A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 127 I am really underestimated

Richiel's thinking is clear.

That is

——War of attrition!

Use your own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses.

There are as many "flying sticks" as you want.

But the opponent's physical and mental strength are limited.

One goes down and the other goes up.

The advantage is mine!

Very good idea.

In fact, the 'flying stick' controlled by Richel did cause some trouble for Jotaro and Giorno.

However, the combat experience of the two generations of JOJO is too rich.

Seeing that the 'Flying Stick' could not be completely eliminated, they simply placed the main target of attack on Richiel's body.

Jotaro's thoughts moved slightly, and he controlled the avatar to slam down.

'boom! ’

The ground cracked.

‘Platinum Star’ picked up a few pieces of broken cement and threw them out in a standard pitching posture!

Not far away, Richiere, who thought he was sure of victory, suddenly changed his expression.

No time to think too much.

He quickly crouched down with his head in his hands.

The next second.

Concrete blocks like anti-tank guns flew past my scalp.

After touching the top of his head and confirming again that he was still alive, Richiel carefully raised his head.

Then, he gasped for air. His whole body felt like he had just been fished out of the water, and he could not stop sweating.

Hey, hey, hey, that's too exaggerated.

that kind of power

It’s simply a foul!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jotaro lowered the brim of his hat, "It actually missed."


The attack just now was obviously just a test.

See through, don’t tell.

Giorno raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

On the side, ‘Golden Experience·Quiet’ is following the same example.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Pieces flew.

Richiel and Vansus' expressions froze.

It's definitely too late to hide.

Only by facing it head-on can we have hope of survival!

It's too late, but it's soon.

The ‘Underworld’ ability is activated.


A Torosaurus roared out of the ground, and by chance it blocked the cement fragments thrown by the 'Golden Experience Requiem'.

Vansus breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he sneered: "Idiots, let's see the primitive power 70 million years ago!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the heavy tank-like Torosaurus rushed towards the direction of Jotaro and Giorno.

Richiel did not give up this opportunity and controlled the 'flying stick' to launch a surprise attack.

"Hey, hey, hey, things are getting troublesome." Jotaro put one hand in his pocket and asked calmly, "Giorno, are you okay with that?"

"I'm in good shape, Mr. Kujo." Giorno smiled.

"Okay, in that case, let's go."

After saying that, Jotaro took a step forward.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Time stands still.

He lowered the brim of his hat and said expressionlessly: "Look carefully, dinosaurs are indeed not cute at all."

I, Jotaro Kujo, am an oceanographer.

I only smoke Hemen, and I only love Pink Dolphins in my life!

As if he couldn't hear the main body's thoughts, the 'Platinum Star' clenched his fists and aimed at the Torosaurus to deliver a punch.

‘Ola-Ola-Ola-Ola-Ola-Ola-Ola! ’

What about ancient creatures.

The photo is correct!

Five seconds flew by.

‘Platinum Star’ flew back behind Jotaro.

Jotaro put his hands in his pockets and said word by word: "Time begins to flow."

Five seconds.


Not to mention dinosaurs.

Even if it were replaced by an 'interstellar dinosaur', it wouldn't be able to withstand it!

In the horrified eyes of Vansus, the rough-skinned and fleshy Torosaurus collapsed.

On the other side, Giorno was not idle either.

‘Golden Experience. Requiem’ looks like a ghost, nimbly shuttling between hundreds of ‘flying sticks’.

‘Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! ’

The requiem rang out.

Everything is nothing.

Those 'flying sticks' can never achieve the "reality" of attack.

The tables are turned.

Richiel remained calm and silent.

Fansus swallowed nervously and whispered: "Richiel, we have delayed enough time for Mr. Father, it is time to retreat."

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

If we don’t withdraw now, when will we wait?

As the saying goes:

‘Follow the wind and wave, invest against the wind’

You have to vote when it's time to vote.

Who to torture.

You can't torture yourself.

Vansus thought it would be better to continue fighting with the two non-human beings over there.

Might as well start the next game quickly.

Unexpectedly, Richiel disagreed.


After hearing this, three black lines appeared on Fansusi's forehead.


The teammate who surrendered without hesitation in the face of strong headwinds appeared!

