A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1123: Battle of Civilization (20)

Five days later. `

After the Suihua Division was properly arranged by Greene, Greene led a group of wizards who followed him in the past few days. The squadron smashed the exotic creatures that came in from distant time and space, and once again appeared a black terminator and destroyed it.

On the other hand, the assault of the huge Nether Fleet not only defeated the second front, but even the third front line collapsed together with these horrible metal robotic corps, and finally blocked it on the fourth front with the massive support of the base.

A famous maintenance wizard, who worked hard at every energy node day and night, finally succeeded in repairing the outer real-level Santa witch mask!

With a two-layered wizard cover, the base is enough to withstand the power of the space-based starship, and finally can temporarily rest and wait for the next attack.

Although, in addition to the sorcerer's hood, the base has prepared some other hidden means, but the consumption is relatively large, and it can't be used easily.


A highly-skilled maintenance wizard, almost at the moment when the outer wizard's hood was successfully launched, they lie down on the ground and slumber.

"Respected the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, thank you before."

The grateful female mechanical sorcerer was the man who fought against the Suihua Division five days ago, and was besieged by the Suihua Division and the Black Terminator. At that time, the situation was extremely dangerous, but it was divided by Green, and the black Terminator was removed. .

"For the great wizard will."

Green briefly made a set of visits. After learning that the female sacred sorcerer was free from the name of the blade, he flew back with the wizard squad. Xiao Ba and Ye Ye stood on the left and right shoulders of Lucy, curiously watching the dew. Biological specimens preserved in the hands of cockroaches. `

Some of these creatures that have been randomly caught in the community of distant unknowns are of great value.

At this time, this small creature living in a group of fluorescent water, life is really insignificant, like an ant, but has the ability to communicate with the will, and can pass the fluorescent water of these shells. It has evolved into a variety of beautiful color forms that people love.

"Sister, let's keep it at home in the future."

Ye Ye suggested to Lucy that Lucy smiled slightly. Nodded.

"The tower of annihilation."

On the way to the flight, I met another familiar wizard, who was a three-winded sacred sorcerer. At this time, the state was very wilting, accompanied by three devotees. Take a walk in the core base.

"Three winds gather, you are..."

At this time, the magic of the Holy Mark wizard fell sharply. Even the power to use the magic to cover the real body was gone. All the secrets were exposed under the face of Green Truth. The Holy Mark Wizard was actually defeated by magic, only five hundred points. Spiritual power can swing up to two hundred points.

The face is bitter and old.

"The battle was too fierce, and I continued to retreat to three lines of defense. I also played some fires several times. After two times, I became like this. Hehe..."

After a sigh, the three winds gathered at the top of the sacred sorcerer's gaze and looked at the battlefield in the distant place, and there was a bit of disappointment. `

"I have been approved to return to the Wizarding World for three hundred years, but unfortunately, I have not seen the end of this war."

With such efforts, it seems that cultivating one's own children little by little, the desire for victory cannot be said, just as watching his children succeed, the wizard will grow up with his own efforts.

however. After all, I could not see the brilliant moment of it.

"After going back, rest assured that the magic is restored, rest assured, there is me here!"

Green’s voice was low and firm, full of affirmation. The three winds gathered at the top of the holy mark wizard did not know what to say for a time, staring at the distant battlefield for a long time, slowly nodded.


After a few hourglass hours, Green and the Scarecrow Schemist met again.

After the low-level wizards have left, Green does not need much precautions for this singer, just like chatting with friends. Take a walk in the base.

"It seems that after the end of this war, this world community can be unified and can be felt. The wizarding civilization has great potential, at least in some areas, it is stronger than our sinister civilization, the metal destroyer. Civilization is also quite distinctive."

The Scarecrow constantly looks at everything in the base, the wizarding civilization.

Here as a base of the Santa War, the supreme power position of the Wizarding World, any advanced technology and powerful wizards can appear at any time, and it is the best place to understand the civilization of the wizard.

"The wizarding world is far more complicated than you think. If there is no subversive force, this world community war will last for at least a few thousand years. What are your plans?"

Green is very proud of the history of the wizarding civilization. After praising one sentence, he asked the teacher.

The Scarecrow smiled with a hoarse voice.

"Of course, it is going back. Compared with the war here, the Suihua division civilization and the nesting civilization community community, the Jagged River civilization community has already fought an era. Although I am only a trivial part, I have to smash it. Division civilization makes its own contribution."

In the word of the Scarecrow, it shows the more powerful information of the Suihua Division. As the pride of the Suihua Division, he is at the same time fighting the two world communities, and the three sides are fighting together!

Mother nest civilization?

The Iron Star River civilization?

Green can't help but cherish more for the vast and endless world.

One after another, the world community is like a starry sky, and there are countless stars. How many civilizations have been born, and how many civilizations have prospered in history?

Green is not willing to argue with the other side on this topic. Civilization is weak and weak, only war decides.

However, it is clear that this world community is very far away from the world community of Suihua Division.

The shuttle between the world communities is obviously not something that the Lord of the World can accomplish, because there is not enough information and ability to make coordinate position judgments.

"Destroy the wizard, you said that you have seen a predecessor, where is it?"

"Chaotic World Community."

Green's answer made the Scarecrow think for a long time, or shook his head, apparently not heard of this world community.

In fact, the only way for the lower organisms to shuttle the world community to confirm the coordinate orientation is to ask the more broad-minded masters for information and to move forward to their target world community, but which of the world’s owners dare to meet at will. dominate?

Endless dominance ~www.novelmtl.com~ is also not to see you can see!

"Don't worry, the wizard will trade on a fair basis. As long as you can pay a sufficient price, it is not impossible for me to introduce you to some great existence. As far as I know, there is a nearby world community in the Wizarding League. The famous name is very dominant. If you have it, you will definitely give you some useful information."

According to Green, nature is the world tree.

"Oh, what do you want?"

The Scarecrow asked.

"Knowledge! Any knowledge!"

Green's firm answer, the Suihua division nodded, seems to understand Green's inner desire.

Flapping the wings, Xiao Ba flew from a distance and landed on Green's shoulders. He looked at the straw man: "Hey, Suihua, have you heard of the Abyss civilization?"

Xiao Ba actually asked for what Green wanted to say. (To be continued.)


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