A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1139: Battle of Civilization (36)

The seven-ring true spirit wizard represents the wizard's world shady wizard rules, representing the wizard's will!

Although it is only a sentence, it is standing at the height of the wizard's will. Any low-level wizard, no matter where he is, where he is, what he is doing, how difficult it is, even if there are thousands of difficulties and obstacles, you must stand up and obey. Because... this is the Santa rule!

Even if the enemy is a big world, it is the vast and infinite virtual monster. It is this vast and boundless space-based starship. Just a real wizard, this sentence represents the wizard's will, and there will be hundreds of millions of wizards. Drive the slave monsters, go forward, and desperately destroy the enemy in front of the wizard's will. One ~www.novelmtl.com~ The stars change, the sunrise falls, the wind and rain, the life and death, this is the natural rule.

And to dominate the true spirit, a word of mouth, is the rules of the biological group, above the power and command, unconditional obedience rules!

"Seven-ring wizards blame, hey, a round of wizards are caught in a seal. If you can explode you, Skynet will promote me to second place!"

"Oh, I am also looking forward to stepping on your body and going further on your Skynet hunting list!"

Real body, small and small magical use, big also has great benefits!

At this moment, the majestic magic gathers, and there seems to be some changes under the tumbling element cloud. A reading book, 1kanshu·cc

It was destroyed by the sorrowful souls of several crystallizers. As the ruling master of Optimus Prime, or called the summoning corps, it is the powerful servant of Optimus Prime from the Skynet using the experience currency, and the copy is small. The blameful helper is also a powerful combat force to support the guild trumpet.

For a moment, I was accidentally killed halfway by the affiliated boss around the main line boss seven-ring wizard. The remaining side of the hp also lost most of the hp, and it was impossible to fight for a long time. Optimus Prime was almost distressed.

More than 100 meters of body, as the wisdom of Vantage Quantum Technology, I do not know how much experience coins are consumed, how many resources have been plucked from one colony and another, only to become such a tyrannical body today, but also need a space-based starship as a time Guarantee. If you want to go one step further, it is hard to go to heaven.

In addition to doubling the resource consumption, more support for artifacts is needed.

Artifacts can be created by wisdom. It can also be plundered, but it can burst out the magical boss monsters, and only this large-scale mainline boss is possible.


Infinite thoughts in my heart, the Optimus Prime, who was heard from the trade unions from time to time, suddenly felt something. More than a hundred meters of metal body on the head, looking into the sky.

Warning: Hunting List Seven-ring Wizards lead the elite monsters in energy gathering, using large areas of continuous chaos damage skills.壹~www.novelmtl.com~嘀嘀嘀...

Attack degree detection: 184oooo damage, 179oooo damage, 985ooo damage, 1o5oooo damage, 125oooo damage...

On the high-altitude tumbling cloud, one after another ugly mechanical, elemental energy, flesh-and-blood mixed monsters rushed down, flapping the ugly wings mixed with metal and bones, and screaming and screaming. Some even turned out to be in a semi-finished state. At first glance, it seems that a creeping mechanical arm of the Seventh Ring Santa Claus is hard to fall off.

Hundreds of rushing toward this energy light group as a metal destroyer.

These monster attributes are exactly the same as the seven-ring tower, as if the seven-ring true spirit wizard's temporary avatar summoning skills are generally overwhelming!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The metal destroyer and several of the crystallizers of the end are simultaneously moving toward the high-altitude fingers, and the sky is dazzling.

The difference is that the three-meter body of the crystallizer terminator often bursts out of the energy beam of more than 20 meters in diameter, and this metal destroyer. It is easy to be more than a hundred meters.

In the sky, the monsters who fall and dive are flexible and dodge. Some energy light beams pass by and rush out of the radiant world to the endless void. Others are in the middle of the monster body. These monsters are like the most unstable bombs. Once the heavy damage affects their own actions, they will smash the damage on the spot and sweep the 10,000 meters.

Warning: The No. 8 Twins Terminator has 27% of the remaining energy and cannot fight for a long time. It is recommended to return to the space-based starship to consume seven million coins to supplement energy.

Warning: The No. 6 twins are damaged, the universal carrier is damaged by 33%, and the repair requires a trial currency of 35 million.

Warning: Your leg is hurt to recover automatically, consuming 77,000 energy.

Notice: The space-based satellite ship's complex energy reactor was destroyed, and the destroyer's evil shadow wizard was being chased by the 13th and 14th crystallizers.

Notice: The space invaders, the azimuth c area, and the unknown biological form, should be cleaned up in time to avoid further damage.

Notice: The space-based starship is now intruder, the azimuth d zone, the unknown name of the wizard elite leader, to be present, is being cleaned up.

You have the information from the id bumblebee: "The president, the followers monsters summoned by these wizard mobs, suddenly maddened in a large area, as if to start the general attack! There have been some wizards sneak into the space-based starship, we defend There are not enough people, and there are not many consumables in the union public column!"

You have information from id Xiang Tianying: "The president, there are some new varieties of witches here, one can not kill, you need to kill several times in a row. These wizards are too fast, first to liquid metal The Terminator’s memory of amnesia, and later the wizard’s blame that destroyed the position of the hood, now comes out of the graphite bomb. We must speed up the progress of the copy. Otherwise, the difficulty of the main line will continue to increase, maybe it will be extinguished someday. Mission!"

As the president of Skynet's second largest guild, there are thousands of players in Tianwang. They can go to this position today. Optimus Prime has top-notch light brain players regardless of individual combat capability or command processing ability. The quality, the answer information is short and affirmative, and there is no drop in the battle for oneself.

Not just the trade unions ~www.novelmtl.com~ I have some disadvantages here.

It seems that the main storyline mission has failed again.

Think of it this way, Optimus Prime uses the skills and high position in succession. With its own high attributes, these summoning monsters can be easily crushed. The only trouble is that after these monsters are killed, they will have a huge amount of damage. Need to rely on frequent walking to avoid, otherwise the loss of hp value, long time is to be careful.

After all, this seven-ring wizard dominates the elite, and as the third-ranked mainline monster in the Skynet Hunting List, it is likely to explode some horrible skills at any time.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The violent aftermath surged from the center of the battlefield. Inadvertently, a crystallizer terminator was destroyed, but in the eyes of the seven-ring true spirit wizard and the Optimus Prime metal destroyer, it was a necessary consumable.

From a macro perspective, this witchcraft released by the Seven Rings of Real Spirit is similar to the Green Stars, but it is more powerful and more flexible and intelligent. (To be continued.)


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