Meeting Vansus' puzzled eyes, Richiel explained: "The connection in the dark will allow us to sense each other's position. Even if we escape, where can we escape to?"

After pausing for a few seconds, he continued, "And through observation, I have almost guessed the opponent's ability. Believe me, we can win this battle.

For a while, you are like this, and like this.”

in short.

Don't vote, just follow the command, I'll do C this time.

After pondering for a moment, Vansus gritted his teeth and said: "Richiel, please don't let me down."


Richiel nodded heavily.

As they spoke, Jotaro and Giorno got closer to the two of them.

Ten meters, seven meters, five meters.

Eight eyes facing each other.

Four hearts beating wildly.

Glancing at the faces of Vansus and Richiel, Giorno had a strange feeling that he couldn't explain.

Want to get close?


Want to stay away?

Not right either.

Shaking his head, he took the initiative and said, "Before I risk my consciousness and fight, I want to know your names."

Richiel and Vansus looked at each other with different expressions and said, "Donatello Vansus."


‘Donatello Vansus’ and ‘Richiel’?

Giorno kept these two names in mind and introduced himself: "I am Giorno Giovanna."

The words fall.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Suddenly, Richiel looked pious and whispered: "The priest said that DIO's blood will help him ascend to "heaven." "

'Mr. Father'

Enrique Pucci?

Giorno's expression remained unchanged, "So, you two are our enemies for such a boring reason?"

"This is a fate that cannot be changed, cannot be escaped, and cannot be resisted. Giorno, please allow me to call you this, Giorno, you are just like me,

So, this is your destiny too. "




Giorno's thoughts suddenly flew far away.

He thought of his former enemies.

I also thought of my deceased friends.

A word of "fate" has ruined many precious people and things.

At this time, Jotaro interjected: "Whether it's prophecy or destiny, I just ask you one thing, are you going to stop us from looking for Enrique Pucci?"

High EQ: Is it necessary to prevent us from finding Enrique Pucci?

Low EQ: If you don’t want to be beaten, get out!

In society, my brother Cheng is ruthless and doesn't talk much.

Richiel smiled and scratched his temples naturally.

Seeing the code, Vansus hurriedly activated his substitute ability, "Let everything that happened in the past happen again before my eyes, 'Underworld'!"

The "incident" reappears.

Jotaro and Giorno suddenly felt the evil wind blowing behind them.

‘Platinum Star’ looked back and punched.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when his fist was swung out, the "Invincible Stand" hesitated for the first time in his life, and hurriedly turned his fist into a palm, from beating to supporting.

Nani! ?

Feeling the substitute's emotions, Jotaro turned his head.

But what they saw coming from behind was the SUV business car that Xu Lun and others were riding in.

Richiel was ecstatic.


Just as he expected.

These two people pay special attention to their companions.

Not to be missed!

The ability of ‘Flying into the Sky’ is activated.

Countless 'flying sticks' are covering your head!

It's a waste of time to say it, but in fact, it only took more than a second from the time the SUV manifested to the time the 'Platinum Star' closed its fists.

Things took a turn for the worse.

Jotaro looked solemn and activated 'Time Stop' without thinking.


Time stops again.

He pressed the brim of his hat, hoping to knock off Richiel and Vansus.

However, when he saw Vansus pointing into the distance on the eve of the 'Time Stop', he was stunned for a moment and had to temporarily suppress his thoughts. After changing the car's driving trajectory, he rushed to a certain direction like a meteor.

It turns out that the target of the 'flying stick' is not only Jotaro and Giorno, but also Mista and "Weather Forecast" in the distance!

Either kill us and let your companions be buried with us.

Either rescue your companions and waste the 'time stop' in vain.

This is a conspiracy.

Jotaro had no choice at all.

Five seconds passed.

The time stop ends.

After coming back to their senses, Richiel and Vansus found that the only person in front of them was Giorno, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

From 2V2 to 2V1.

If I still lose, I will eat 'Hai Fei Tian Wai Wai'/'Underground World' on the spot!

Giorno blinked and said with a dumb smile: "So this is your purpose."

After a pause, he raised his head and said, "How should I put it? I've really been underestimated."

"It's useless to talk any more! Go to hell!" Richiel's face showed a ferocious look.

Without the guy who can stop time, Giorno Giovanna and the like are nothing to worry about!

