A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1154: Battle of Civilization (51)


It is a colorful dragon with a wings of more than 300 meters. It has a five-level, one-six-six-level, and each head of the ancient dragon has a humanoid manipulation. The two are connected by a special sensor officer. This is the cologne. In the big world, the creatures that have evolved to the peak, the ancient dragon knight!

In the combination of Green, the Sun and the Moon, the Holy Wing Wizard, and the two powerful Gulong Knights, the 10,000-meter terrorist metal giant was finally disintegrated, and this space fortress was gathered in the human body. Green one by one.

Green did not realize how the consequences of such a record would be.

In the loud roar, two powerful ancient dragon knights, together with the holy mark wizard, successfully destroyed the mission target, circled at high altitude, and then flew to the battle center again.

As the world's lord of the seven-ring true spirit wizard who uses the slain of the Titans, they have no self-confidence.

The sun and the moon's sacred sorcerer looked at the powerful cologne knights who left behind. They whispered to themselves: "Call... Is this the power of the great seven-ring true spirit wizard? It is incredible, even two powerful worlds. The Lord is only the slave of the Seven Rings Spiritual Wizard."

For her four-level holy sorcerer, the power of the great spirit wizard is out of reach.

It was Green, and at this time he felt that he was in a gap with the seven-ring real spirit wizard, and he looked up and looked up.

"Work hard, the road to the true spirit, we still have a chance."

After Green comforted the sacred sorcerer, the three colors of light on the face of truth revealed a trace of reluctance, and reached out to the palm of his hand. The Book of Truth floated in front of him, and one colorful rune began to flow slowly. Out.

At this time, the huge shadow under the foot is rapidly shrinking with the weakening of the self-sealing technique, a black silk with no light, no heat and no feeling. As if with the palm of your hand, it is full of reluctance and attachment.

Good time, always so short!

Maybe. It is because of the short time that it will be infinitely beautiful.

Imagine the time when the wizard was an apprentice. Innocent and living together, every day is full of struggle, and sometimes I feel some patience, but now...

Unspeakable feelings, irretrievable manager, this is growth.

Growing up will inevitably pay a price, only imperfect incompleteness. Only people can understand what is really good.

"wait for me."

The corner of the mouth is a little curved, and the book of Truth, which is floating in front of Green, is rapidly flipping. Countless colorful runes are flowing out, and Green is re-enclosure. The semi-illusive state of the robe is re-materialized, elegant and mysterious. .

Turning his head and feeling that he can't suppress the weakness from the inside out, Green barely makes himself look more calm, and squats with a magic wand, and smiles at the sun and moon. Stiff and ugly.

At this moment, the shadows under the feet are only the last Misch, and they are not willing to disappear completely. Struggling to do everything, maintaining the source of the darkness that Grinn grips with Green.

"Master Green, rest assured, there is me here!"

The celestial celestial sorcerer's sorcerer's tone is firm, repeating what the three sorcerer's sorcerer said to Green, as if the wizard's intentions were passed down.

"Cough, but unfortunately... I can't see the victory here."

Speaking, an uncontrollable "cough, cough, cough" cough and wheezing, the space coordinates of Green's feet were distorted. The next moment, it disappeared out of thin air.


Deep in the base of a round.

"Cough and cough..."

The space is twisted. After Green appeared, one stood up and fell to the ground. The face of truth is pale, the body is twitching, the air is breathing desperately, the eyes are like dead fish, and the eyes are bursting out, full of bloodshot eyes.


"Green Beast!"

Even if Lucy, Xiaoba, and Ye Ye were prepared, they were shocked by Green's situation at this time. They quickly put Green to the soft bed, and hòu heavy quilts were covered in Green, but they still couldn't help themselves. The instinct of the mouth shouted coldly. In reality, there was a sweat on the forehead.

"What's wrong with Green, how come this way!?"

Lucy asked anxiously to the little eight.

A five-level sacred sorcerer who is savvy, wise, elegant, and full of wisdom, is as weak as a baby. As a devotee and a close friend, Lucy is not in a hurry and asks Xiao Ba.

Ye Ye also cried: "You can think of a way to do it, he is your soul partner."

Xiao Ba is on the quilt like an ant on a hot pot, walking around, why not: "I don't know how it happened. The previous reactions were not so strong, and the most weak one."

Suddenly, Xiao Ba thought of something and cried: "Is it the big guy who accidentally summoned the moment when he forgot the truth of the time and space seal!"

Seeing the eyes of Lucy and Ye Ye’s questioning and interrogation, Xiao Ba quickly explained: “Forgetting the world is not a superficial illusory world. Except for the deepest dimension gap, these deep illusory worlds are often filled with some supreme. Treasures, although they are very dangerous to explore, still can't stop the greed and desire of those who are under the dominance, but they never think that they themselves will become the treasure clues in the eyes of the latecomers."

The small eight or two wings are constantly stroked.

"This is the dimensional dimension rule of the endless world. The more dangerous the world is, the more dangerous it is. The masters who are good at communicating the illusory world don't dare to sway. Because the more illusory world ~www.novelmtl.com~ the rule It is absurd and bizarre, and the rules of the endless world dimension of the dimension limit, it is through these absurd and bizarre rules that the meta-organisms cannot be explored. It seems that the weak creatures inside the world cannot leave the world, even if they go in one direction forever, they cannot get out of the world. But the rules of the second dimension will be even more ferocious, that is, using death to digest these unruly creatures, this is the power of the wizards' time-space seals!"

Xiao Ba’s explanation, Lucy and Ye Ye, obviously still did not understand.

"Oh, that is to say, the unreal seal creature that Green had previously summoned is not a real illusory creature, but a top-ranking power trapped in the illusory world. These guys often have the power that ordinary six-level creatures cannot imagine. Everything is exaggerated, and it will be boring to go there to find an opportunity, so the Green Beast was suddenly consumed by that magic."

Said, Xiao Ba could not help but ridicule.

"But what, then, there is no universal transformation of the soul of the dominance, and can not find the way out, after all, can only be trapped in those absurd and bizarre illusions, gradually digested by the endless world."

Ye Ye is annoyed.

"You said so much, what my sister asked is how Green is!"

Saying, Ye Ye went up and gave a small Bayi slap in the face of triumphant ridicule.

"Wow, my wife, don't be angry, the Green Beast just wears out some of the soul of the source. The soul of its origin is in me. You can rest assured. Give me some delicious food at night. I can't make up for it with my own. Go back to the point." (To be continued) []

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