A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1138: Battle of civilization

Endless dominance, the seven-level biological wandering soul, with the help of the radiant world, will bear the power of the space-based star guns!

Thousands of meters of quintessence of energy and light, the power of horror, although at least half of the original gunpower in the early days of the original war, is still not under the control of the creatures can easily face. A reading book, 1kanshu·cc

Even the aftershocks of the light column, the tens of thousands of meters of vast areas, are still low-level living restricted areas, enough to penetrate the space fortress, the mountains.

At this moment, between the base of the holy tower and the space-based starship, due to the impact of a space-based star-studded gun in a short time, even if it is only from the sky, it is too powerful because of the power of the star-studded gun. A layer of power from the high ground to the ground, also smelt the layers of flesh and blood metal corpses accumulated on the ground.

At high temperatures, these metal residues are steamed and purified again and again, and the lower biological bones mixed in it are purified and steamed. Only those high-level biological residues float in the hot liquid metal and slowly flow.

When the battlefield is slightly cooled, the hot liquid metal solidifies, and all the higher biological corpses will completely solidify on this layer of grassy, ​​heavy metal land, becoming the eternal imprint of the radiant world and the ancient world of the wizarding world. Everything born in the world in ancient times.

The descendants of the intelligent creatures who walked on the ruins of the battlefields did not know what form they would evolve. With their unique wisdom, they kept cutting these metals and speculated from the broken clues that the war between the metal destruction civilization and the wizard civilization was restored.

Through these war cues, look for endless treasures that may be buried in history.


The spirit of the mother-in-law is not good at defense. The soul-worship is good at the endless source of regenerative consumption and the radiation attack of large-area ignoring the defense. The radiation wave from the battlefield center, at this moment, makes Green almost hiding on the edge of the battlefield. The colorful runes of the robe are a little bit wavy. A reading book, 1kanshu·cc

"Abominable, no difference attack!?"

This is how Green responded. In order to cope with this space-based satellite gun, such a large-scale indiscriminate attack not only destroyed a large number of robots. Even the wizards are included in it, and only those radiation creatures that radiate from the world can be safe under this strong radiation ripple bath.

If you want to be strong, add reasons. The only benefit of this indiscriminate attack for the wizard is that the wizards who have the sorcerer's defensive mitigation are smaller than the metal robotic corps.

"Mom egg, killing a thousand self-damaged eight hundred, the seven-ring guy is definitely ironed to start with metal fire!"

The brave soul dare to do this. Xiao Bayi’s eyes inferred to be the secret inspiration of the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

The bad things are handed over to the mother-in-law to do it, and the nickname is handed over to the mother-in-law to go back. She turns the war situation with a glorious image and accepts the praise of history.

The seven-ring true spirit wizard is really a generation of heroes!

Although it is above morality, it will inevitably be condemned by some of the situational wizards. But at the height of standing and re-civilization, it is only this kind of spiritual wizard who can safely give the wizard's will to his endorsement, and it is worth thousands of wizards. We trust that we can let the wizard civilization pass on!

Only in this way. It will not be because some of the kindness is soft, the Virgin Mary is in love, and can't be established, and then loses the important opportunity to rise, until the enemy's whip is humiliated, and the will is passed down after the inheritance.

Whether it is Green or Xiaoba, it can be understood for the practice of the Seven-ring Spiritual Wizard, and there is no objection. A reading book, 1kans book hu·cc


Lucy whispered.

The source of the radiant light is endless, although it does not pose too much threat to the three-level wizard who has reached the edge of the battlefield. But for this kind of swaying waves, the duckweed drifts, and there is no dependence on the low and small, and it is impossible to make a sense of self-defense.

Green strode a small step and stopped in front of Lucy.


Just like grabbing a life-saving straw. In the stormy waves, I found the island relying on it. Lucy clung to Green. This erudite, mysterious and calm figure, at this moment in the eyes of Lucy, was so tall and radiant. Full of security and trust, it is worth relying on.

Looking around, many wizards are in crisis.

Green slowly extended the extreme abyss magic wand, gently, one after another, the magic ripples flashed, and could help save some of the first-level wizards around them.

The saved wizards have been desperate to die, but they are rescued by a warm heart and a magical spirit. The gratitude of the escape is grateful forever.

A rescued witch wizard, covered in thick ice, was surprised to look at the old wizard, the old wizard pointed to the sky, the mysterious figure covered in colorful runes.

"It is the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower!"

Gradually, in an eager gaze from the bottom of my heart, an unprecedented feeling permeates Green's heart, which seems to be a new system of higher power.




The six-level sacred sorcerer fits with the natural rules and has reached the end of the evolution of the world's lord. Incarnation is the natural rule, which can benefit all things, or it can be turned into a natural disaster with anger, and the lower creatures are irrefutable. You can only pray and pray.

The passively evolved creatures, by their own actions, may lead to landslides and tsunami, and they are already a natural phenomenon, a low level of biological level that life cannot understand.

Then, go one step further, a gap, and endlessly dominate the level of life. To what extent?

Other evolutionary methods are unknown to Green, but in terms of the spiritual evolution of the wizarding civilization, the representative of the evolutionary system represents a kind of life-changing will to change the world, change the rules, and change history. Even if the endless world is cruel, it is also hundreds of millions. The composition of the life system, the wizards are stronger, and they are also grown step by step from lower life.

If we can maintain the continuation of the wizard's civil will, and inherit the will of the wizard who will win the heavens, it will touch the barrier between the holy mark and the true spirit, from the natural phenomenon of the incarnation to the historical will of the wizard civilization, as a civilization of the endless world. Rules exist!

It lasts on the common will of all things and lives, and is the embarrassment of all things living for survival, demanding for reproduction, and demanding good wishes. It is a rule to be observed.

With a word of mouth, all things are obeyed, this is the artificial rule!

The birth of the wizard is to use knowledge to incite the rules and leverage to change the world.

Only when knowledge is higher than natural phenomena can the world be changed.

"It turns out that this is the case. Is this the dedication of the true spirit, the subject of the wizard's will, the rules that the wizards obey, and the will?"

Green's perception between the edge of the battlefield!

In the center of the battlefield, the frontal hard-resistance of the space-based star-studded guns fell a lot, and then retreated to the back of the battlefield, and was blocked by the seven-ring true spirit wizard who was surrounded by the inexhaustible elements.

Above the sky, the radiation radiation dissipated, I do not know that it has lost tens of millions, hundreds of millions of lives, falling from the sky, smashing the battlefield sky, it seems as if it is sparsely a lot!

"Oh, it's time to end the passive situation of the world~www.novelmtl.com~ Dim sky, except for the short-lived light that lights up the fire energy beam, it is a dark end without end.

Only the deepest part of the darkness, a little green and fire, and the birth of a white light, this is the birth of the rules of the dark and dark wizard!


Ps: fourth! The explosion of the agreement began today. I hope that everyone can use the actual subscription and monthly ticket support to try to make the content of the outline more precise before the end of the "Witch Tour".

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At the end of the day, the results will affect the arrangement of the next book of the egrets, so this month's explosion degree depends on the subscription. If you don't have the order and the monthly ticket is pleasant, the egret should satisfy everyone every day, so please support the wizard. The journey readers will cast your valuable monthly tickets, subscriptions, and referrals at the starting point. If you have the ability, you can reward them according to your favorite level, and let the editors affirm the results of the egret! (To be continued.)


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