In fact, I really don’t blame Richiel for being blind.

Although 'pause time' sounds mysterious, as long as you observe more, there are still traces to follow.

What about the ability of ‘Golden Experience. Requiem’?

That thing can't be seen just by looking at it.


Jotaro's face was full of cruelty, and he almost had the word 'invincible' written on his forehead.

Giorno is as handsome as anyone with golden hair. He usually sits in the office, pampered, protected from wind and rain, and has good skin.

He looks like a pretty boy.

Pick the persimmons softly.

If you don't bully him, who will you bully?

Richiel and Vansus, who thought their plan was successful, were so happy that they attacked Giorno one after another.

Giorno lowered his head and said methodically: "I, Giorno Giovanna, have had a dream since I was a child, and that is to become a Yangko STAR. For this dream, I have paid a lot of price, and even lost friends who were worthy of my life.

In order to see him again, I will do whatever it takes. Even if you and I share the same blood, I will never admit that you are my brothers or my relatives. "

He raised his head with a stern look in his eyes, as if he was an emperor delivering the verdict on Vansus and Richiel.

"I will not forgive you because the "evil" you reveal from your bones makes me feel uncomfortable.

Donatello Vansus, Richiel, sink forever in lamentations.

Golden experience. Requiem! "

As we all know, the Joe family has more than just a once-in-a-lifetime flashback.

At certain moments, the speed of speaking lines will be inexplicably accelerated, as if "Made in Heaven" is turned on.

With the last word spoken, the attacks of the 'Flying Stick' and 'Underworld' were approaching.

However, the ability of ‘Golden Experience. Requiem’ was also successfully activated.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!"

In the midst of the father's words and son's roar, Vansus and Richiel were directly knocked away, unable to get up again.

The war situation is final!

"Strange, why did I have the urge to shout 'wryyyy' just now?"

After the battle, Giorno curled the hair on his forehead with his fingers and murmured to himself in confusion.

At this moment, Jotaro, "Weather Forecast" and Mista, who had recovered their health, ran over.


Mista stepped forward quickly, "Are you okay?"

"How could something happen to me?" Giorno was extremely happy when he saw the lively Mista, "It's you."

"It's a long story, but in short, it was the brother in the hat who cured me." Mista said truthfully.

Seeing Giorno looking at him, the warm man "Weather Forecast" coughed lightly, "I found that the temperature in the places where Mista's lesions occurred was lower than normal.

So, I used my stand to create a range of high temperatures.

Unexpectedly, it actually cured him. "

Hearing this, Giorno nodded to "Weather Forecast" and said, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

If conditions hadn't allowed, Rong Rong would have grabbed the "Weather Forecast" by the neck and said, "When you come to Italy from now on, I'll protect you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's talk about the gossip later, it's time for us to set off."

Jotaro pressed the brim of his hat.

"Don't forget, Enrique Pucci is still waiting for the "new moon" to rise.

Now that Jon is nowhere to be seen, we can only rely on our own strength to stop the guy. "

Meanwhile, several kilometers away.

"Hurry up, Ames!" Xu Lun kept urging the good sisters, "Press the accelerator to the end!"

Ames shifted gears silently.

Driving too fast (×)

Flying too low (√)

Should I say it or not, this sister Ames is really cool.

No matter what, just speed up and that's it.

Emporio in the back seat was trembling with fear.

Anna Sui's face also looked very ugly.

On the other hand, F.F, one of the 'Three Sisters in Prison', shouted excitedly.

Wuhu, take off!

A few hundred meters further.

Shota in baseball uniform couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Sister Ames, you have to pay attention to your safety."

"Don't worry, although I don't have a driver's license, my skills are not guaranteed." Ames smiled proudly.

After saying this, Anna Sui and Emporio suddenly changed their expressions.


It took a long time.

You don't have a driver's license?

F.F expressed confusion and patted Xu Lun curiously, "What is a driver's license?"

Xu Lun, who had shouted to Ames to step on the accelerator not long ago, was honest.

She said nothing and held the side handle firmly.

I was wrong.

I was really wrong.

I shouldn't have let Ames touch that steering wheel in the first place!

Just thinking about it.

The car body trembled slightly.

The four tires slowly lifted into the air.

Xu Lun was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted.

"No, it's the enemy's substitute attack!"

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