A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1021: Nether giant

Seven months later. ????`c?o?m

In the end, Green's 22nd District Stiggage Group decided to take the path of the Netherstorm through the Nether Road to the Gulong World.

Twenty space fortresses, seven guards of holy marks.

Although there are a large number of slave monsters, mechanical warriors, and wizarding corps, the power that can be swept in the endless void is almost negligible. Here is the battlefield of the world's Lord and even the dominating.

Over the years, Green has had some clear and intuitive understanding of his twenty-two district seven-person stigma group.

First, the free dandelion sacred mark wizard, so far, Green has not seen these sacred traces of the sacred mark wizard directly, it is in the starry world against the powerful imaginary emperor avatar, but also wholeheartedly assist the flame sacred mark and Arc thunderclouds, magic recovery, attack increase, attack bounce refraction, magic increase, and wizard healing are all recent abilities.

According to the dark observation of the face of Green Truth, this holy mark wizard, I am afraid it is not true!

The Flame Holy Grail and the Arc Thundercloud Stigma Wizard are the main force in the squad. The two holy sorcerers have a strong attacking ability, but the Flame Holy Grail is a thick and steady, and the arc thundercloud is a violent attack.

Wei Lide old witch, this is a sacred sorcerer with a wide network of people in the wizarding world. Apart from the sacred sorcerers in various regions, even the true spirit wizards have many intersections. This makes Green can't help but guess that this five-level sacred mark A wizard, probably a teacher or a **** relationship with a true wizard!

The **** songs of the Holy Worship Wizard, in addition to their own proficient in sound wave machine, occult knowledge, the **** fat cat is afraid of the same as the small eight, with some special abilities, this is the group's most mysterious Green.

The rainbow medicinal sacred sorcerer matches the image of the big mouse. The sacred sorcerer who is good at heterogeneous time and space communication is afraid of being the richest of all, and the final card power of everyone, otherwise it will not be in the battle of civilization. In the final preparation process, everyone took the risk to conquer the starry world to collect astrology and blood for the rainbow medicine. ????`c?o?m and asked Green to cooperate.

Finally, it is Green.

The three-color bounces, Green stands at the edge of a space fortress defensive hood and takes out the crystal ball. It is the information of the arc thundercloud.

"The six-month journey ahead will arrive at the airstorm raging area, and the various operational headquarters will be careful to guard against the Netherland attack."

After the arc thundercloud slammed a sentence, as the head of the task squad, the first to rush into the turbulent storm. Other space fortresses that were not guarded by space fortresses were also missing.

Nether creatures are regular creatures that live in an endless world of balance.

There are no concepts of life and death in the Void, and there is no concept of social clustering. Some just swallowed each other from the first day of the birth of the Void Worm until it evolved into a world, replacing the broken world and maintaining an endless world balance.

Since the void creatures do not have the concept of social clustering, the people finally chose this material transportation route. The more powerful the virtual creature is, the bigger the volume, and there is no concept of sneak attack.

"Mom. I want to say that I am better off taking the world debris passage. At least the slave army and the wizarding army can be used. The robotic corps dare to ambush with them, and they can hone down! Go here, hey, If you come across a general void creature, you can meet people who are bigger than the world..."

A hollow worm of only a few dozen meters and tens of meters grows up in the vaginal emptiness of the eutrophic emptiness. Occasionally, some imaginary void creatures are far away after these material worlds are not guests. It is. ??.??`c?om 20 space fortresses connected into a line, slowly moving forward.

A few days later, Xiao Ba’s stinky mouth was fulfilled!

"Look, look! Mom. What am I saying!?"

In the emptiness of the void, twenty 10,000-meter-diameter space fortresses are so small in front of this behemoth. This head is almost equivalent to a six-horse horrible incredible void creature, which is in the emptiness of the void. It devours the worms and weak emptiness of the body that are too late to escape.

Think about it!

Facing the horror creatures that are the size of a large 6th, these are only a few kilometers of vanity in flight. What kind of degree can I escape? What a despair!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Seven sacred sorcerers flew out together, and at the same time opened the real body, the volume has expanded to more than 100 meters, the power of the elements is stirring, and the power of the full magical power and the power of the void constantly disappeared, looking up This is like a horrible regular creature floating in the void.

"So big..."

At a closer distance, Green looked up and observed the empty giant in the face of truth, and could not help but secretly swallowed his mouth.

If in the material world, low-level creatures from the beginning to the end of this void giant, I am afraid that it will take several days to fly.

"The first time I saw the Lord of the Void World? Don't worry, these guys have enough wisdom to communicate with us, not to mention that it is huge, but it is only equivalent to a level 4 creature to a level 5 creature. Our threat is not very big, and in general we can..."

Rainbow Pharmacy Stigma Sorcerer is confidently talking, far away, to the arc of the thundercloud witch who tried to communicate in front of this huge void creature, suddenly angered and said: "You dare to ignore us!"

Suddenly, the faces of the seven people changed.

Although this huge void creature does not pose much threat to several people, several people are not willing to threaten it for a short time. This is the relationship between material creatures and vanity.

However, for the mission materials...

"Get out!"

This volume is like a big 6-negative horror creature, and roaring, regardless of the front of the wizarding corps, rampage, relative to the unparalleled size of the void creature, whether it is to open the element of the real body of the holy mark wizard, or space fortress, It is like a mound of trees next to a mountain, which is insignificant.

"court death!"

In an instant, the seven sacred sorcerers stalked the violent emptiness, and the arc fire and rain attacked constantly, smearing the bodies of hundreds of meters and thousands of emptiness, which was already a devastating blow to the general creature. In terms of biology, it is a trivial trauma, and it is still ignoring everything and is really abnormal.

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

Twenty space fortresses destroyed the giant cannons. When the top was ejected, it was only a dozen meters. When it was swept through the void to the empty giant, it was already more than two hundred meters in diameter, and the mighty power and the void. The forces cancel each other out, and the devastating beams collide in a row, so that the source continues to attack for more than a dozen seconds. Even if this huge and unbelievable void giant can not help but snarl after a lifetime of pain, it stops.

"There was some effect at the end, and I thought I would completely ignore our attack."

Green is talking, the space fortress destroys the beam of light and gradually subsides. However, this emptiness of the emptiness of the creature will not stop, but will be more dramatic.

A few people glanced at each other, but they were still unclear, so they were still in front of this empty creature, and they were trying to get away from the space fortress.


Inexplicable repression, like the crisis in the distant direction, several insignificant figures that open the elemental body are in front of this empty giant, and keenly aware of this change.

"A stronger emptiness?"


With a violent turbulence that is almost a few times stronger, from behind this empty giant, the intensity is so strong that even a few sacred sorcerers are somewhat unstable. www.novelmtl.com~ On the contrary, this emptiness, a monster that confronts several sacred sorcerers, retreats in the roar of will?

"What happened to it?"

Numerous inflamed bird heads were guarded, and Green's Extreme Abyss wand covered the facade, and asked the rainbow medicinal sorcerer who was swayed by the void and swayed.

"I don't know, it won't be..."

After a few hourglass hours.

A sacred sorcerer who has traveled a long distance in the void, sensing an incredible void creature that is afraid of being bigger than the small world, is consuming the previous one that only has one-third to one-quarter of its void. Biological scenes, long time is hard to say.

The mutual engulfment of the void creatures lasts for hundreds or thousands of years, and the violent emptiness of the vain is only a short time to go, even though the wizards are afraid of being reluctant to pay attention to these amazing empty creatures. (To be continued.)



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