A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1140: Battle of Civilization (37)

The edge of the battlefield.

"Finally... it’s time to shoot!"

Feel the central battlefield of this vast expanse, the battle between the seven-ring true spirit wizard and the metal destroyer enters the real game, regardless of all the greens that restore the magic, slowly spit out a sulking in the chest.

"Hey, use that?"

If Xiao Ba feels something, ask Green.

Hearing the question of Xiao Ba, he was shocked by Lucy and Ye Ye.

The ultimate state of Green will never be easily displayed. Once it is displayed, it will inevitably destroy the earth. It is Lulu who has secretly studied the field of self-sealing knowledge. However, this field is too esoteric, and it is not a general wizard. The field of achievement requires great perseverance and wisdom of the wizard.

Green silently nodded. Under the face of truth, the three-color gaze gaze at the small battlefield area, and was defeated by the four crystallizers.

If you can't make it, look at it once!

If it is successful, the evolution of Green's simple constitution in the next thousand years will surely fly to the sky, reaching the sixth-level biological limit after the sixth layer of wild instinct transformation, bringing the most basic guarantee for Green's exploration of the streamer back to the illusory world.

If it fails, the magic will reverse, and it will not take hundreds of years to recover. Only in this crisis, Green is likely to become an ancient corpse in the vast metal wreckage, an archaeological excavation by future wisdom.

However, in this battle of civilization, like a boat that goes against the water and does not advance, Green must face such a leap-level challenge, the eruption of self-sealing, and the time-space seal of the most powerful ability of the wizarding world. Green is enough to leapfrog the capital!

At the beginning, the extreme abyss wand was at the beginning of design creation, and it was prepared for Green's forgotten truth time-space seal, and the extreme abyss wand was an important ability. It is the forgotten rune brand!

It is a pity that seals are not commonly used and are used. It is a life and death competition.

"Mom's egg, did this ticket sale. If it succeeds, the purified sage stone is enough for us to do hundreds of missions, dry!"

The little eight "呸" spit out a mouthful of water, and the two wings frustrated and frustrated.

"Kill it! For this war, I am also well prepared for the Eighth, it is time for these little guys to know the power of the Eight Lords! Don't be afraid of the Green Beast, even though, the mother of the egg. If you don’t take it, you’ll have a shot...”


At this time, in the far center of the battlefield, the sullen laughter of “桀桀桀桀” accompanied the incredible energy fluctuations and swept across most of the battlefield.

It is already determined to fight for God, and still can't help but look at the past before leaving.

Turn your hands into the clouds, cover your hands with the rain, and cover your hands with your hands!

For some unknown reason, the metal destroyer has been maintaining the true state in the hundreds of meters, and did not choose to face the seven-ring real spirit wizard.

The struggle for competition, although with a more flexible advantage, is now under the extensive destructive witchcraft of the seven-ring true spirit wizard. It is like a monkey jumping and jumping, exhausted.

The rings of emerald green life are mixed with the qualitative energy of the rules of the wizards, and they are connected to each other. Forming a set of overlapping six-star magical arrays, it seems to be some kind of large-scale imprisonment witchcraft.


Peng, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭...

The metal destroyer, who was imprisoned by a green ring of witches, raised his arms. The right arm of the right arm of the forefinger slammed his fingertips. A hundred meters of diameter light beam broke through the sky and broke through the time and space of these green rings. Open a big hole, the other arm in an instant, "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", "嘭" poured out tens of thousands of stars and some explosion damage attacks, each attack has tens of thousands of degrees, the round The ring is fragmented.

sky. A giant hand of thousands of meters made of the purest elements is like a cloud. It was pressed down.

The air around it was as thick as a mire, and it squeezed the body of the metal destroyer desperately. I can only watch the giant hand of this element descend from the sky.

Seen here, the metal destroyer is no longer struggling, the body does not move to stand in the sky, the streamer wants to flash the metal body, at this moment it seems to be glazed tile, it is extremely smooth, essence, concise, layer by layer like the versatile energy of the crystallizer The halo gathers, like the magic of the wizard, clearly has no attributes, but can pass all the basic elements, causing all the rules of the endless world to change.

Booming rumbling...

This giant hand of several kilometers descending from the sky, a slap on the ground.

On the metal carpet that had been cooled and condensed, countless strong corpses were confined among them. At this moment, because of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, the giant hand of the element descended from the sky, and the screaming metal twisted sound of "banging rumbling" was a huge tens of thousands of meters. The palm print spread.

The twist marks at the center of the palm are like the spread of spider webs. I don’t know what kind of emotions and fears will be seen in the later generations.

The giant elements of the elements slowly collapsed.

However, when the light of the air is soft and concise, it is still standing still, facing the witchcraft attack of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, actually penetrated from the center of the elemental giant.


Suddenly, a few kilometers of black and white intertwined two dragons play the magic wand and the shadows of the magic wands, with a shredded space like a piercing ear, this originally also stood in the air, the next moment suddenly suffered an unimaginable heavy blow, a sound As if the metal steel collided with the crisp shock, the audience screamed and snarled, and then the figure slammed into the space of the vast battlefield, and was swept by the seven-ring real spirit wizard with a huge real body and a magic wand. Based on the starship.

Booming rumbling...

The entire space-based starship seems to have trembled for this, and a visible crack is imprinted on it, and I don’t know how to lose it.

However, even if there is a loss, it is only a small area compared to the vast and bulky space of the space-based starship.

The seven-ring true spirit sorcerer in the gathering of the elements of the dark clouds laughs proudly~www.novelmtl.com~ On the spot, with the huge waves and the rolling elements of the cloud, the tree of life roots the left hand to break the space, countless mutual entanglement of the wood into an extended fist Followed by the rush.

Behind him, in all directions, hundreds of millions of wizards excitedly screamed, this moment of hard work and worship almost arrived at the extreme, desperate, followed by the followers of the seven-ring true spirit wizards toward the space-based starship.


It’s awkward!

The sun and the moon, the sacred sorcerer, and the insulated sacred sorcerer, even with the support of the vast sorcerer's corps, are only the fourth-level sacred sorcerer, and the singer's terminator is easily ten thousand to thirty. Under the attack of Yu Wandu, there is no power to fight, and the festival is defeated.

At this moment, the sky was dark and staggered, and a thunder exploded. Green's colorful runes lingered, and gazing lightly, under the energy light column attack, the end of the crystallization of hundreds of wizarding corps was destroyed. The person said, "I have given it to you here. You are going to support the armed Baba sheep."

In the distance, there is a sage Thunder, who is alone against a mech-finished meridian goat, at stake. (To be continued.)

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