A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1092: Activated small world

The world of activation, once the weak and humble world in the front line camp of the Wizarding League.

Too weak, even as a nurturing slave, there is no qualification for the world of resources. The status in the Wizarding League is not even as good as those of the world without the Lord of the World, such as the shadow mystery.

Therefore, joining the Wizarding League not only did not receive formal fate contract recognition, did not receive any protection benefits, but had enacted numerous obligations and heavy offerings.

This is the sorrow of weak strength. Even if we do our best to scream and roar, and use our most brilliant voice to fight for the benefits, it is only forever ignored, without diplomacy and without dignity.

If it is only that, it will be nothing more.

What is even more frightening is that some wizards have gradually discovered that the world has a strange rule and activating rules!

This kind of rule can make the indigenous organisms contain the energy for cell proliferation. It can make the cells gradually rejuvenate for a long time. This is for some sorcerers, passive evolutionary creatures, especially the creatures whose physical evolution has been slipped by the peak stones. It is simply a gospel.

It is Green, and because in some battles or experiments, in order to gain more powerful power in a short time, it often sacrifices long-term potential, and it is difficult to accumulate over time.

The fungus creatures in this world world are the perfect tonic to save this potential!

Knowing this, the Wizarding World has never stopped the endless plundering of the activating world, especially after the opening of the Civilization War, a slightly higher number of activated fungi have been looted by the higher wizards.

Once the world of fungal mushrooms, it was renamed the activating world by the evil wizards, completely ignoring the feelings of the original owner of the world.

It was forced to have almost no hope of living, and the world was only able to join the Tianjin Metal Destroyer World. Although it has long been expected, this may be devastating by the wizarding world. But in order to survive, the fungal mushrooms have no way, and the road has come to an end. Only hope that Skynet will defeat the wizard's will.

After all, metal machine people are not interested in these fungal organisms that are full of activated energy.


The huge empty hole in the sky. The three-headed six-armed kilometer sneaked into everything in the world, sneer.

"Oh, the ignorant creatures are trying to betray the will of the great wizard, and you will immediately pay for your stupidity. This price is not something you can afford!"

The three light eyes smashed into a slit, exuding a violent breath. Six pairs of compound eyes kept moving, and they were horrified. Then, afterwards, a black flame bird head was coming in from behind the hollow, and it made a harsh scream.

"Evil wizard!"

A three-level peak flower mushroom vacated, burning all the power, although even so, the contrast and the terrorist behind the high-altitude loop is still insignificant.

"Our active world once chose to compromise and chose to join the Wizarding League. But what we got was only the slaves, the slaughter, the plunder, the plunder, the hopeless. Without fate, this is not the future we want. We have to resist!"


"Evil wizards!"


Mushroom, Flammulina, Agaricus, Straw Mushroom, Pingru, Fungus, Bamboo, Morel...

Countless fungus mushrooms roared, and when they were forced to die, there was no fear. Even these terrible enemies, which could not be defeated, must take all their strength to resist and write a **** tear to resist history.

This flower mushroom seems to have gained the courage to gain unprecedented support from the endless compatriots behind him. The humble little body looks up at this horrible giant, as if you can crush yourself with a finger!

"Now. We will not be weak again, there will be no more compromises. We will fight to the last tribe, to shed the last drop of body blood, and to resist the evil and cruel wizards of you!"

What a **** declaration of justice is like the protagonist of all mainstream novels.

After putting on the imaginary protagonist's aura, no matter how powerful and horrible the enemy is, how invincible it seems to be, because of arrogance, arrogance, and stupidity, after a mistake, it will fall under the glory of justice.

"Hey! Run the last drop of blood? No, I won't allow this to happen, because... you will enter my stomach, I will slowly chew your tender and juicy body, slowly After tasting every inch of skin, swallow the bones together! Every creature in the world who dares to resist the will of the wizard, even if it is a mouse that is shivering in the cracks of the stone, if it is not under the will of the great wizard, waiting for him, only Desperate!"

In the roaring sound, the three-headed six-armed trolls began to descend to this world. The bundle of balance chains was looming, and the whole world was desperately shaking against the sea, the earth, the thunder, the hurricane, and the roaring.

In the face of the annihilation of the black flames in the sky, even if the rule of the whole world is completely suppressed, the rebellious declaration of the mushroom is just half-speaking, eyes, nose, mouth and ears are flowing out of the blood. After wiping it, the flower mushroom growled.

"You won't succeed, ah..."

Suddenly, on the earth, countless stars lit up, the end of the continent, the cracks in the seabed, the peaks of the snow-capped mountains, the depths of the earth, the innumerable vitality of life, representing the whole world to survive and unite.

Hundreds of millions of brilliant gatherings, seven **** flowers and mushrooms have become unprecedentedly powerful, "咚", "咚" two sounds, crystal clear transparent energy barriers blocked two black flame birds attack, standing in the storm, flowers Behind the crazy color of the mushroom is the decision to forget the death.

"Even if this world will fall tomorrow, I will let you pay a heavy price today, the seal of origins!"

In the roar of the roar, the energy that has gathered the whole world has been shocked by the terrible giants who are coming out of the loopholes, and they have an infinite brilliance.


Beyond the activation world.

"Hey to feed ~www.novelmtl.com~ This seal is not a joke, the tower of the annihilation tower!"

Peeking through the hole in the hole, several sorcerers were slightly surprised. This small world has gathered such a strong seal. Although it can be rescued even if other sacred sorcerers come down after being sealed, the taste of being forcibly sealed will not be good. .


After the dazzling glare passed, the sky no longer had the horrible three-headed six-armed black flame monster figure, and the four holy marks of the sorcerer on the hole were real, dull and dignified.

The tower of annihilation is really sealed?


Like a deflated ball, gathered in the world under the loophole fungal mushroom strong, all the low-level creatures involved in the seal, as many as the kite fell from the sky.

The energy of the seal failed!

At the same time, the void sent Green's low laughter. If it was not a time-space seal, there was no absolute suppression of Green's formation. It was easy to break through the talents of time and space between Green and the small bar. The shadow mystery world relied on this. Methodological skills, but killed a lot of mystery Amonro.

The seven-color rune circulated, Green has restored the human form, standing next to a few holy sorcerers who opened the real body, and made a small insignificance.

"This has been solved, and the things that follow are just what you are."

After looking at each other, several giants were shocked and looked at the small world that had no more resistance. (To be continued) []

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