A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1080: Spiritual disaster

The chaotic world community, the world of the people.

"Oh, it’s a weak world. Except for the seal, there isn’t even a world leader and guardian. It’s all small things that can only escape."

Every bone spurt is full of black smoke. This hundred-meter-high monster walking on the mainland of the spirits leaves deep footprints on the earth every step. The nearby grass roots are eroded by black smoke. , turned into a dead wood, aging death.

Four arms, each holding a bone stick of an unknown creature, seven heads on the chest, black smoke from time to time in the mouth and nostrils, terrible.

Around the head of the world, around tens of thousands of bone mosquitoes, while flying densely, they made a "beep" vibration, very fast, and frequently grabbed a single person from all directions and threw it into it. The mouth of the seven heads of the chest of this horrible world.

It is no wonder that since the Wizarding World Civilization War has begun, a large number of wizards have been drawn into the frontline legions. Even some of the wizards who have completed the task of exploiting resources are in the parasitic spore world, and there will be too many stops in this transit world.

It is too difficult for Sardinia to protect the invasion of the two world masters by virtue of the power of the world itself.


The fear of the spirits screams along with the chewing bones of the "squatting" and absorbs the negative emotions. This evil spirit is extremely satisfied.

Unlike the general world master, it is not the prey that flies, and the flesh and blood that is swallowed in the belly will be excreted very quickly.


Far away, a ghost spider of more than 30 meters flew over, his body was densely covered with ghost lines, his furry body, and under his black eyes were twelve pairs of compound eyes, shining brightly.

"The evil spirits, after completely conquering the world, can be enjoyed slowly, and those seals are not removed. We cannot completely settle down."

The ghost spider saw that he had worked hard to chase down the seals, but he was enjoying the world's spiritual people here, and he was angry.

"But it's just some low-level little things. It can only be troubled before we have completely gone. Now we have led the army to come to the world completely. How much little food like this is too much style_txt; less, it takes a lot of effort to go If you catch those little things, you might as well find a gathering city of these spiritual people."

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嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

The rushing alarm sounds throughout the Spirit. The spirits of the briefcase screamed and ran to the underground cave. The underground cave entrance was full of people, men and women, you pushed me.

The psionic cars on the streets are stuck, the shops are closed, the papers are flying, and the end of the world is engraved on an ancient stone monument.

Although the world secretly circulates wizards above psionic technology, the number is few and far between and hidden in the top of society. Ordinary spiritual people simply can't reach it. In those spiritual rulers who use textbooks and brainwashing from generation to generation, Psionic Energy Technology once again entered the peak era. People are convinced that the Spirit can change the truth of the world.

咻, 咻, 咻...

The psionic fighters that swiftly turned the spiral angle on the wing swept through the low-altitude of the city, and dozens of them lined up in a row. After a short moment, the edge of the distant city issued a "bang" and "bang" explosion.

嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

"Ah! What is that, monster. Monster..."

Suddenly, on the upper floors of the building, several bone mosquitoes with wings spread a few meters appeared. They have the same speed as the Psionic Fighter, but they have a more flexible posture. The embarrassing appearance evolved in order to adapt to the environment, makes these long-term peacemen in the greenhouse scream almost boiling.

This is a terrible monster that will appear on the restricted-level TV cartoons. Now it is alive in this world!


A psionic fighter was swayed by the bone mosquitoes and fell to the ground. In the middle of the building, it was once a symbol of the prosperous and prosperous building of the spirits.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, pay attention to order!"

The metal rubbing sounds of "咔嚓" and "咔嚓", wearing a clumsy metal armor, holding a psionic technology gun, dozens of rows in a row, covering behind these crazy crowds into the bomb shelter, holding the counter The savage guns of the wild beasts attacked the monsters in the air.

As a bunch of psionic rays were shunned by these bone mosquitoes, a mech-warrior shouted and was thrown by a bone mosquito into the sky, and the "bang" sounded, the metal armor was broken, and the spirit inside. The human eye can't live.


The spirits around him were even more terrified. The captains of these mechs squad gnawed their teeth and waved their hands to counterattack while retreating.


The Institute of Psal Science and Technology Exploration, the 12th Capital City of the Spiritual World, each of which is set up, is the forerunner of the exploration of the mystery of Psionic Science.

At this time, the spiritual scientists in this spiritual capital, under the **** of a large number of troops, secretly retreat with anti-gravity motorboats. These weak guys are the huge treasures of this world!

"Guard! There are monsters in front!"

In the emergency middle siren, a large number of soldiers escorting the team rushed forward. More than 20 bone mosquitoes appeared in the front hundreds of meters, and they have already found it and rushed over.

"team leader?"

A prominent academy of sciences looks at the man responsible for the safety of the team. Unlike the average soldier, the captain never wears any psionic weapon, but the soldiers under him are respectful and obedient.

At this point, the man who had been silent looked at the front and said, "Don't worry."

When I saw it, I saw that my body turned into a spark, and then disappeared. This situation scared a few science academy jumpers, and immediately thought of something, could not help but mutter: "Witch ……wizard?"


Bang, boom, boom...

The top of the air-raid shelter was shattered by the sound of the far and near vibrations, and the spirits who were hiding in the bomb shelter shivered. No one dared to speak. Some spirits who could not help but cry were quickly caught by their partners. Mouth, to prevent sound, tens of thousands of people crowded in a small space.

What happened in the above ~www.novelmtl.com~ This kind of vibration sound, is it footsteps?

What kind of horrible monster is this!

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, which made those who feared the footsteps even more fearful. The monster stopped at the top of the bomb shelter. At this time, the air-raid hole broke open due to constant fighting, and it was faint. See a little outside scene through this concrete crack.

The shadows cover the sun, and one eye appears in the crack.

"Hello, haha, it’s hidden here!"

After seeing the hiding spirit from the cracked eyes above the concrete cracks, they made a sharp and squeaky laugh, and then the entire air-raid shelter began to "boom and rumbling". In the screams of tens of thousands of civilians, a pair of big handcuffs He opened the concrete with a thickness of several meters above the air-raid shelter. The monsters of more than 100 meters drooled and looked at the densely packed people inside. They escaped and escaped, full of despair. (To be continued.)



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