A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1122: Battle of Civilization (19)

The image of this scarecrow seems to have some vague memory.

Under the face of truth, Green squints, even if these two enemies join hands, it is not their own opponents, not to mention the fact that at the core of the wizard base, there is a mechanical sorcerer to help out, no matter what, Green will not Have any fear of these two enemies.

However, if you can use wisdom, think of a better way to deal with it, save time and effort, it is a good thing.

After all, the birth of elemental wizards is to use their own wisdom to incite rules and change the world.

As Green continued to recall and dig his own memories, he finally remembered the world of the world, the ancient allies of the dinosaur world, the ancient temple Thunder Wolf!

In the ancient times, the dinosaur world and the ancient world of the thunder and the wolf world to conclude a fate contract, the establishment of the offensive and defensive alliance.

However, one day, a six-level life passing through the chaotic world community came to the world of the ancient world, the thunder and the wolf world, which brought a deep disaster to the world. In order to defend the motherland’s homeland, the ancient thunder and the wolf chose to summon the fate contract allies to come to support, but Unexpectedly, the dinosaur world chose to betray the fate contract.

This matter has passed without knowing a few eras. As the background history of two small and medium-sized worlds, and the treasures of the world of the world have been discovered, Green will not bother to go deep into what.

And this six-level creature that brought the heavy disaster to the ancient world of the Thunderbolt wolf world is called the Suihua division. According to some descriptions of the ancient thunder and the wolf, it is the image of the scarecrow, the study of illusion, mysterious force and soul. Extremely deep.

Now that this is just a four-level squad, it has made Green feel quite tricky. If it is a six-level existence...

Thinking of this, a brief confrontation, Green suddenly a spiritual will to the Scarecrow.

"Sui Huashi?"

Holding a soul sickle, the Scarecrow is about to show something new. After receiving Green's will, a fierce glimpse of the head of straw weaving. The fire of the two groups of souls looked over at the Green, and the straw body squirmed. It turned out to be a mysterious silk thread, which is the materialization phenomenon of mysterious power, and the ability of the newly-emerged cursed wizards in the wizarding world.

It can be seen that the application of the mysterious power of this biological group is likely to have already walked in front of the wizarding world.

"How do you know my family?"

The Scarecrow responded and acknowledged his identity as a chemist.


The little eight opened their mouths and immediately passed on to the soul of Green. He whispered: "Young Master. This group of people, this will not be a civilized world? The large-scale travel of the ethnic group is probably a unified world community."

Green's face is dignified. Relatively speaking, the overall strength of any unified world community must be above the strength of the wizarding world of civilization. However, if the wizarding civilization can win in this war, it absorbs the wizarding civilization of the alienated nightmare civilization, the abyss civilization, and the metal destroyer civilization. Even if the abyss civilization has unified several world communities, theoretically it is not without the power of a war.

At least, to the powerful foundation of the wizard civilization. It is enough to compete with some famous worlds where the natives are born and the world community is vast and vast.

"Welcome to the Wizarding World, the sorcerer is a hospitable civilized group. I once traveled with a predecessor of the ancestors, and I know each other. Since you were distracted by time and space, then please You should not hinder us from killing these cold and ruthless metal life. They have no emotions, and their wisdom is low. In order to survive, they are a barbaric group that believes in killing. Do not believe that you can try to communicate with your will."

Green is full of nonsense, and it is a matter of course.

If you don't know the truth. I am afraid that even the other wizards and Xiaoba around will believe.

This level of sleekness is worthy of being an old wizard who has lived for thousands of years. ......

"Yes. Just because I am the enemy of you, it is because of these metal life reasons that evil, embarrassing, ruthless and ruthless, they are the chief culprit in this war, destroying the original peace of this world community!"

The witch's reaction speed is fast, and even Green has a little embarrassed lie. If you don't look at your eyes, you will say it, plausible words, and the appearance of a victim.

Sure enough, the Scarecrow tried to communicate with the Black Terminator. These Tianwang’s metal life, in addition to the internal signal communication methods, has only had a language of foreign language exchange, and has no response to will communication.

Green, the female mechanical wizard, waited quietly, and continued to communicate with the will, the Scarecrow sinister, unconsciously began to move away from the black Terminator.

"As long as you promise not to intervene in this war, I can represent the wizard's will and help you to leave this world community, you can sign the contract as evidence."

Said, Green actually took out a contract, but not a fate contract.

Destiny contract, can not sign without signing, too strong binding force can easily lead to some catastrophic consequences.

After the Suihua Division took the contract scroll and looked at it, he threw it back to Green. The will was low: "In addition to the fate contract, the Suihua division will not sign any other contract. What's more, I don't have any choice now. Seeing that your evolutionary methods are also trying to get rid of things, mutual learning and cooperation may better reflect my value. You say, wizard?"

The words of the Scarecrow, let Green hold it, and then take up the contract, seriously nodded.

"Indeed, then you should wait here first, don't go around, so as not to cause some wizards' hostility. After all, these metal life has made the whole base very tense."

Instructing the female mechanical sorcerer to guard the sorcerer, Green once again turned his attention to the black terminator.

At this time, the black Terminator's shoulder was damaged, and the appearance has gradually been repaired, but in the face of Green Truth, it is nothing but a fragile surface shell.

It’s awkward!

Elemental teleport, Green appeared again next to the black Terminator, the extreme abyss wand burned with the raging ice flame, the black terminator punched out of the air, the energy ripples were released in a tidal wave, and the ice splashed.

The next moment ~www.novelmtl.com~ a pair of dark gray snakes and eyes, mysterious power lingering down, the strange atmosphere enveloped.

Hey, hehe...

The surface of the left half of the body is quickly petrified, but it is forcibly freed by the black terminator. A black ball is spit out in the mouth. It seems to be a kind of super-strong magnetic device. The space is collapsed in all directions. Although the range is very small, the gravitational gravity is comparable. Buried in the world!


However, with a suspicion, Green, who has the balance between the star and the stone, and the balance of the two forces, found the balance of the force of the device by cleverly using the lever of the double force rule. closed.

“Danger rating: Extremely dangerous, it is recommended to escape immediately!”

“Danger Rating: Extremely dangerous, upload it to the Skynet Information Database and enter the Wizards to lead the monsters through the hunting list!”

Holding this black crystal in the hand, the image of Green is branded in the eyes of the black Terminator. The screaming alarm sounds from the skynet signal in the body, almost disturbing the information in the magnetic field. (To be continued.)

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