A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1022: Nether fleet

After a few months of the endless void of the world, the team encountered three emptiness creatures. ???`

Fortunately, two of them, Nether creatures are obviously not willing to rub against the powerful life of these material worlds, choose to avoid, only a virtual creature seems to be extremely hateful of material creatures, do not know what happened in its long life course, Actually took the initiative to attack.

The battle lasted for ten days!

Seven sacred sorcerers, after paying two space fortresses, tens of millions of slave corps, hundreds of thousands of wizards, and hundreds of spaceships, finally defeated this emptiness creature. Green is truly aware of these battles with the material world. The emptiness of the void creatures that are incompatible with the rules.

Unbeatable huge body, enough to let it ignore any low-level attacks, like the itching of the boots.

If these lost wizarding corps are in the material world, with the two holy marks wizards, it is enough to easily overthrow some small world indigenous regimes.

"finally reached."

There was a lot of tiredness in the voice, and a few people stood in a row looking at the big world, and Wei Lide’s old witch muttered.

"We can't be in an accident. Our losses are close to one-tenth of the bottom line of the mission. There must be no more leaks. We must keep the highest vigilance before handing over the materials to the Seventh Rings."

The arc thundercloud sorcerer said, looked at Green.

"how about it?"

Green used the face of truth to observe the void world around the world of Gu Long, as one of the main battlefields between the wizard's will and the Tianwang. The two sides not only played an ups and downs in this vast and innocent world, but also extended the battlefield to the void world. There are hundreds of small and medium-sized worlds and shallow illusory worlds around. This is the war of endless control!

"The void corrugation is relatively calm. There should have been no large-scale wars in the vicinity of the void recently. After all, this half of the world of ancient dragons has been firmly in our hands, and the offensive is constant. The other side should do their best..."

Green is talking, suddenly stunned!

"Not good..?` is a virtual mothership group, at least one hundred, now we are."

In the distant void, the group of virtual motherships assembled in the air was revealed by Green. Out of the alarm, the sorcerer of the Holy Grail of the Holy Grail is uneasy: "Return to the depths of the void and find another time?"

After all, two space fortresses have been lost. If there is any loss, the task will be judged as a failure.

"No, these virtual airships are very fast. Far from the space fortress, if you fall back to the depths of the void, you will be caught up in a devastating disaster. Was it a war machine that was good at virtual combat?"

After Green vetoed the proposal of the Flame Holy Grail, the three-color light became a line, and he clenched his teeth and said: "There is only one choice now, and all rushed in!"

Green pointed to the world of Gu Long, which only needed a few empty hourglass flight distances. He screamed low and the voice was a little nervous because of a little tension.

After suppressing a few breaths, the arc thundercloud decided.

"Crash in!"

After receiving the operational instructions, the 18-space space fortress operational headquarters were all in full. .` rushing to the distant world that seems to represent the hope of life.

The sacred sorcerer wants a distant space fortress, but no one else will escape first.

It is not a last resort, even if the mission fails, we must do our utmost to save a large number of scarce resources on the front line of the war to the hands of the real wizard.

Taking out the crystal ball, Green began to observe the relative degree of the virtual mothership group and his 18-seat space fortress, and derived the time to meet the two.

“Can it be faster?”

It seems that some calculation results have been obtained. Green took out the crystal ball and asked the Space Fortress Operation Command. The voice was a little anxious.

"No, it has already given the highest performance of the space fortress!"

Several space fortresses responded in unison.

Green walked back and forth on the edge of the space fortress and walked. Suddenly an element teleported through the defensive hood and appeared in the void to open the elemental body. It began to use its powerful repulsion witchcraft to make eighteen space fortresses, but this is 18 space fortresses. The time saved by Greene is only about a third of an hourglass.

This is insignificant compared to the virtual airship fleet, which is almost twice the space fortress.

“Is this useful?”

Xiao Ba was protected by the black flame of the soul of the soul, and asked Green in the void.

"You can only do your best. In this way, the virtual airship group should meet before the space fortress enters the hour of the hour before the Gulong big world. I hope that the Terminator Corps in these virtual aircraft carriers is limited. Otherwise, even us. I am afraid there will be danger."

Xiao Ba holds his head and almost mad.

"Ah! Oh, Mom, I don’t want to die, I just want to be a cannon fodder when I start the battle of civilization. This is a play that has a supporting role. Ah..."

嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

The space fortress that opened the highest performance advancement, there were some slight vibrations, and the performance began to become extremely unstable. This made Green's impression of the metal destruction of the metal destroyer civilization in the rotten world, and the most direct change.

Relatively, the Wizarding World's high use of the rules of destiny leverages, and thus abandons the way of the sky city's virtual expansion, the metal destroyer civilization is deeper into the virtual warfare, and the two civilized exhibition routes have begun to become completely different.

Can't say who is good or who is bad, just under different historical cultures, better use of their own conditions.

"Stop them!"

The arc thundercloud roared, and Green and several other sacred marks left the fortress, stood in the void, and opened the elements to prepare for the end.

The space fortress has only a final distance to enter the world of Gu Long, and it must not be abandoned halfway.

"One hundred and twenty-three, one hundred and twenty-four, one hundred and twenty-five, the mother egg, one hundred and twenty-five virtual host ships, these have to play!"

Each virtual mothership is up to a kilometer long, about three times as large as the Wizard World Space Airship. The outer layer is at the position of the defensive hood. Without the influence of mysterious forces, even the Lord of the World cannot easily destroy it. It is now that Green is never willing to try a frontal shot.

Hold your breath!

The sacred sorcerer, as the top creature in the world of the hunter-destroy expedition, faced with this huge fleet of virtual motherships, even though there were seven full people, they still felt the inner tension and temper.

Even for the two sides of the Gulong World War, this fleet is only a small investigation team, and even more civilized battles of the entire battlefield of the vast world community!

Closer, closer, for the existence of the sacred sorcerer, the distance of 10,000 meters is the most direct attack range, and even the impact of the terrorist fleet's ongoing attack can be felt ~www.novelmtl.com~ bang!

At this moment, the violent energy shock came from inside the world of the ancient dragons, and the face of Green Truth looked at it. Only a complete towering mountain was thrown out after a wave of fluctuations in the rune. In the middle of the seven people in front, the incomparably suppressed virtual airship fleet.

Booming rumbling...

The violent explosion came, and the continuous, sturdy at position of the cup was easily shredded. After a few glances, Green immediately reacted, but here is the sky above the ancient dragon world controlled by the Wizarding League!


Ps: Chinese New Year, the last day of the year, the six-month graduation of the egret, the 19th month of the "Sorcerer's Journey", walked with everyone, grow up with everyone's support, very happy! The Egret gives everyone a happy New Year, a happy new year, and a sable skin. I also wish that the new works of the coming year will be accepted by more people and bring you enjoyment of reading. (To be continued.)



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