A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1093: Infiltration


The whole world is screaming and boiling. Several behemoths gazing over the empty world outside the world slowly infiltrated from the hole. It is like a carnivorous eager to drill into a cave filled with young rats. There is no war, no escape. Can escape, only the last despair of hysteria.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The stinging tail flames cut through the sky, and hundreds of spy shadows descended from the sky. Each of the spy shadow stars carries a large-scale wizard who has experienced the battle of the wizard, and the atmosphere of the fearless atmosphere envelopes the entire sky.

After a short while, the vibrations of "bang", "bang" and "bang" came one after another, one after another appeared in the pit, the center of the pit, the spy star slowly floated up, the mechanical door opened, the form of the mechanical wizard, Elemental wizards and sorcerers walked out.

Indifferent eyes smothered, and began to damage valuable targets.


The mountain brethren, the giant body of the giants, in this world without the king of the world, the invincible, the big feet cover the sky, the shadow of the cast over the earth, some weak fungal mushrooms can not escape, head up Only the despair before the end of the world is left.

The big feet have not completely fallen, and the horrible pressure will first make some fungal mushrooms and gravel wrecks on the ground rise. As the next big foot falls, it seems that the whole continent is shaking.

One crack after another spreads, and the footprints are several tens of meters deep. Every step is a devastating disaster. The Shan Man Lux has reached the edge of the sixth level.


The black rain falls from the sky, and it is the power of decline. It is centering here and polluting the whole world. As long as there is sufficient time, this sorcerer of the sacred sorcerer can rely on his own power. Caused the world's cataclysm!

Black rain is his illusory real body, which turns into rainwater eroding all vitality in the world. In the process of continuous erosion, it will once again expand its scope of decline and enhance its ability to cause world catastrophe.

This ability. It may not be of great help to individual tyrannical creatures, but the shocking nature of the extinction of biological groups will be a nightmare of terrible terror.

"Going to extinction in the demise, enjoy the music of death, oh..."

Relatively speaking, the universal simulation and Green are much more calm after coming to this world.

Under the face of truth, the three colors of light gaze, the decline and the catastrophe have not known how many times the world has been extinct in the history of life. On the mainland, the black shadows are like the devil's minions, which are centered here and spread rapidly in all directions.

Receiving the erosion of this dark and evil negative force, the power of the world's natural rules in the soil is suppressed, and all the gestating life will inevitably die when smoking this breath or drinking water source, and the young and middle-aged life will accelerate later. The year is coming.


Hundreds of meters deep abyss of the distant dragons fluttered in the distance, spit out a terrible abyss in the mouth, and after a few turns, found that there is no target worth destroying nearby. Slowly flew back from afar, the body once again shrunk into a small gecko, squatting on the shoulders of the squadron.

"There is no goal worth shooting. It is much weaker than the last mission world. It is enough to succumb to a disaster."

The squadron, the sword and the sacred war knight, said that the dragon screamed on the shoulder.

"Then let it solve the task, and quickly return to the wizarding world, I am careful about the liver, plopping, this time must make that mother dragon become the dragon's favorite pet, hehe."

In the nostrils, "call" and "call" are sprayed with flames, and a pair of ambitions must be seen. Just combining the purpose of it, it is a bit too cumbersome. It’s Green’s shoulder, and Xiao Ba has been secretly squatting, with a small leaf of the leaf. It is very look like this dragon looks down.

"Time is not short..."

After estimating the speed of the decaying rain in the field of truth, Greene said at least one or two years, muttering to himself.

"Where the place where the rain has been polluted, even if I am going to collect some of the world's activated fungal mushrooms as specimens in the distance, try to cultivate them in the laboratory. It would be a pity if it is completely extinct. Oh, although the grades are too Low, but how much can nourish the body cells, better than nothing."

Said, Green glanced at the bonfire sword and the Wan Se simulating, and they did not intend to.

Shaking his head, he ignored the two men. Green was alone and wanted to travel. Xiao Ba shouted "Ye Ye" and brought Lucy and Saatchi together. The three became unremarkable. Under the oppression of the world, there is no purpose to fly to the edge of the mainland.

"Master, what are we going to do?"

The night shadow Saqi asked, Green Head did not return, low and faint: "This side of the active world before the betrayal, but there are some resident sorcerers, but now it seems that one of the sorcerers who are concerned about the wizard is sealed This is the world, and the time is still quite abundant. Just let it go and save it."

Other sacred sorcerers may not be able to sense it, but in the face of Green's truth, even if it has been sealed, the world still has a sorcerer's will influence, which is distinguished by the conversion between the rules.


Saatchi and Lucy were both surprised at the same time.


Fifteen days later.

With Green and two third-level wizards flying, fifteen days have already flown a long way in this small world. They have come to the relatively ridiculous zone of this world, and continue to fly toward the sense of the influence of the wizard. There are more and more induction clues, and it should not be far away.


After Green scorned ~www.novelmtl.com~ stopped in midair, the face of the eagle's eye blessed and switched, looking in the other direction, a little after a short sneer.

“It turned out to be a large refuge base, so many, more than a few times the size of the largest city I saw before. If you count the possible underground refuge, oh...”

After that, the Green body gradually turned into a dark black cloud of darkness, and the black flame bird head that was difficult to count swam in the dark clouds, making an evil laughter and floating to the activated fungal mushroom shelter base that was sensed by that side.

The clouds spread for dozens of kilometers, and the panic atmosphere that covers the sky, even if it is far apart, Saatchi and Lucy can still hear the desperate horror roaring over there, the horrible power of the annihilation tower. All activated fungal mushrooms are being swallowed.

"When the power of the annihilation tower is stronger, how can we advance to the holy mark?"

Saatchi’s words attracted Lucy’s sigh.

"The road to the sacred mark is hard and bumpy, but it is a natural talent for the tower of the annihilation tower. It is quite natural when it comes to the first time when the world of the hunter expedition expedition went to Green for the first time..." (To be continued.)

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