A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1172: Hungry lion

Make the most instinctive defensive stance, the extreme abyss magic wand dissolved in the body appears in the hands. Music novels|

However, as far as Green's perception is concerned, this living body is not very powerful. From the perspective of the fluctuations of life, it is in a very weak state, and it is kept at about five creatures.

Bang, boom, boom, boom...


It seems to be very familiar with this metal forest, the body quickly moved closer to the Green, did not trigger any invisible time, the barbaric roar, the black and white point of the truth of Green truth and the line of truth structure world, one end The skinny, golden lion, jumped up from the metal forest and rushed over.

The body of more than ten meters, the joints appear extraordinarily swelled and swelled, close to the skin of the bones, because the hunger is thin and thin, the sunken eye socket, the consciousness has fallen into a semi-crazy state, the pupil is covered with bloodshot, at this time see Green almost It’s crazy, desperate, and every tooth in the open mouth is as sharp as a dagger.

"Oh, it’s so weak, and I dare to take the initiative to attack. It seems that I’m so hungry and crazy, and I don’t want to die.”

Passive evolutionary creatures are much more expensive than food, such as Green. The consumption of food is huge and requires fixed food supplements.

After Green confirmed the opponent's state, his heart was loose, and a sneer, the extreme abyss magic wand tip in his hand, in the overflowing cold, silently ignited a black flame, time, uncomfortable vibration with all directions Distorted convergence, under the rules of the clothing of the elements, smashing the smashing, annihilation of the arc flashing.

Even though this more than ten-meter golden lion was once a sixth-class creature, it was very powerful. However, its current state of weakness is likely to be even worse than that of the fifth-grade creatures. Even the power to open the real body has been lost.

"Hey! Hungry, ate you, ate you!"

A chaotic wave of will. In the air, the golden lion's right front paws ignited a group of pale golden radiance, extremely pure, and there is a kind of will of the king's glory revealed. It is not the power that ordinary low-level creatures can have.


Green was a little surprised, this guy, some come.

Sure enough, under the pure golden glory, the annihilation of the arc did not pose a threat to it. It is offset by the power of annihilation.

However, it is obvious that this golden lion is very weak, and the annihilation of the arc is offset by half. The pale golden glory is in a state of disappointment, suddenly turning over, avoiding the remaining annihilation arc, and continuing to rush toward Green.


Green has a strong insight into the computing power in the face of truth, and goes backwards, easily avoiding the fierce rush of the golden lion, and the earth is under the violent attack of all the claws. The bombardment oscillated, and the bones splattered and shook a giant pit.

"Hey, is there still quite a brute force?"

Just 20 meters backwards, the splattered pieces of bone fragments shook a little ripple on the defensive cover of the Green Body. As the texture of the truth changed, suddenly, a mysterious and strange atmosphere in Green and Golden Lion The room is filled, it is the gaze of Meishasha!


However, seeing the Golden Lion Xiongwu Mao suddenly stunned, Green's petrochemical attack has no effect at all. At this moment, Green is really shocked, this guy, what the end is! ?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Three consecutive claw hits. Every time it caused a big earthquake, the bones splashed, and Green was able to evade. When the Golden Lion was attacked for the third time, it suddenly replied with a repulsion. The golden lion that lost balance was locked in the green tri-color. The second annihilation arc came out.

This time, even if the Golden Lion consciously made an evasive action, it was still hit by the power of annihilation.

A mourning, the peak of the eye suddenly woke up, "唰", fled to the distance.

The arc was directly hit by the annihilation, and the small half of the body was completely eliminated. This guy even managed to escape, and his vitality was surprisingly strong.

In the relatively complicated battle process in the real time, the appearance time is simply a few flashes, and the double convenience has already competed for the victory. When Green is trying to chase, some changes in the far side make Green face change.


"Oh, it is at this time!"

The storm has once again hit, and the streamrays back to the illusory world. This is almost the most dangerous natural disaster. Under the control of any creature, there is no hope of survival. In the past few months, Green has fully adapted to the possibility of coming here. Cloudy storm.

Under the face of truth, the golden lions gazing away from the three colors, after all, gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing. After collecting the blood from the other side, the force of Green's annihilation was launched again and again, and a smooth pit was discovered on the spot. Dodge beside this metal forest.

Soon, the storms raged from the top of the sacral ruins. Unstable and fragmented distant and long-distance time and space cracks, intertwined with each other, like the most horrible blade, once crossed.

Inside the cave, Green stretched out his left hand, on the palm of his hand, a small group of pale golden liquid floating, it was the male lion who left the blood.

Cast cursed witchcraft?

Killing the golden lion, in addition to getting a skunk that is going to starve to death, has no value, and does not help Green in this illusory world.

The depth of the illusory world as the digestive system of the endless world, the space-time seal carrier pursued by the wizard, the wealth gained here cannot be brought back to the real world, it will have no meaning, because the holder will be endless with the wealth held, The world is completely digested.

Moreover, Green's research on cursed witchcraft is limited, and it is impossible to make a fatal curse for such higher creatures.


Green had a decision.

There are some energy spar in the hand. Green takes the material on the spot and builds a simple altar with the surrounding bones. After being embedded in the energy spar, he uses the magic ink to draw a layer of magic runes.

For a moment, one of the simplest altars was completed in the hands of Green's five-level sacred sorcerer, meditation on witchcraft spells, and the blood of life information in the hands of the strange magical force, and a weak will in the underworld.

"桀桀桀桀~www.novelmtl.com~ Powerful Lion, how about making a deal?"

Green strives to communicate with the Golden Lions. This golden lion is in the world of glare, and does not know how many years of exile, it is impossible to be killed by the above storm.

Although the power of Green's annihilation has eliminated the small half of the body, this level of biology, the vitality is tenacious, as long as there is enough time to recuperate, it is not a problem.

Without responding, Green still did not give up and continued: "I have a lot of food here, as long as you can listen to my will, sign a contract, and become an ally in this illusory world, you can get it!"

This time, Green finally got the weak will to respond.

"My name is Simba, and your name is reported."

Greene breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the face of truth.

"You can call me to destroy the wizard." (To be continued.)


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