A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1150: Battle of Civilization (47)

Then, in the hands of the metal fire radiation, the new robotic army of the sky, each of which is divided into a metal light, gathered toward the Optimus Prime Metal Destroyer.

"Hey, the seven-ring wizard is blaming, there are any means to use it!"

On the one hand, the Optimus Prime Metal Destroyer turned his eyes to the distance, a space fortress that was slowly moving away from the distance of many wizards, a 30,000-meter-diameter space fortress!

In the palm of your hand, the burning metal fire has no temperature and no energy, but it seems to represent the most peak source of metal vitality. It is endless, and in the triumph of the martial arts created by Optimus Prime for the metal destroyers. The other dark black palm played the metal fire for the sixth time. It was still just like the previous few times. It was insignificant, even less than one percent!

"Do not!"

As if it had been sensed, this space fortress controller, who is already far away from the central battlefield, is a four-level holy mark wizard.

The white wizard's robes are spotless, and the wise and erudite shackles are full of vicissitudes. At this moment, the mouth with white beards has issued a hysterical fear roar.

For the distance of the holy mark wizard, for the true spirit of the dominance, as long as the scope of this battlefield, it is not a distance!

Even if it is a little away from hundreds of thousands and millions of meters, what can it do?

The light of a silver-white metal is incredibly fast. This sacred sorcerer has already seen the horrible fate of the first five space fortresses shrouded in the light of metal fire. At this moment, under the horror of disappointing, despite their own safety, after a roar Proactively greet the light of this bismuth metal in an attempt to prevent the light pollution of this bismuth metal from eroding the fate of the space fortress.

The 30,000-meter-diameter space fortress has been the largest strategic weapon ever created by the Wizarding World since the ruins of the Sky City of the Ancient War. It is also a strategic weapon that is more in line with the development trend of the Wizarding World.

At this moment, the four-level holy mark wizard was in a hurry, slender and delicate fingers clenched a delicate magic wand. Unlike the extended magic wand of Green's likes, this is a delicate magic wand that looks like a baton. The head of the stick is a transparent crystal with a white light inside. Holy dazzling.

The wizard tried to control his breath, so that the magic power in his body was compressed and concise, and then began to whisper.

A soft, white light curtain of nearly a thousand meters was created in front of the sacred sorcerer at the last moment before the metal glory.

"It became."

The sorcerer's inner joy is still in the future to maintain a breath. The next moment, the metallic luster without any attribute attack power, even ignored this light curtain defense, and fell unimpeded on the space fortress.

Immediately afterwards, the space fortress seems to have never happened before, and the appearance is still functioning normally.

Metal fire is the pinnacle of the microscopic world. For most of the energy of the wizarding world, they all seem to penetrate the water of the fishing net, even the qualitative energy. It is also difficult to make a slight impact on it!

Because they are too small, too small to exceed the understanding of the wizarding world.

"No! It's over..."

The sorcerer’s sorcerer’s heart was trembled and creepy. He snarled: “All the sorcerers listened to the orders and gave up the space fortress and executed immediately.”

Hesitant to setback, but a few breathing time, large-scale wizards have rushed out from the space fortress.

At first, there was some sorrow. When the first battle of the fortress did not fluctuate, everything became chaotic.

That is a guardian mechanical device. Often the important channel nodes in the space fortress, the lowest level is also the ant level, once obeyed by the wizard's will to dispatch them, is the most loyal guardian of the space fortress.

However at the moment. This shackle has changed dramatically. The most advanced identification device in the world of wizards that was once installed on the body has become the most advantageous auxiliary device for the butcher knife in their hands. A red line and a green line are constantly locked in the goal of the wizard, and then it is the most Strong fire attack!

In the midst of chaos, some senior wizards who have fled have turned their heads. Beginning to clean up these polluted mechanical defects, although these mechanical flaws have been the most closely guarded, but at this time the main goal of the metal fire is the source of light, these preventions can not play any role.

The fierce battles unfolded on the space fortress. Even the robotic arms of some spacecraft in the space fortress have become rogue-like robots, and they ran out flexibly.


The mechanical bee-changing robot inherits the mechanical bee's flexibility and speed, turns into a residual image, and the speed is extremely fast. The energy blade is close to attack, and the team of five hunting devils is easily slaughtered. Then the indifference is not Any emotions twisted to the other side, looking for new goals.

Soon, the wizards and the metal robots fought together, and it was impossible to execute the command of the St. Mark Wizard from the Space Fortress.

"Give up, give up the fortress, and evacuate immediately. This is the order!"

This sacred sorcerer can only force as many orders as possible to allow more low-level wizards to leave the fortress, fight in person, save more sorcerers who are caught in battle, and leave the fortress.

However, unlike these low-level wizards who only have metal robots in front of them, as a sacred sorcerer, it has a wider vision. As the surface metal flame of the space fortress begins to spread from the inside out, this sacred sorcerer’s face is almost gloomy. Dropping water, a sigh of helplessness.

"No way..."

Almost accompanied by the old wizard's words, the cymbal, the hemisphere space fortress that is more than ten meters thick metal shell, began to twist and squirm!

Then, as if the tortoise was in general, he gradually extended his head and limbs, and there was a space fortress to destroy the giant cannon. On the head of the kilometer, the eyes slowly opened, staring at the little ones on his body and seeing himself. The fear of the horror is horrified...


The entire battlefield, the space fortress of the old sorcerer who was eroded by metal fire, is just one of them!

For all kinds of low-level wizards, the colorful experience ~www.novelmtl.com~ for the Optimus Prime metal destroyer, but only motivated the insufficiency of the metal fire in the hand part of the ability, in this moment, Optimus Prime has already been rushed again and again Moving, several metallic lusters are moving towards different goals, and every space fortress is beginning to undergo new changes.

These space fortress-level metal robots, the 10,000-meter body, undoubtedly the six-level biological level!

Even those space fortresses of 20,000 meters or even 30,000 meters have reached the level of special life of the sixth level. At the moment, with the urging of metal fires, large quantities of sources continue to emerge.

"Seven Rings Wizard, what about your artifact?"

Optimus Prime is being blessed by more and more metal light, and it is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, he can't help but be alive and snarl.


Ps: There is still a little more, today's six more, the star burst!

On the one hand, because a book friend has successively urged more votes in the twenty-eighth chapter, more reasons are grateful to everyone's support. The egrets have historical breakthroughs in subscriptions, monthly passes, recommended tickets, and rewards, reaching a relatively peak history.

The egrets said that this month, the series broke out continuously. If the scores continue, there will be a star burst at the end of the egret! Even if there is a historical breakthrough, then the solar system will explode, the Milky Way will explode, the floods will burst, and the endless world will erupt, and it will be a catastrophe!




[To be continued]. 】

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