A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1151: Battle of civilization

"Hey, is this a metal fire, it's amazing..."

At this level, the desire for knowledge is already imprinted into the life instinct of the wizard.

From the metal fire, the seven-ring true spirit wizard seems to have seen a new field of knowledge, which is a door of truth that the wizards never opened. Pushing the door open, you will see a vast ocean of innocent knowledge, waiting The discovery of the wizards found that the deepest part of the sea bottom, the truth is righteous!

Behind the seven-ring true spirit wizard, even though these volumetric movements are extremely powerful, the super-robots of 10,000 meters are only staying at the level of the world's masters. They are easily trapped by the mother-in-law, and the radiation of the mountains is continuous. A huge octopus is hunting giant turtles.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Space Fortress destroys the cannon, which is the weapon of the holy mark wizards to fight the indigenous small and medium world. Now it has become the accomplice of the metal destroyer civilization. The dark red light column cuts through the sky for five consecutive times. The muzzle erupts only ten meters. When it cut through the sky, it has increased to more than 200 meters!


The seven-ring true spirit sorcerer whispered and sneered, the tens of thousands of elements of the storm gathered together, the surging left arm of the life swelled out, and the life tree scorpion essence entangled on the left arm nourished the Tiandufeng giant tortoise. It seems to be a heavy giant shield, blocking it in front of you.


Let the five space fortress destroy the continuous continuous attack of the cannon energy. The seven-ring true spirit wizard is indifferent and cannot break through the Tiandufeng giant tortoise and the life tree defense.

"Seven rings..."

On the other side, it is a reminder from the will of the mother-in-law.

Behind the real body of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, in the ambiguous element cloud, a giant figure far larger than the seven-ring true spirit wizard gradually reveals that the thick metal body is so rough. The form is more than double the size of the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

In comparison, the seven-ring true spirit wizard is just a small point in front of him, a pair of indifferent mechanical dark red light fans. In the squeaking of the heavy metal friction, a high-lifting metal arm smashed down.

Time. The wind is raging and the elements are rioting!


Still so confident and low sneer, the head has not turned, the right hand of the seven-ring real spirit witch entangled the two dragon play beads magic wand, free to lift, straight to this huge metal giant as if all day.

Majestic magic, magic wand tip, black mysterious spar. Exudes a illusory world atmosphere.


There is no imaginary force collision, no energy surge, I saw this huge and amazing metal robot palm, in the moment of contact with the light and dark intertwined two dragons bead magic wand, collapsed into a metal powder, and spread to the arm Above.

As if it were the most powerful and scary curse, this metal-fired robot, until the entire arm disappeared, the powerful mysterious witchcraft power gradually subsided.


In this scene, many wizards took a breath of cold.

Deserve to be a great seven-ring true spirit wizard!

The power of the true spirit. It is hard to measure!

However, this is not finished, after the disintegration, the metal powder is flying in the sky. The silky silver-white metal light is flowing, seems to be summoned by some kind of power, slowly re-aggregating to the Optimus Prime metal fire, wanting to return to the source.

However, the magic wand head in the hands of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, the smoky black smoke from the mysterious spar, was mixed in the light of these metals, and then, under the mysterious illusory fluctuations. The light of these metals was dragged by black smoke, and sealed into a certain illusory time and space!


Can this metal fire robot attack work? Optimus Prime does not care, and constantly plays with metal fire. Erosion of the locked target, this is the source of his strength.

These goals include some mechanical wizards!

Any mechanical wizard who is targeted by the metal fire, Optimus Prime, is ignited by the metal light. Once the mechanical material is eroded, it will last for a lifetime.

However, when the black smog of the Seventh Rings is smashed with a metallic luster, the Optimus Prime, which is smashing the metal and igniting, is greatly changed.


Tip: The seven-ring wizards command the elite to seal your metal fire 1/10000, and the remaining metal fire 6666/10000.

The metal fire was first debuted. Originally, he wanted to control a round of true spirit wizards. However, he was sealed by a round of true spirit wizards together with himself. He directly sealed 3333/10000 at one time, allowing Optimus Prime to be in Skynet. The ranking in the evaluation was reduced by one place.

After several attempts to the main line missions, the main story of the main line, though, other real wizards also have a spy on the metal fire, and tried to seal, but it seems that it is far from being able to seal the quark-level existence of metal fire, so they are Has failed.


However, this seven-ring wizard led the elite blame, and was able to seal the metal fire!

The horror and trepidation, Optimus Prime realized that he had unwittingly dispersed a large number of metal fires. If the seven-ring wizards blame all these metal fires, then their metal fires will only be 5788/10000, half. More!

Can not be dispersed any more, dispersing a large number of metal fires will bring a strong and incredible power increase for themselves, but it is too dangerous!

Perhaps, to deal with this guy, it is better to create the strongest force from the metal fire itself, rather than personally fighting through the body through resonance growth.

In this way, unless you defeat the strongest force of the metal fire itself, it is impossible to seal it.

Thinking like this, Optimus Prime immediately stopped the spread of metal fire, and looked at the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

Continuously waving the magic wand in his hand, with the ring of Titan's loss is enough to change the connotation of the civilized war pattern. The seven-ring true spirit wizard is supported by the Titan's ring. Even if the real body is turned on, there is no loss of the dominant soul. It is no different from the eight-level creature. .

At this moment, after several consecutive disintegrations, the tens of thousands of meters of giants are easily broken down into infinite and endless metal powder, and the light of the metal fire is completely sealed.

Seeing that Optimus Prime stopped the spread of fire, and the tens of thousands of giants turned around and chose to rush to the ordinary wizarding corps, and the seven-ring true spirit sorcerer laughed.

"Fortunately, in the world of the ancient dragon, the indigenous creatures provided me with good materials, otherwise it would be a little troublesome."

In the low laughter, the right hand of the seven-ring true spirit suddenly rises up, but at this moment, the most dazzling is not the light and dark hands of the two dragons play the magic wand ~www.novelmtl.com~ but the thumb, that simple, A perfect, perfect ring.

As the magic gathers, the lines on the ring seem to live alive, obeying the call of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, 吼, 吼, 吼, 吼, a roar, dozens of colors ranging from five to six creatures The owner of the giant winged world, with the cooperation of the blue skin humanoid creatures, listened to the command of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, and dispersed in all directions.

These world's masters are the famous dragon dragons in the world of Gu Long!

It is no longer enslaved by the seven-ring true spirit wizards. It is no wonder that the Skynet Hunting List will be rated as the third dangerous creature in the Wizarding World!

Slightly hesitant, the Seventh Rings really did not choose to immediately summon this unremarkable ring. The most dazzling hand-held flame furnace roared in the sky, and the horrible giant tattoos appeared on the scene.


Ps: fifth more! I would like to ask everyone to start the Chinese website subscription support. If you have a full set of friends, you will receive a line of egrets on the sky. You will be able to vote for your valuable monthly ticket, recommend tickets and rewards. trip"! Sixth later! (To be continued.)

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