A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1125: Battle of Civilization (22)

"The Green Beast, the atmosphere seems a bit wrong."

Standing on the fourth front line, Green's wisdom, erudition, mystery, and stalwart posture are respected by low-level wizards. The battle of civilization is the era of legendary creation in the history of witches. If it can achieve success in the battle of civilization, it is almost equivalent. In the name of the world.

Undoubtedly, in this battle of civilization, at least in this base, the name of the sacred tower of the sacred sorcerer has quietly begun to spread with the sorcerers who are guarding together.

These wizards, among them, will inevitably have some luck to the end of the war, and then through them, the name of the sacred sacred sorcerer will be passed on to the later generations, and the later wizards will become the material of the ancient wizards and the will of the wizard.

"Really... not quite right!"

Green stared, not only the power of the space-based star guns, the power can be much weaker than ever, on the distant front, there is no virtual fleet attempting to smash the wizard line from the space-based star guns, and It is carrying out a total line attack!

Is this the situation to start the final battle?

In this way, in terms of the details, it is still better for a round of the base of the holy tower. This metal destroyer army can't hold it anymore.


The melodious horn sound spread throughout the fourth front, behind which is the wizard's hood barrier. The maintenance wizard is scrambling to fix the energy node, and a large group of distant time and space alien creatures fall into the radiation world, and are strangled by large groups of wizards.

"It's an emergency collection horn, fast, urgent collection!"

A low-level wizard who was scattered in all directions on the fourth front, heard the horns and gathered together in the area of ​​the holy mark wizards. Green and the little eight on the shoulders turned their attention to the 335 of the horn. District St. Mark Wizard.壹Reading book·1kanshu·

The fourth front is responsible for the 335 districts.

"Mom's egg, it seems that it is necessary to open the last battle. The old **** is sealing the state, I don't know which guy the wizard world will call."

Xiao Bazheng said, Green suddenly turned his head if he had the induction. Look in the far direction.

There, there is a horror creature that makes Green feel uneasy and is approaching the base. Is it said that it is dispatched from within this large world?

The magic is stirring. Under Green's concentration, the six pairs of compound eyes continued to move, and the eye of the central world of the forehead suddenly burst into a bright light. The world was in the eyes of Green, and it became a simple black and white dotted line structure. In the extension of the line of sight, I finally barely saw it. It was a towering giant composed of countless ribbons, and it was very entangled and tangled. It looked very strange.

Around this horror creature, there are tens of millions of scaled-down creatures, all of which are like messy heads, silk threads, and streamers.

These are the creatures born in the radiation world, radiating creatures!

"It is the master of the soul."

Pass these radiation creatures. Green has already determined to come to dominate the status, as the local master, the mother-in-law has the power of the world to bless, and the masters of the invading world are more or less suppressed by the world's origins. Dominating the power is not the general ruler is willing to face confrontation.壹Reading book www see 1kanshu·cc

It is normal to transfer the metal destroyer who dominates the space-based starship.

"Mom, yes. This World Wizards League is the defensive, I have forgotten this, I wow, oh!"

Just as Xiao Ba was smirking, he was behind the base of the fortress. The strong shocks of time and space are distorted, as if the whole world of radiation is shaking, but it is not exclusive, but an inclusiveness. The big world has enough original resources to accommodate any life coming!

"who is it?"

Green and Xiaoba went the same way, and the robots were placed on the front line of the war and even the metal destroyers. I also looked over and had several positive engagement experiences. The Metal Destroyer’s Legion knew that the wizards mastered this kind of means, and any place covered by the wizard’s will, as long as the wizard’s will, would come to support the force as quickly as possible. The entire wizarding alliance seems to be integrated into one and advance together.

In the turbulent time and space fluctuations, the Thunder smashed through the sky, and the blue sky swam in the rays of radiation. The power of the elements of the sky rolled and swayed, and faintly, Green seemed to see some scenes of the ancient world.

"Oh, is it..."

Just as Green had some guesses, the "桀桀桀桀" gloomy laughter suddenly came out from the depths of the wind-stricken base. Under the pressure of unstoppable pressure, the power of the vast expanse of battlefield elements gathered there. Endless black spreads out.

The sky was gloomy and there was no glimmer of light. Occasionally, each metal robot was affected by these darkness and fell from the sky like rain.

It is some crystallizer terminator. The intense pink spot that was originally scattered around it is now compressed around the body, leaving only the last little pitiful spot, which is free on the body surface.

The metal, energy, flesh and blood mixed elements are true, and the seven-ring true spirit wizard who pioneered the rules of the dark and dark wizards came down!

Green was shocked. He had just used the Titan's loss ring to enslave the king of the Purgatory giant Ebdan for hundreds of years. The Wizarding League sent a seven-ring true spirit wizard to come over. Could it be said that...

The 10,000-meter figure is like a giant in the sky. The whole body is surrounded by the power of endless elements. It is like a huge whirlpool, engulfing the vast energy in all directions, not seeing the body figure, overlooking everything on the vast battlefield.

The quietness of the solitude is chilly and cold, and the time spreads to the edge of the front line of the war. Under any dominance, the creatures in their eyes are not just the brightness of the fluttering fire.

A legion near the base was watched by it, and millions of low-level robots, after a fierce struggle, fell from the sky for no reason.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Each step is accompanied by a layer of spatial turbulence ripples. This dark cloud gathers and confuses the 10,000-meter giant. In the force of the violent elements, it slowly walks out, one bright and one dark, as if the two groups burned. The blazing flame is blooming with a breath of light.

That giant turtle... Tiandufeng giant turtle!

After the Green Tower qualification, the heart of the Wizarding World was called the giant tortoise. It was this Tiandufeng giant tortoise. There were five mountains on the tortoise shell, and there was no castle in the mountains. The sorcerer apprentices who have received centuries.

That giant tree... the tree of life!

The seven-ring true spirit wizard not only integrates the three elements of metal, energy, and synthetic flesh and blood in the real body, but also tries to integrate the fourth element, the power of life.

The giant tree is rooted in the left arm of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, concentrated and concentrated, and the strength of life is concise, like a giant shield.

The right arm is a bright and dark entangled magic wand. The two dragons are biting a black smoke around the energy crystal. I don't know what kind of power.

And that is the most eye-catching glory, this is the finger of the magic wand ~www.novelmtl.com~ that is simple, just, full of violent and fierce rings!

It seems as if the sun's fiery light blooms, dazzling, brutal, unyielding, violent, and violent, that is the Ebdan holding the furnace of purgatory!

And in the vicinity of Eba Dang, there are many more and more lines on the ancient ring, but it is not a level at all. It has been completely suppressed by the imperial giant Aba Dang’s king.

"Aba Dang...master?"

Green eyes are hot, looking up at the ring of Titan's loss, unbelievable, only a few hundred years, the purgatory giant Wang, with the help of the seven-ring real spirit wizard, actually advanced to dominate! ?

Master a ring of Titan's loss that dominates the will! ?

"Mom! Open the real body without losing the soul of the dominance, this little guy, promoted to the eight-level real spirit wizard? No! Impossible! Is it..."

Xiao Ba was amazed and stared at the ring of Titan's loss. (To be continued.)


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