A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1079: Intruder?

“This is a new kind of unknown system energy, at least in the wizarding civilization system.”

As the number of times that the strongman is injured, the more Green can feel, the reason why his research on the key to life has not broken through the rules of the father's rule of genetic information, the biggest reason is that these weapons are in the blade. The energy of an unknown system is similar to the power of war, the rule system, and the power of emotions.

It represents the creation of a biological group from the beast to the social system era, recorded in the deepest part of the field of cytogenetics, which represents the transformation of an era, the beginning of a stage, although Green as a new life of reproduction, for that The era has no experience, but the cells that have been inherited by the body have been imprinted in the deepest instincts from generation to generation, occupying a small piece of memory and becoming a subconscious instinct.


The pain was accompanied by the unspeakable refreshment. Green pulled the long fork out of the body, and the wound blood stains with the Greens alienation touch, immediately made up for it and recovered.

"The Green Beast, you said that the owner of this weapon, what kind of creature is in his life, what is the world behind it, this weapon has a lot of wisdom."

Xiaoba stood in the corner of the lab and muttered at hundreds of thousands of ferrous metal needles scattered on the ground.

The three-color light of Green looked at them. These black metal needles were sharp and sharp, and they had a secret connection with each other. They formed a line of faintness. It seemed to be a strange sword, controlled by a cold attribute energy.

There is no doubt that the refining skills of this, even some of the wizards in the wizarding world are far behind.

The power of the witch is the sorcerer's alchemy and the runes, and the sorcerer's ability to incite the rules to amplify the wizard's ability.

These metal needles are formed by long swords that are not connected with each other, but they seem to be enlarged by the dominoes to communicate the external energy with each other.

"It should be at least a six-level creature. The world behind it should be a very powerful world, and the world's lord is easily degraded. The weapons are left in the world of bones and demon. It seems that the strength of the bone-defining world is far more powerful than the outside world. The rumor is much more terrible."

Low fstyle_txt; in response, Green took a flying needle and pierced into the skin.


Unconsciously, the passage of time, Green's five hundred years of potential for a rest period, has passed four hundred years.

The key to the study of the leisure time is to continue to compile and write "The Grimm's Fairy Tales". It is expected that one day will be able to complete the dimensional gap seal, and even open the deeper mystery about the dimensional gap.

Xiao Ba once said that in addition to the knowledge of dimensional gap seals, Antonio left the inheritors with some things in the deepest part of the dimension gap, which requires the surgeon to personally take it. The three worlds created by the wizarding world, this ancient Shuo Shuo Today, the real wizard has occupied two people. The inheritance he left, Green has long been looking forward to it.


Experiments for several consecutive days. Green was also a little tired. After taking a sip of the coffee handed by Rab, he got up and stretched out, and the bones screamed and screamed.

Naturally. Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light looked at the hopeful scepter in the corner of the laboratory.

The golden scepter, after the acquisition of Green, has been studied in detail, but even in the omnidirectional micro-perception of the truth. There is nothing special about it, so Green just treats it as a clue item with the Shroud of Hope Light, and takes it with you at any time.

but. With the help of Green in order to open the sixth layer of wild instinct, to complete the transformation of the ancient giant scorpion, and to endure a thousand times, the ordinary world's main blade can no longer meet Green's requirements, but need higher ranks. The unknown force contained in the blade.

In the case of continually searching for a number of higher-level warriors who could not complete this last layer of transformation, in the midst of bitterness, Green saw the scepter of hope, and even the ghost made the scepter to try it. The result was not only Green. It’s really a successful completion of the ancient giant scorpion, and this hope scepter has undergone a new change!

At this time, the hopeful scepter, although still golden, has a strange introversion, and has the ability to convert the size and size of the high-level magical witches, although it still does not show some power blessings. But the simple symbolism that has been sensed from Green has turned into a clue that is closely related to an unknown existence in distant time and space.

And this existence, it is very likely that the light of hope dominates the body!

With the more times Greene observes, the more strange feelings there are, the light stick of hope... is a key?

"The Tower of the Tower of Eternity!"

Interrupted the Green Experiment meditation, the mood was slightly annoyed, and the three-color glare looked at the sorcerer in the crystal ball. This is the leader of the guardian sorcerer who is responsible for one of the world's spiritual worlds under the Green World, and the dean of the annihilation tower college. Sal Latin.

"what happened?"

Green asked in a low voice.

"Master, the world of the gods has invaded the evil spirits. Due to the time and space restrictions of the exchange of lower wizards, this information is transmitted to the wizarding world. It is likely that the invasion has been completed, and the spiritual world asks for support!"

The evil spirits invade! ?

Green, who has long been caught in the war between the Wizarding Alliance and the Skynet Metal Destroyer, remembers that his own spiritual world and parasitic spore world is another member of the world community called Chaos.

At this time, the world that he has left is actually invaded by the world community, some unknown gods!

"A few, what level of evil spirits?"

Green said, the body has stood up from the seat, the three colors of the truth are extremely cold, killing, and the world of the world is related to the parasitic spore world. Green has been able to squander resources in these hundreds of years. For experimental research, it is precisely because of the continuous supply of parasitic spores that there must be no mistakes.

"Two, look at the real energy ripples that forcibly invade the world~www.novelmtl.com~ It should be level 4, I am organizing the world's wizards to complete a large seal, if it is just a evil god, it would be nice to say , but if there are two, there is no chance even if the seal is completed."

Desperate sigh, Sarlatan's spirit is wilting, under the pressure of the Lord of the World, this old wizard is obviously not good.

"Oh...just two level four evil spirits."

After screaming at Green's horror of a large number of sacred sorcerers, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief and participated in the war of civilization for a long time. He was accustomed to the days when the world's lord and the sacred sorcerer walked all the way. Only two lower evil spirits came, but some Not adapted.

"Oh, I know, you are trying to protect my property there, and the top psionic scientists don't lose too much, I will rush over as soon as possible."

After that, Green closed the crystal ball and shouted: "Saqi, Lucy, Xiaoba, started work! Thousands of giant crabs, immediately set up a five million 嘶嚎蟑螂 slave army!" (To be continued. )



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