A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1152: Battle of civilization


When a 10,000-meter robot, a space fortress like a giant tortoise, rushed straight into this direction, even Green, did not take a breath.

"The Tower of the Tower of Eternity!"

Green is led by the Legion. At this time, there is only one sorcerer of the Sun and Moon.

The witches approached and looked at the huge robots that were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of wizarding corps and slave monsters, but they were unscrupulous, and the overwhelming energy weapons were fired. Two metal palms were slapped, and thousands of them were easily The Wizarding Legion was killed and fell.

"It’s running from the battlefield center, but fortunately, come here, this one, for a short time, I can barely cope, etc..."

Green is saying, the three colors of light flashed under the face of truth, and continued to stare at the battle center for the moment, staring at the battlefield, and beamingly said: "So many cologne knights? Great, we will immediately stop this giant Things, waiting for the support from the battlefield center."

Said, Green is the first to lead the sun and the moon, the sorcerer's constant elemental teleport, rushing toward the top of the sky.


The horror figure that covered the sky was swayed by hundreds of thousands of wizarding troupes. This kind of scene can only be seen in the battle of civilization.

"All the wizards pay attention, pay attention to the magic frequency modulation, the aggregate shock ripple super-class witchcraft, the goal, the one-point direction 2275, 093, 7728 position!"

In the center of the sect of the sorcerer's troupe, under the command of a three-level sorcerer, thousands of sorcerers gathered magical perfection to create a super-class witchcraft that threatened the world's Lord.

This process is relatively slow and must be carried out with great care and no half-point errors. This is the Ming Wu Shijun regimen through the usual practice of thousands of times, and all the friends who can trust each other to be able to perform in the most ideal state.

As for the group of hunters and dark wizards. At the moment, it is just a harassment of the sight of this giant metal robot, and the distraction of the squadron will be diverted.

The real main force. These are the large-scale Ming Wizards!

In the gathering of magic, gradually, as the center of the magic battle, this three-level wizard, as if to control the endless power, the pressure is rising at a terrible speed, the top of the golden cane, a distortion The spatial shock wave is slowly forming.

嘎吱, 嘎吱, 嘎吱...

Ten thousand meters of robots, even a trivial little action. The mutual friction between the heavy metals is like a rolling thunder in these low-level wizards, and it is deafening.

From the high airs of the wars, the sounds of "嘎吱" and "嘎吱" metal rubbing, the dark red eyes on the huge head of nearly a kilometer, are watching the sect of the sorcerer.

In an instant, the creepy and horrible pressure of the savage, the sorcerer's army in the sky, which tried to interfere with the attention of the field of vision, became so insignificant at the moment, as if a prehistoric beast was surrounded by mosquitoes.

"It's still a little bit worse. It's still the last magic resonance, it's awful!"

In the center of the battlefield, as the head of the Ming Wizard who moved the whole body. The three-level sorcerer smashed his teeth, clenched his teeth, felt the deafening metal friction, and the air trembled. The giant metal hand that fell from the sky could not be stopped, almost letting it breathe, the whole body A drop of blood seems to solidify.

Are you going to die?

Life and death, a line!

It’s awkward!

At this moment, the light and dark are staggered, and the light distortions in all directions are concentrated. Along with the turbulent high-frequency oscillations, a small figure protected by layers of power ripples and thousands of kilometers of terrible dark shadows. Suddenly appeared on the top of this martial arts squad, just below the metal giant.


suddenly. Gathering the most ruthless Sen Han, the blue magic wand head, a blazing flame of burning flames, in the field of gravity twisted and intertwined, accompanied by Green screaming, even with his area Mi Xu small figure Hard to cover this day, cover the sky and the giant palm.


There is no imaginary collision. Under the huge undulating wave marks of Green after returning from the world of the Earth, the metal palm and the small figure covered with ice crystals seem to be separated by an invisible enchantment space. The most primitive wrestling.


A sullen, even the Green in the eruption of self-sealing, is still in a state of disobedience with the strength of this metal palm in the hundreds of meters of power ripple.

And this is nothing but a negligible part of the metal fire!

Peng! Peng! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

At this moment, at the foot of Green, thousands of kilometers of the giant Lafite dark source face, the strips of silk twisted and flashed, in the pair of angry dark red eyes, a strip of silk seems to ignore the space distance, a fleeting The lasing shot to the metal palm, sending out a shocking metal twisting and breaking sound.

"咚", "咚", "咚", "咚", every source of darkness is a shock, and a dent is a few meters in diameter on the surface of the metal giant.

In this way, Green only temporarily stagnated with this metal-fired robot, and saved the arrangement of this martial arts sergeant.

"The Tower of the Oblivion St. Mark Wizard!"

"It's a great annihilation tower stunt wizard!"

After a famous wizard was shocked, the excitement cheered. At this moment, the leader of the Ming Wushu Legion, the third-level wizard, finally gathered the super-class wizards, and excitedly screamed.

"Aggregate shock waves!"

The magic wand tip, the twisted transparent ripple suddenly disappeared, forming a translucent shock wave. The air along the way emitted a noisy squeak of glass friction. The giant metal robot dropped the armpit part of the hand and hit the target range accurately.


"We have succeeded..."

In a happy revelry that was difficult for a low-level wizard to suppress, the metal arm that confronted Green was suddenly lost, and was slammed by Green's huge repulsion.

At that time, even with the entire 10,000-meter body, it was unstable, and the struggle to lose balance was instigated. Inadvertently, a large number of wizarding corps around him were inadvertently killed.

"Master, I am coming!"

The sun and the moon fine wheel sorcerer, a glimpse of the day, a glimpse of the month, can panic and become a disciple, must have her unique powerful ability, is not idle.

With the teleportation of the sun and the moon's sacred sorcerer's elements, the magic is boiling and roaring in the fire, followed by an otherwise inconspicuous energy ball that is thrown out by it~www.novelmtl.com~ The madness absorbs the power of the majestic elements, and it expands to a hundred meters in an instant, and it is still gathering and expanding, and it is getting more and more bloated.

Booming rumbling...

In the violent explosion, this 10,000-meter giant completely lost its balance and fell on its back.


Ps: sixth! After the completion of the Sixth, ask everyone to start the Chinese network full support, receive a line of egrets on the light of the blue sky!

Although, "The Wizard of the Wizards" is relatively far away from the boutique subscription road, but the Egret is willing to try the final fight, even if it is only as close as possible to this goal!

This requires everyone's common support. The value of "The Wizarding Journey" needs someone to really stand up. As an appraiser, as the leader of the lord, through the online novels, the standard subscription score, monthly ticket score, recommended ticket score, reward score Even the lord, speaking with the facts, cast a contempt for those who are depraved!

Take your own path, no need to say anything else, life must choose, only in the heart of eternity! (To be continued.)

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