A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1024: Reproduction of "Inflammation of the Soul"

After seven months.

After an attack by the ancient dragon knight and the metal robot elite army, the space fortress was unmatched by a huge number of wizarding corps, and then easily defeated by the nearby wizarding army.

Experienced a time and space tide, this is the unique rules of the Gulong world.

The time and space tide completely eliminates the energy release, otherwise it will be triggered by the special rules of the world according to the energy, and will be randomly transmitted to the distance from the chaotic time and space.

In the combat command room, the entire energy application of the space fortress was closed, and it waited for a few days. After the time and space tide passed, the 18 space fortresses still deviated from the original coordinates of several hundred miles to tens of thousands of miles, which was quite dangerous.

If you try to use energy resistance in the tide of time and space, it is randomly transmitted to the distant metal continent...

After hundreds of large and small battlefield wrecks, small-scale battlefield remnants can be seen almost every day, and can be compared with the first large-scale battlefields seen, no less than ten.

The tragic level of war in this world can be seen.

In this way, after seven months of trepidation, I watched the more than two hundred space fortresses hanging high in the sky, feeling the faint depressing atmosphere in the air. Everyone knows the ultimate purpose of the mission. The land is about to arrive, the Seventh Ring Santa Foreword Base!

The space fortress is faintly greeted by the demon wizards and the sorcerers.

After years of constant intensification of the will of the wizards, these descendants of the lower generations have already devoted themselves to the war as a lifelong glory and bloody.

Of course, in terms of contrast, it is more valuable to play your own strength and violently die on the battlefield than to hide in the space fortress and pray for fate.

At least be able to play to yourself and try to dominate your own destiny.

With the distance from the seven-ring Santa expedition to the frontier base is getting closer. A large number of Gulong and Gulong world native creatures, which were driven by the Demon Sorcerer in all directions to the base of the Seventh Ring, let Green and Xiao Ba detect some anomalies.

"Hey? Is this to enslave them?"

Xiao Ba is puzzled.

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

On the ground, the Wizarding Legion opened a passage between a mountain range.

These Gulong world native creatures were driven by the Wizarding Legion. The sub-levels of life are uneven, and some of the weak creatures are on the way to the base of the Seventh Ring Santa. Suddenly, there was no reason to explode and die. The blood and water splashed, as if it had been subjected to some kind of oppression and oppression.

This is the result of being shocked by the pressure when the life of the entry level is close to the powerful life of the seventh level or above!

The gap in the level of life is too great, and it has reached the point where it is impossible to look up, almost close to the mysterious phenomenon.

Such a scene, the ancient dragons who attracted the souls of these somatosensory souls are more fearful. However, he was waved by the indifferent hunting wizard and continued to ruthlessly drive to the depths of the Seventh Ring Base.

The cologne of this world is different from the abyss.

The Abyss Flying Dragon is a specific creature standing on the top of the evolution of the food chain of countless abyss monsters, and is classified as an abyss dragon.

These ancient dragons are the creatures that dominate the blood of this world time, and combined with the Aladdin who has the ability to purify the blood, can exert greater potential in the deep veins.

The slender neck, two pairs of feather wings, and the skin are covered with bright scales, which can be connected to the body of the Oladin by a sensory organ on the neck. The combination of the two becomes the world famous powerful dragon knight!

It is only now that the famous Dragon Knights, which were originally in the surrounding world, are intermingled between the Wizarding Alliance and the Metal Destroyer Civilization. It is not enough to watch.

Aladdin, blue skin humanoid creature, born hunter, adult body height of more than three meters, vitality is generally more than 80, more powerful.

"There are some meanings of the Oladin people who love nature, maintain harmony, and protect the Ola tree. According to their culture, the Ola tree of the whole world should be a system of unity and form a common will. Isn't that the rule?"

Green muttered, guessing.

"But now half of the world has been conquered by the wizards. In addition to the time of the ancient dragons, there is no second world of will-building community in the world. Now catching so many specimens, it seems not to supplement slaves or for this will Community."

call out! call out!

In the distance, two sacred sorcerers flew over with tens of thousands of hunters and hunters, and checked the space fortress. The three-level curse of the great wizard was actually protected by two sacred sorcerers.

Careful investigation of one space fortress, including the combat command, did not let go, 18 space fortresses stayed in place for two days, the cursed wizard did not search for the disguised black terminator, let go.

After crossing this mountain range, even if you officially came to the 7th Ring Real Spirit Wizard Base.

The busy hunters and hunters of the Ming and Qing dynasty sorcerers, one after another driven by the will of the higher wizards, rushing around, riding in the mechanical bees, it is difficult to count the darkness of the dark wizard, the spaceship and the space fortress are intertwined, casting large shadows on the ground. There are too many slave monsters scattered, and the ground is densely crowded. From time to time, a slave monster is summoned by the demon wizards.

This is by no means the ecological circle of the ancient dragon world. This is the super base of the sorcerer's world seven-ring true spirit sorcerer who has entangled many holy sorcerers and hundreds of alliance world owners.

The arc thundercloud sorcerer and the free dandelion sacred sorcerer went to see the seven-ring true spirit wizard, handing over the mission, and this mission can finally be successfully completed.

Several other sorcerers were disbanded on the spot and took a short break.

After all, it is the front line of the Wizarding League in the Gulong World. This world-specific resource is more or less there. It is also much easier to collect information on the war of civilization.

After all, Green is the birth of the Seventh Ring Santa, where the sacred sorcerer knows a little.

After thinking about it, Green didn't choose to contact the relatively familiar ones with the bones of the bell tower as the first few sacred sorcerers. Instead, he contacted the world of the first hunter magic expedition mystery, following the singer's secret language sorcerer!

The annihilation tower wizard school was established, and the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s college also sent a gift.


Three days later.

A white high-necked hat, a pair of illusory green light wings stretched behind him, holding a light blue radiant magic wand, a bright black hair under the short hair, calm, and listening to the secret language sorcerer did not change much.

In contrast, Green has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Beside the sacred sorcerer's body, the tomb's words and the tomb's words are also in the same place. The three are all five, and there are six strange sorcerers.

At this time, the task of the nine people is building a different kind of altar. For this altar, Green feels a bit familiar. www.novelmtl.com~ annihilation tower green..."

A little cold. A few more powerful friends in the battle of civilization will not be a bad thing, especially the holy marks of these wizards, and they are more enthusiastic about this.

Green also hopes to learn more about the war situation from a few people.


A month later.

Seven people from the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road rejoined. This time, some of the resources of the Gulong World will be transported back to the World of Fire. Because the number is not huge, they are placed in the space magic wand. .

"Mom, it turned out that these guys used the material of the "World of Fire" to open the door to the world. Although the world of the world is not far away from the world of the world, it is necessary to open the door to space and space that provides space for freedom. How many souls are there! The Oladin and Gu Long of this continent seem to be extinct."

Xiaoba looked down on the ground, and the prisoners who came from this source of the mainland continued to grieve for a few seconds. (To be continued.)

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