A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1078: 0 knife Wan Hao?

Tintin Dangdang...

In the power ripple, Green's body has a twisted metal twist, which is the new change brought by Green's true body. This layer of metal will bring more and more defense to Green, which is an extra body. Growth protection.壹~www.novelmtl.com~See w?·1?·

Green in the retreat stared at the head of the extreme abyss magic wand, the clear visible fist, the face of the truth, the three colors of light and a faint color.

Just the degree of attack is clearly only about the degree, not the opponent's explosive limit, but the feeling conveyed to himself is enough to pass the degree.

The magic surged, and the extreme cold crystals on the head of the extreme abyss magic wand quickly compensated, and the arc of the annihilation force was attacked by the other side, and a minor knife wound appeared in the right arm of Green.

"Three heads and six arms, this strange ability that the witch is completely integrated with itself should be the power of the ancient giant scorpion. The increase in power of this unknown cause is only the increase in the ability of the other party's low-level transformation. It is similar to the ability of the sun-changing person to have the inexhaustible ability of the water source, and the physical weakness of the body of the criminal giant.

In the face of truth, insight into perception, analysis with its own wisdom, between the electric stone fire, in this ancient giant scorpion magic danger to avoid the power of annihilation attack, the shoulders of several flaming souls head out.

Endless voids, vast and innocent, even the collision of the power of the two world's masters is just a little insignificant in the endless void.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

A black flame, the soul of the soul, spewed out in the mouth of the fangs, turned into an energy beam, and was softly evaded by the other side, constantly close to Green. One ~www.novelmtl.com~ En? this is……"

The eye of the biomechanical microscopy of the face of truth is now a clue in the careful observation of Green.

The flesh and blood vibrate at a high frequency, as if it is a very elastic rubber. Every body breathing is consistent with the vibration, as if it has become an instinct, even because the vibration frequency is too fast. People can easily create an illusion that they are sensitive.

After the magical powers, Green's body squirmed, and a source of annihilation appeared.

"Rely. Let me die when I first appeared!"

The source of annihilation screamed and rushed out. After a short moment, it was broken by the ancient giant sorcerer. Green got the information he wanted through the face of truth, and it was.

This time the source of annihilation did not fight back, but was passively defended. And this ancient giant magic power has no strange increase.

In this way, one of the ability of the Ansel St. Mark Wizard to transform into a lower wild instinct is the rebound of power. For an enemy whose power is lower than its own, it will superimpose the power of the other party on its own strength and bounce back together. other side.

For a simple passive evolutionary creature, fighting against the Ansel St. Mark Wizard, once the power has not passed the other side, there is almost no possibility of victory, the insurmountable existence!


Once the power is stronger than the Ansel St. Mark Wizard. A reading book w?ww·1· This ability is almost like waste.

The strongest strength is to make yourself stronger, followed by weak wins and strong, but strong and weak, it is rare. It is no wonder that this holy mark wizard has not been included in the potential list.

After analyzing this ability, Green no longer chooses to make power contact with the other party. The extreme abyss magic wand wave is a annihilation arc, and then the element is teleported backwards.

"The tower of annihilation, here is not the battlefield of civilization, but I have been running away but I can't get my blood!"

Ansel growled. While constantly chasing, it is apparent that some emotional venting is being carried out, and this is constantly chasing, gradually. As the two men chased each other from time to time, Green continued to have a small number of stab wounds, although it will soon be repaired, the strange thing is that these knife wounds have brought a glimpse of Grinn’s heart... Cool?

It took nearly a month to fly like this. Green suddenly stopped.

"Thank you Master, I think I have got what I really want, not your blood, I lost."

In the words of Green, Ansel, who was on the excitement, stopped in the void. After a long absence, he sighed and looked like he was a bit lonely.

"It seems that you have the secret of the ancient giant sorcerer. As for the outcome, I feel the tremendous power in your body, you have not lost."

Green shook his head and gradually recovered the true body and the real body.

"The master did not summon the abyss dragon, even the witches are sealed in their own bodies, no matter what the next is not an opponent."


The ancient giant demon is a symbol of the military blade, representing the watershed from the beast to the intelligent community, the **** of war among the barbaric giants.

Green did not continue to study breakthroughs in the field of life, not in Green's knowledge exploration, but in Green's body cells, there is a lack of insight into the blade, only when the body has suffered thousands of times of war wounds. Combine the blood flames, combine genetic information, break through the limits of the human ancestors, and open the ancient giant scorpion in the sixth layer of wild instinct!

It is a prerequisite for the ancient giants to suffer in the course of their growth.

What about the blade?

The general blade is naturally not helpful to Green, it must be the blade of the strong, and Green as an elemental wizard, and has completed all the prerequisite steps of the sixth layer of wild instinct transformation, of course, will not be like the abyss Like the refining wizard, it is time to challenge the strongman to be the martyr.

Then, this requires Green to collect the blade, but the blade of the strong will never leave, unless the dead.

On the one hand, he entrusted the powerful swordsman who knew the sacred marks to collect the front lines of the war. Green contacted the friends of the foreign world.

Above the altar, time and space are distorted, and Green's old friend, the bone demon, appears.

"Destroy the wizard, what good news is this time?"

Green did not talk much, and directly took out the six-level shadow ancient dragon head in the evil spirit paradise. He said: "This is a reward. I need the blade of the strong, and ask them to be the lowest in the world before the life."

"Warrior? Metal can't do it?"

The question of the bone demon makes Green look blank~www.novelmtl.com~How is the blade of yours not metal? ”

The bones of the bones are of course: "The perfect blade is of course a little refining of its own essence. Only those creatures in the exotic world will extract metal from the ore for refining. If you want a metal blade, my territory. Here you can find a lot of random, after all, every few years there are always some unintelligible guys to explore the world, causing the interest of those old guys who are sleeping, hehe..."

After a few hourglass hours, the time and space above the altar is distorted, and the goddess of the world and the moon will come...


Ps: WeChat public platform: A group of egrets on the sky, the night of the small eight and the leaves have been completed, the next notice, Xiao Green urine is lonely, hey, everyone come to pay attention! (To be continued.)



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