches to ultrasonic localization perception.

"Oh, these echoes were distorted by the time of confusion!"

The source of annihilation is divided into the principle of witchcraft, in which Green uses the power of material energy and the power of the void to incite the rules of annihilation.

The source of annihilation has the ability to replicate the flesh and blood of the creatures in the development and utilization of Green. Therefore, in theory, the source of annihilation can completely replicate everything in the body of the Green, and is not bound by the summoning magic.

Powerful body, this source of annihilation is a five-level biological level, at this time half of the body disappeared, the other half also suffered essential harm, and because the body of the punishment has no weakness, but struggles, pain is extremely incomparable.




[To be continued]. 】

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