A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1126: Battle of Civilization (23)

"Level eight? Impossible..."

As a five-level sacred sorcerer, Green can't directly sense the difference between the seven-level and eight-level creatures, and the loss of the soul that dominated the real body. At this time, listening to the small eighty-one said that the seven-ring true spirit wizard was promoted. At 8th level, Green will not believe it anyway.壹 reading · 1k wants ans to see hu·

After all, in addition to the newly promoted Eight Rings of Real Spirit Wizard, the Seventh Ring Spirit Wizard is the last elemental wizard of the Wizarding King 6 to promote the true spirit!

Then, all the explanations seem to be on the ring of this Titan loss!

"Oh, can you say that in addition to having the ability to enslave the world with the same illusory creatures, the Loss Ring has the ability to balance the soul of the dominating soul, allowing the wearer to advance to the eighth-class creature!?"

If this is the case, this ring is the incredible power of the lord of the world and the promotion of the eight-level creature. It is indeed capable of leveraging the fate of the wizarding world, the book of destiny, the city of eternal sky. The sacred object is enough to change the fate of a civilized creature.

"Green, the Wizarding Legion has been assembled!"

The leaves are standing on the shoulders of Lucy. At this time, they are influenced by the power of the seven-ring true spirit wizards. The sorcerer's sorcerer is okay. These low-level wizard elements are almost 20% more powerful than usual, as if they were blessed by a large area. At this moment, even if Lucy, the expression can not help but be excited, the old face and wrinkles are opened, and a lot of younger look.

"Well. I want to read a book, 1 book kanshu."

At this moment, there is no need to have too many words at all. Every time the seven-ring true spirit wizard goes forward, the big base gathers from all sides to the massive wizarding corps, and surrounds the seven-ring true spirit wizard in a star-studded wizard.

Green couldn't help but scream and scream, his body continued to twist and swell, the first layer of wild instinct, the second layer of ivory armed, the third layer of barbarian giant, the fourth layer of the sun, the fifth layer of the giant, the sixth layer of giant Devil!

The three-headed, six-armed giants are majestic and roaring, and the screams are stunned. One root is very thorny, the dark scales are sparkling, and the swelling muscles contain the most primitive and wild power. Slowly, the source of the darkness is lingering on the fire of the soul, and the black flame ignited. Nearly three hundred soul birds screamed.狰狞 bloom.

"For the wizard's will!"

At this moment, Green's body is weak, and it is not weaker than some of the six-level wizards. It stands like a bright light, guiding the roads of millions of low-level wizarding regiments and leading hundreds of spaceships. The mighty glory gathered around the seven-ring true spirit wizard, and stopped by a four-level sacred sorcerer's army, which was a half-human and half-deer element, and became a sacred mark on the vast battlefield around the seven-ring true spirit wizard. One of them.

In the later period of the war, the proportion of elemental wizards increased greatly in the wizards who came over, apparently in order to target the civilization of the metal destroyer civilization, metal fire.

Green looked at it.

A holy mark wizard, two holy mark wizards, three holy mark wizards, four holy mark wizards...

It’s just a holy mark wizard who is ready to fight at the rear of the base. At this moment, there are 147 people gathered together!

Coupled with the use of the source of magic to temporarily create a star-studded pseudo-sacred mark wizard, there are hundreds of people, a round of the base of the tower.壹 Reading · 1kanshu· Under the leadership of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, set out.

There are almost two hundred sacred sorcerers on the front line of the war. The radiant world dominates the sorrows of the world, and also leads many world leaders.

And... the innocent world owners who have been convicted by contract and deceived in distant alien time and space.

The real spirit war is about to open!

"Small eight, what do we do?"

Ye Ye stood on the shoulders of Lucy and asked worriedly.

In the war where civilization and civilization, will and will collide, we must not easily retreat as a war witch. Even the holy mark wizard can't decide his own fate in the war.

"What can I do? I have lived so many times in this scene, and I have not seen it a few times. Dry, you must not miss Wow. After this war, we have been able to brag about a few eras!"

In the complex mood of many low-level wizards, fear, anxiety, excitement, and excitement, the seven-ring true spirit wizard is like the center of the storm, and it is moving to the forefront.

At the forefront of the front line, the sorcerers and corps who fought hard for a few months. They all stared over, some skinny, old and not a sorcerer. At this moment, they even had tears in their eyes. They held up their magic wands and roared "for the wizard's will". The magic that had already been left was suddenly radiant again.

The wizard's will has become a kind of faith, and all wizards are convinced that the wizarding world will inevitably restore the ancient glory!

The ruins of the carpet, which was paved by hundreds of millions of slavery regiments, hunting witches, blood flowing into the sea, telling a world war that throws heads and blood.

Steel shovel, which is the interweaving of mechanical shackles and metal robots, twists together, contributes to the humble body for the two different civilizations, and guards the inheritance of two different civilizations.

In this vast and innocent battlefield, a sacred sorcerer who has survived for thousands of years is just one of the humblest members, and a little bit of light in the historical background picture, nothing more.

Shasha Shasha...


No, that is the singing of the soul. Under the horrible radiant pressure, the sky is full of threads, and the soul-worship leader leads hundreds of world leaders, tens of millions of corps, and rushes over, with The seven-ring true spirit wizarding army of the whole equipment battle gathered.

“High-intensity radiant stone?”

Looking closely at these high-level radiation creatures, Green finally made some secrets.

The nucleus of these organisms is actually a spar that is concentrated by the purest radiation. The energy inside is the radiant energy. If it can obtain some auxiliary low-level wizards, the effect will be excellent.

For most organisms, this radiant energy is an extremely deadly poison.

Unfortunately, with Green's current physique, I am afraid that except for the crystal nucleus dominated by the mother-in-law, other crystal nucleus, even those of the six-level world-class crystal nucleus ~www.novelmtl.com~ is better than the stone of the sage. There is nothing left.

With the common enemy, with the wizard's will as the connection, the wizarding corps and these radiating creatures will soon merge into one, the number is huge, the land is vast, the sky is covered, the vastness is boundless, and in the seven-ring true spirit wizard will Under the urging, spread quickly.

In the distant direction, it is the Metal Destroyer Civilization Legion.

It is also a vast metal mechanical army, thousands of virtual motherships, metal robots are difficult to count, liquid terminator, black terminator, and crystallizer terminator.

Behind this huge metal legion, a piece of 6 that floats in the hole of the exploration hole completely obscures the light of the sky and even affects the rules of the world.

Under the shadows, the shadows of rain and snow are not affected at all. In a green eye, the powerful energy ripples of the blazing sun are burning.

Needless to say, it must be a seven-level or even eight-level metal life that is comparable to the true spirit wizard, endless master, metal destroyer! (To be continued.)


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