A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1091: Void front

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Five sacred marks and wizards flew in the void, and more than three hundred spy shadow stars followed by the wizards. As a starless little star in the endless void, they turned into a streamer and high speed.

They are the death messengers who lead the wizard's will and perform the destruction mission!

The Wizarding League and Skynet are just wars for a world community to rule hegemony, the vast and endless void world, the world community is not known, and even the world community has a great difference.

There is a huge world community, such a medium-sized world community like the Wizarding Alliance and Skynet, and some smaller, even micro-world communities like the world of the Earth.

One or two small worlds are insignificant. Every day, every minute, every second, there are void creatures in every corner of the world that have evolved into a new world, and there are countless worlds that are completely fragmented.

Looking at the endless world, looking at the long river of history, it is the endless dominance, but it is walking in the time and space. The rise and fall of civilization constitutes the cycle of life and death. It evolves in its own unique rhythm, not in the object of happiness, not in sorrow. Objective and exist.

Fifty years later.

"Get out!"

The savage sorcerer of the sacred sorcerer of the sacred sorcerer swayed toward the giant behemoth in front of him.

This is a void giant that exceeds the entire continent, but it is nothing at the biological level. It is at most equivalent to the weak world, and it is on the way of everyone.

Within the world community, there are rare void creatures that can make these holy sorcerers scruple. Those who are truly huge and vast, are not willing to shuttle between these world gaps.

Booming rumbling...

The emptiness of the void is swaying, facing the five five-level holy marks witch. As long as the five sacred marks are not afraid of wasting a long time to consume the source of magic, this emptiness creature can hardly escape, and it is impossible to defeat. Very interesting to leave.

"Oh? It seems that there has been a small war before this time, and this virtual monster has been attracted to the ancient times. There are still some material energy chaos fluctuations."

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color light looked at the void world in all directions, muttering to himself.

"Go and see if you can find some wreckage or something worthwhile."

Dominating the body, even if the power of the void can not offset it, they are already rules, or the existence of their own power to destroy the rules, saying that it is possible to find a little fresh and ruined blood, which is also of great value.

Five sacred sorcerers looked at each other. They smiled each other.

"Then join in the front coordinate guide."

Said, the five people actually scattered with some spy shadow stars, disappeared in the turbulent flow of emptiness.

With the help of the face of truth, Green has the most opportunity for the residual treasures that may appear in the void. Each energy reflection is formed in the Green Eye. It is the result of the power of the void and the elimination of the material energy.

The power of endless vanity, the perfect place to eliminate defective products and purify the essence, the higher the energy value of the treasure, the more it will erode the time in the void.

A few hourglasses after the time.

A tens of thousands of meters of mechanical wreckage is eroding in the force of the void, and it continues to disappear. From this we can see the huge volume of this complete mechanical object, I am afraid that it will not be more than the ancient city of the sky depicted in the book. This should be the space-based starship of the metal destroyer civilization.

In the spy movie star, many third-level wizards also flew out. These three-level wizards have a short-term ability to withstand the power of the void.

After searching for a period of time inside this huge mechanical wreckage, they all left, seemingly rewarding.

one day later.

A group of violent energy circles, which is the rule of the six levels of biological shackles left behind, which six-level creatures fall here?

In the case that the spy shadow star did not dare to approach, Green flew into the energy storm circle alone, after half an hourglass hour

. Found some broken crystal nucleus, it is also a small gain.

This is the case. A few days later, when several holy marks wizards merged again. It seems that everyone is small and rewarded, and once again set foot on the journey to the activating world.


Thirty years later.

Eighty years of long and empty, long lines, vast and innocent, a few powerful biological guidance with accurate coordinates to guide the starlight near this small world, have stopped.

"Call... It’s finally here! Let's get started, and save the extra-budgets early."

When Shan Man Lux said, he looked forward to seeing Green, what kind of convenience does the sacred sorcerer specially sent by this round of true spirit wizards bring to this destruction mission?

However, under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light gaze at the world, but they did not immediately start, standing in the same place, if they were thoughtful, they were mysterious.

"what happened?"

Shan Man Lisi asked inexplicably.

"I didn't expect the world to be good at sealing. It seems that we have prepared a lot of time for the revenge that may be carried out in our wizarding world."

In Green's eyes, this vast scroll of paper floating in the void, the surface runes enveloped the flow, and the interior did make a scene. As a sacred sorcerer who is also good at seals, from the apparent clues through it, Judging this inevitably, it is a huge scale seal.

“Hey, can you tell its specific location and seal category?”

When others heard the seal, the face was slightly serious, but the decline was showing interest in the look ~www.novelmtl.com~ seems to have some way to crack.

"Because it is a kind of town seal seal, but it is enough to make sure that it is not a time stamp!"

Green gloomy sneer, and turned his head into the inside of a spy movie star, and the rain dew was covered with a small body with a sweet face and a leafy sweet leaf.

"Let's stay here and work together later."

After that, Green will go to the active world in this step by step, step by step, under the gaze of change, Wancai simulation, bonfire, swordsmanship, and many elite three-level wizards. Suddenly spread several times, the pressure of breath is unbridled and released. For a moment, it is a kilometer, three six-armed giants laughing and appearing.

Then, after a layer of dark flames ignited, the giant sneered, and the extreme abyss magic wand turned into a kilometer in his hand toward the world of the active world, gently.


It seems as if a layer of water is swaying, and the world's clothes are undulating, and the thunder is blown up. In the picture paper on the face of truth, countless runes spread with the swirling version of Green Power, followed by a sneer of three six-armed giants. After that, six arms were used to open the cracks in the hole, and then hundreds of black flame birds headed out to expand it.

"Hey... so simple!?"

Along with several surprise sounds that opened the real-skinned sorcerer, the five sacred monsters sneaked into the world, screaming at the inside of the world, screaming at the people inside, fearing and shouting little things. (To be continued) []

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