A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1124: Battle of Civilization (21)

"Of course I heard that!"

The answer from the Scarecrow Supreme Master made Green and Xiaoba almost surprised at the same time, and stared at them with wide eyes. A reading book, 1kanshu·

heard about it! ?

In the ancient times, in order to save the wizarding world, Antonio forcibly promoted to the nine-level wizards, using the short time of staying in an endless world of an hourglass, with his own as the fulcrum, the ancient wizards of the world's vast wealth of power, holding the destiny lever magic wand, inciting the wizard world Leaving the original community of the world, Wolverine fled to this world community.

Undoubtedly, in the ancient times, the ancient wizarding world community that gave birth to brilliant and splendid wizarding civilization has long been occupied by the abyss civilization.

The world community is too far apart, the vast and endless world, and the innumerable world community.

Some are in a state of chaos and chaos in the world, some are controlled by several forces, some have evolved strange and special rules, others have a powerful world community of unified civilized world.

According to the size of the world community, the process of civilization is different, and the strength is also very different.

The Wizarding World Hunting Expedition Plan is to try to counter the original community of the world after reunifying this world community, to regain the glory of the wizard who belongs to the wizard, and to save the world of the ruined wizard.

Although it is a holy mark wizard, Green knows that there is no distribution of abyss civilization around this world community. The two should be separated from each other. There are even several world communities in the middle. It is easy to counterattack. !

"Hey! Have you heard of it?"

"Abyss civilization, how is it now?"

Xiao Ba and Green asked eagerly. One ~www.novelmtl.com~ want 1 to kanshu·

After the Silencer Suihua Division was silent for a while, he said: "It is a powerful and horrible civilization located in the depths of the void. I also accidentally heard a predecessor of my family accidentally mentioned. It is said that as early as a epoch, the abyss civilization collapsed. The Voidwalker civilization, the world of civilized civilization with six world communities, has touched on the balance of origin and reproduction, and has reached the limit of the world. It has reached the limit of civilization."


Xiao Ba, Green. I heard that Suihua’s description of the abyss civilization was not so close to the secret of swallowing.

Until then, the two talents finally reacted.

The Wizarding World has always regarded the Abyss civilization as the ultimate goal of all pursuits, and strives to defeat all the objects of its efforts. Since I have been stealing and humiliating for several years, I thought I had a higher and lower strength.


Yes, for the abyss civilization, the wizard civilization is just an exhibition node in history, an opportunity. The sorcerer's civilization is also on display, and the abyss civilization is also on display, and it is faster to show up in the victor's world than in the wizarding world.

I am afraid that when the witch civilization was first carried out, the abyss civilization was already a powerful civilization that mastered many world communities.

Nowadays, it has already become a behemoth of the six world communities, the end of the road to civilization. A reading book, 1kanshu·

Then the next step...

As for the balance of origin and reproduction, the subtle conscience and the world origin of the Scarecrow Suihua Division, it should be the endless world cognition view in the Suihua Division's civilized system, similar to the truthful destiny, high and low dimensions, and balance rules of the wizarding civilization.

“Is it so powerful? Then, since the abyss civilization has become such a powerful existence. What is its choice?”

Green has already had contact with the inevitable exhibition and repeated repetition of the rise and fall of the history of the civilized world.

Why do the world community always find some remnants of civilization, so that the new and fragile civilization has the opportunity to show birth?

Because it is a once civilized world that has influenced the rules of balance, the reincarnation of Vientiane, the reproduction of origin, and so on. This is the highest rule that is unclear.

And the consequences of destroying this supreme rule are very serious!

This will be met by the heavens, the destiny of truth, the origin of all things, the **** of creation, the life of high latitudes, etc., although the name is different, but the punishment of the same refers to the destiny that cannot be understood, touched, or understood. Causality, opportunity, and means of heaven. Concatenate all the worlds within the sphere of influence of this civilization and jointly attack this world of civilization until it is completely destroyed.

Birth, exhibition, rise, decline, endless world. Civilized exhibitions are prosperous and endless, creating endless colorfulness.

In order to resist this destiny, there is another way to go to the limit of civilization, that is... challenge the fate of truth, challenge the heavens, challenge the origin of all things, challenge the **** of creation, challenge this higher latitude life!

As long as it can be defeated, naturally there will be no high-level rules that constrain the civilization exhibition. Without the weaving of fate, a civilization with a system that is good enough can be displayed infinitely, trying to explore the end of the so-called endless world.

Although there has never been a civilized success, this is the only way out!

This is also the reason why the metal destroyer civilization born in this world community can be exhibited on the ash of the Xia He civilization.

For this reason, Green will ask about the choice of the abyss civilization.

"Hey, the war is still going on from you. The three wars of the Suihua Division, the Jagged River, and the Brood have no signs of stopping. The powerful abyss civilization that lies in the depths of the void should choose initiative."

Take the initiative, that is... challenge the fate of truth! ?

The abyss civilization, which has been cited as the enemy of the wizard for life, has reached this level and actively challenged the destiny of truth. Is it the same as the repetition of Xia He's civilization?

No, it is impossible to succeed, but it is the fate of truth!

Although it is impossible to understand what kind of existence of the destiny of truth, but want to come, in any case, it can never be easily defeated, or even impossible to overcome. It has taken off this dimension and exists in a completely new situation. The gap between the two is even greater than the life between the first life and the endless rule.

Slowly nodded, after meditation for a while, the little Bayi was silent, and Green had been freed from this more realistic problem.

As for the civilization knowledge of the Suihua division, there may be some mutual learning from the knowledge of the wizard civilization. It is time to exchange ideas.

Seven days later.


As the bright sky-based star-studded cannon beam came again, Green, who was exchanging knowledge with the singer, was standing up from the seat.

"Sorry, I am going to invest in war. I don't know when this war will end. Only after the war is over, will you show me that the supremacy exists."

These days ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green and the Scarecrow Suihua Division have benefited a lot.

"Well, I am waiting for you here."

The Scarecrow has been able to use fluent language to communicate, even some consonants and free translations, and they are very skilled.


After taking out the crystal ball and receiving the task of supporting the fourth front, Green led a group of hundreds of thousands of wizarding corps, over 100,000 squadrons, and overwhelming slave army. The vastness of the spacecraft in front of the "Qianlong" and "Qianlong" is constantly moving.

"Although it is the fourth front, the essence is actually the second front."

Green shook his head and muttered.

The continued heavy casualties caused by the war have completely eliminated the collapse of the 2nd and 3rd fronts. It seems that this Santa base is nearing its limits. (To be continued.)


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