A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1023: Gulong World

嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

Without the barriers of the world's clothing and balance rules, the ancient world of the world is unparalleled in its vastness, accepting these foreign objects from the exotic world.壹Reading w?ww?·1?·

After coming to the chaotic layer, all the 18 space fortresses came to the interior of the Gulong World, and Green and others were slightly relieved.

Green, who entered the world of Gu Long, did not feel as if he had invaded other small and medium-sized worlds, as if he had squeezed into a huge box with limited capacity.

The world is vast and the rules are firm. Not only does it give Green a sense of restraint, but it has a sense of freedom to swim from the pond to the sea.

Here, there are countless different worlds of the same level of biological atmosphere, and those faint horror creatures that faintly let Green tremble!

"Mom's egg, this is a good luck, it happened to be in the hands of a wizarding league."

Xiao Ba patted the chest, relieved the chest suffocation, and then looked at the leaves on the shoulders of the dew on the shoulders standing behind the green at this time, talking about the love words of the numbness, affectionately, ignoring others, let Green Can not help but twitch in the corner of the eye.

Not to mention these little wars, Green estimates that the wizard civilization is completely destroyed and becomes history. This guy will not have any life threatening!

However, if you lose the material world coordinate of Green, and there is no new dimension gap talent inheritor to get the dimension gap handkerchief, this guy will always be trapped in the gap of the dimension, can not return to reality. Read a book?·1?k?a?n?s book h?u·

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-colored glare flashed, and he snorted in surprise: "Is this the master?"

Saying, an element of Green moved away from the space fortress, walking in the real time, merging with the seven holy marks wizards, waiting quietly in the chaotic layer.


The chaotic layer formed by the conflict between the virtual air and the material energy, suddenly bursts into an abnormal surge, from the elemental energy eco-gas layer below the chaotic layer, a huge black shadow emerges. This black shadow is more than a few space fortresses. It will add up to a huge sum. I don't know tens of thousands of meters, messing up the chaotic airflow!

After a short moment, a real mountain giant stretched out, really a giant. The vastness and heavyness of the prestige is pervasive, revealing the indestructible, unresolved, long-lasting will, and the blue-violet gemstones under the stone crevices, to the Green and the seven people.

This endless ruler turned out to be a meeting of the Wizards of the Wizards. Fortunately, a mountain giant dominated, when Green recognized his incomparably huge foot as the real body, and also provoked Xiao Ba to laugh once, slightly embarrassed.

Now, once again, Green, the inferior creature, sees only one head of the other.

Open and not open the elemental body, in the other's eyes, but the big ant is different from the small ant.

"Those metal life is more suitable to open the battlefield in the void, after the Wizarding League and the other side have been fighting for several times, it has been falling behind.? 壹~www.novelmtl.com~ I am thinking about other ways to deal with it, you can only choose to avoid it for the time being. After the inspection of the Nether Metal Destroyer inspecting the Legion, the breakout came in."

Even if the recipient's will exchanges, there is a sense of humbleness that makes Green's soul vibrate.

Such a scene, like the eyes of the Green World, looks at the scrolls in the small world, and the sublime level of life makes them closer to the truth of the truth of the endless world hidden under the surface.

Come out temporarily!

Green couldn't help but look at the arc thundercloud sorcerer. The leader of the squad asked at the right time: "Dare to ask the great mountain giants, the gods of the gods, how is the war situation here, when can they restore the void rule?"

"Those metal life is more suitable for virtual combat, but in this big world, it is not an alliance opponent. You only have to do everything in your power to ensure good material support. The victory of this battle will ultimately belong to us."

It seems that I don't want to say anything more about Green's low-level life. The mountain giant dominated and said: "It looks like you came over for the first time. Now this ancient dragon 6 was hit by the war a dozen years ago. Two. The league has completely occupied this half of the big 6, and the half of the big 6 is renamed the metal big 6. You have to hurry up to carry out the **** supplies. After a few years, if the alliance is expedition metal big 6 again, you will Bring the supplies to the forefront."

As said, the mountain giants recovered the elemental energy and ecological gas layer from the chaotic layer and ignored the people.

"Seven Rings Real Spirit Wizard. Over there!"

The arc thundercloud sorcerer holding the task reel pointed at a direction.

The closer to the ground, the safer it is. Green and others flew back to the space fortress, commanding the space fortress to fall from the chaotic layer to the elemental energy eco-gas layer. As it landed below the clouds, the force of chaos disappeared, revealing the vastness and desolateness. Big 6, one endless.

One foot after another 10,000 meters of footprints extended to the end of the field of vision, the mountain giants have left.

In the high mountains and towering mountains, a huge peak has disappeared a bit. It seems to have been cut by external forces. Without knowing where, who can think of being thrown into the void world by an unparalleled terrorist mountain giant?

"Look over there!"

In the direction of the small eight wings pointing, it is faint to see hundreds of **** moons hanging high in the sky, it should be the Samsung Real Spirit Wizard camp, after all, the seven-ring true spirit wizard is not in this direction.

"I don't know how much power the Wizarding League has invested in this world. However, although the world is also classified as a big world, even after a few battles, the Big 6 is turned into two halves. This is the world of the Gulong world. The world is still too much."

In the sky, the eighteen space fortress stayed for a while and then flew in the direction of the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

A month later.

The 18-story space fortress has a short stop, overlooking the vast and scattered land of hundreds of thousands of miles, numerous mechanical wreckage and space fortress wrecks, countless large and small craters, and even a few that have barely matched the remains of the wizarding world. The most ancient sacred mark of the ancient sacred mark, I do not know which sacred sorcerer or the leader of the six-level world of the Alliance, has fallen.

The infinite sorcerer of the scattered scattered numbers is cleaning up the battlefield materials. The precious mechanical shackles of the hunter-destroyed expedition have now been reversed in the battle of civilization and the role of the hunter-devil sorcerer. Instead, in order to reduce the loss of the sorcerer, it is used as cannon fodder. It became the main force to clean up the battlefield and build the rear.

"At least four infinite masters have come here."

After collecting a lot of information from the face of the truth, the green tri-color light whispered, and the master took the shot and the master of the world. The huge difference was too big, and the terror of the hundreds of thousands of millions of legions was wiped out. Scenes……

“叽叽叽叽~www.novelmtl.com~ seems to be a key battle. I don’t know if there are any precious strategic resources nearby. Is it a dragon nest?”

Rainbow Pharmacy Stigma Sorcerer guesses.

Although this big mouse is completely different from the style of Xiao Ba, one is afraid to shrink and guards his own big pocket, and the other is arrogant and fearful of death. At this time, the two are exactly the same greedy eyes.

“Province province, it’s really there, and it’s also a strategic resource for the alliance.”

Dragon Nest, the status is equivalent to the Wizarding World St., and the dragon interacts with a native world of Leiren creatures. It will swing far more than the combined power of the two, similar to the flying dragon sorcerer behind the holy mark, in this world. Known as the Cologne Knight.

Later, the two sorcerers who were in charge of the surveillance flew up. After a brief negotiation with the Greens, the 18 space fortresses continued to fly in the direction of the Seventh Ring Spirit Wizard. (To be continued.)



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