A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1153: Battle of Civilization (50)

The entire 10,000-meter giant metal robot is not just an independent combat body.

In its all directions, even inside the body, a small individual metal robot surrounds it, as if the relationship between the mother and the child, preventing the wizard from attempting to destroy the interior by invading.

"Unfortunately, the one that has been sealed before has been consumed too much, otherwise it can try to seal such a huge thing. If it can seal it and cause damage to metal fire, the help of this civilization war should be far higher. The value of a crystallizer terminator."

Green had this idea, and then he shook his head and denied it.

"No, if you can make full use of the stone of the Sage in the Terminator, you will be able to improve quickly in a short period of time, and the value is equally huge."

It’s awkward!

In the thoughts, Green's extremely abyss magic wand waved, and an arc of annihilation distorted all directions of light, and the metal robot that fell on the ruins of the endless ruins of the earth.

And this giant metal robot apparently did not evade at all, letting Green annihilate the power.

The arc flashed, and a hollow hole of more than 20 meters in diameter was removed from the body of the metal robot. The surrounding area was smooth and mirrored. In the depths, it was faint to see some internal mechanical changes. Even the number of shadows was unknown. How many lower metal fire radiation robots there are.

Unconsciously, giant metal robots swayed and struggled to stand up from the ground.

"The master of the tower of annihilation, its size is too large, I can't immediately cause it to cause essential damage. These metal fires have been reinforced twice, which is stronger than the original space fortress!"

In addition to the first attack, the Sun and the Moon Wheel Witch Wizard helped Green to completely knock down this monster. In addition to melting a part of its surface, it has carried out several attacks, but it is not satisfactory.

"I don't know what kind of energy these metal fires are. Any of my attacks will be accompanied by some erosive nature, but it seems that there is no harm to these metal fires."

At this time, after the Sun and Moon fine wheel, the sorcerer said this. Green suddenly reacted. This space fortress is caused by the radiation of the metal source of the metal destroyer, which is essentially different from those of the lower metal robots that are polluted!

The joints of the space fortress robot, the energy application intensive parts, all burning a star-shaped metallic luster flame, without energy properties, but it is the key to this metal robot!

If it can strike against these metal fires, it would be equivalent to a weak click on this huge robot. Causes essential harm.

The power of metal fires lies in the activities of its microcosm.

That is to be more subtle than the energy molecule, the quark denominator micro-world, far beyond the micro-world of the wizard's research field, the general energy can not threaten it at all, it seems that the large fishing net can be used to capture the cockroaches, which can only be missed. Metal fires are understood by some wizards as mysterious phenomena, not as a rule of knowledge.

However, if it is the power of annihilation...

The green three-color brilliance flashed.

The energy in all directions gathers for yourself and squeezes itself. That was the space lock before the giant metal robot attacked, but it was difficult to limit the effect of Green during the self-sealing explosion.

Element teleportation. In the smashing of the thunder, the dark and distorted thunder burst, Green appeared again, perfectly avoiding the violent attack of the metal giant's other big hand, while using the three faces of the truth, the insight into the giant chest of several giant weapon guns Attack, while the magical annihilation of the arc target, locked in the metal flame luster on the metal giant chest energy cannon.

Then, look at the annihilation arc for these metal fires. Is there any effect?

It’s awkward!

Another annihilation arc distorted the light, and it was accompanied. It was the 10,000-meter metal giant's chest, and dozens of attached weapons and guns attacked. The target is all locked in Green.

Calm, elegant, confident.

The face of truth has helped Green to evade these energy trajectories. At this moment, even with so many powerful energy beams locked, Green still has no magic to quickly regulate, avoid or defend.

Just in the small range to move around, find the perfect escape space judged by the truth, let a few terrible energy beams pass by.


the other side.

The metal destroyer, who is confronting the seven-ring true spirit wizard, suddenly received a Skynet prompt.

Tip: Metal fires are annihilated by the sorcerer's sorcerer and annihilate the attack, permanently losing 0.07/10000 limit!

Notice: The danger of annihilating the sorcerer's painful genius is improved. The ranking of the hunter hunting list is improved, the hunting rewards experience coins are upgraded, and the promotion is the wizard's commanding elite blame. Killing the elite boss will achieve permanent achievement points and enjoy the highest glory of the light brain players.

"Well!? Is it a fluke? There are actually indigenous wizards who can destroy metal fires at the energy level, although it is only a thousand points, but..."

Optimus Prime was surprised, and then he was again prompted by Skynet.

Tip: The metal fire is subjected to the annihilation of the wizard to lead the elite blame attack, permanently losing the limit of 0.06/10000.

Notice: The danger of annihilating the wizard's pain is increased!

This time, Optimus Prime was shocked, and the first time he led the new elite leader as a killing target, and could not help but roar in the guild channel.

"Bounty mission, who can hunt down the swearing sorcerer blame, in addition to the Skynet system reward, the union internally rewards me with 100 million experience coins!"

This time, the light-brain players who are fighting defense in the space-based satellite ship almost froze the pot.

"President, the leader is blame...oh~www.novelmtl.com~ No, even upgrading to the leader of the elite, what rare skills?"

"Damn, President, it’s really time for you to release this mission. Now, even the base camp is fast enough to be captured by the mainline plot. You also released the hunt mission?"

"Destroyer, you bastard, I said not to brush that boss alone, but now let it advance to the leader of the elite! The president, the wizard has any special ability?"

Within the trade union channel, one by one, the sky net is separated, or the light brain players are messy.

Just in the messy and noisy guild channel, Optimus Prime once again received a Skynet prompt

Tip: The metal fire is subjected to the annihilation of the sorcerer's blame and annihilation attack, permanently losing the upper limit of 0.08/10000.

Notice: The annihilation of the wizards leads to a dangerous increase!

"Damn! The elite commander has the ability to permanently erase the upper limit of the metal fire. It is eroding the artifact! Although it is still weak, it must not let him grow up. Otherwise, he will become a stranger than the seven-ring wizard elite. More terrible guy!" (To be continued.)

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